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Chinese Like India Less

Major Shaitan Singh

Dec 7, 2010
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By Richard Wike, Special to CNN
Editor’s note: Richard Wike is associate director of the Pew Global Attitudes Project. The views expressed are his own.

Tensions are mounting between China and its Asian neighbors, most recently overlong-disputed territories in the South China and East China Seas. At the same time, the negative coverage that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton received in state-run Chinese media during her trip to Beijing last month underscored ongoing differences between China and the U.S. on a host of issues. But tensions like these are not just apparent at the diplomatic level or in government propaganda. Now, as China prepares for its once-in-a-decade leadership transition, the Chinese public is increasingly hostile toward rival nations, according to polling by the Pew Global Attitudes Project. This can only complicate Beijing’s relations with its neighbors and global rivals in the years ahead.

In particular, Chinese sentiment about the U.S. has cooled over the last few years. In 2010, 68 percent of Chinese characterized their country’s relationship with the U.S. as one of cooperation, while just 8 percent said it was one of hostility. Now, only 39 percent describe ties in terms of cooperation and 26 percent say they are hostile.

But the U.S. isn’t the only country getting negative reviews from the Chinese. The current Pew Global Attitudes survey, which is based on a disproportionately urban sample in China, finds that opinions about India have also soured. Today, 39 percent describe China’s relationship with India as one of cooperation, down from 53 percent in 2010. The Chinese are also much more skeptical about whether economic growth in India is a good thing for China – in 2010, six in ten held this view, but only 44 percent do so now.

Views about Japan are even more negative. Roughly four-in-ten (41 percent) say the relationship with Japan is one of hostility, while just 30 percent describe it in terms of cooperation. Meanwhile, the EU, Pakistan, and Iran all also receive largely negative ratings from the Chinese public. Of all the countries and institutions respondents were asked to rate, Russia gets the highest marks. Still, less than half (48 percent) view Russia favorably.

sorry, we has none ectra time to meke hostile to others, and who stand for the "world" or "International community"??? Do any one think Africa, China,Russia, India, Middle east, South America.. belong to "International community"??? Some one had called these place to listen "International community“, so I don't think these place belong to "International community"
More Chinease view India favourably than Pakistan..

Good news for both country..

Russia- 48 %
US-39 %
India- 39 %
Pakistan- 31 %

Japan- 30 %

31 percent of Chinese have a favourable view of Pakistan: Pew - PakTribune

Stop lying there is only 23% favorable views on India. And 49% of the Chinese public wants cooperation with Pakistan the highest amongst all nations. But personally if you ask me this whole public opinion thing is nothing more than a bunch of rubbish. 1200 people's opinion representing 1,35 billion ? Give me a break.
Stop lying there is only 23% favorable views on India. And 49% of the Chinese public wants cooperation with Pakistan the highest amongst all nations. But personally if you ask me this whole public opinion thing is nothing than an bunch of rubbish. 1200 people's opinion representing 1,35 billion ? Give me a break.

negative view of Pakistan too? thats interesting...

CNN could very easily have massaged the findings to fit its own agenda. It is no secret that the West has tried to sow seeds of discord between China and Pakistan. Depending on how a questionnaire is phrased, one can obtain any desired responses one wishes. In other words a survey can ask leading (biased) questions so that respondents are compelled to answer in a particular manner. Pakistan is not covered too extensively in China, but the coverage which Pakistan does get is predominantly positive. i haven't come across any Chinese coverage levelling criticism at Pakistan. (As a side note, Chinese media rarely portrays India in a negative light).
From the same PEW study (pewglobal.org/2012/10/16/growing-concerns-in-china-about-inequality-corruption/),


I think it is more like Chinese view on comprehensive national power.

And from the same study on relationship and cooperation,


Fewer See Cooperation with U.S., India

While a 39%-plurality of Chinese see their country’s relationship with the U.S. as one of cooperation, this is down sharply from 2010, when nearly seven-in-ten (68%) held this view. Meanwhile, about a quarter (26%) say the relationship with the U.S. is one of hostility, up from 8% two years ago.

Similarly, 39% in China view their relationship with India as one of cooperation, down significantly since 2010, when 53% saw the relationship positively.

Views toward China’s longtime regional rival, Japan, are even dimmer, with a 41%-plurality saying that relations between China and Japan are hostile, and only three-in-ten describing them as cooperative.

China’s relationship with Pakistan is much brighter, with nearly half of Chinese (49%) seeing the relationship as one of cooperation and only 10% describing it as one of hostility.

I wonder why the last paragraph somehow was excluded, while the other countries were all mentioned.
negative view of pakistan too? thats interesting...

These numbers on Pakistan and Iran are low because of negative coverage in the global media.

Keep in mind that Pakistani institutions (public and private) have done very little to market Pakistan to the Chinese public, and are content dealing only with the Chinese government.
if you define “the world” as the US and its stooges。:woot:

by the way,the whole Muslim world is hostile to the US,and the Muslim accounts for 40% of the world。
Have you guys been to China ? If you have, i hope you paid attention to their local radio and television channels ( the one responsible for conditioning citizens with propaganda ).

The crap they dish out on about India , Pakistan are unbelievable. There seems to be a very sincere effort in convincing everyone that democracy is "bad" by citing India as an example.
The views of Chinese people toward India are becoming more negative but they’re not much keener on Pakistan, according to the results of a new report.

The Pew Research Center report, released Tuesday, shows that two-thirds of Chinese respondents viewed India unfavorably and 23% favorably. By comparison, 43% of Chinese involved in the survey said they viewed the U.S. favorably.

Chinese attitudes to Pakistan – Beijing’s longstanding ally in the South Asia region – were not much warmer. The study showed that only 31% of respondents said they had a positive view of Pakistan.

What’s perhaps most notable in the report is that only 39% of respondents said they viewed Beijing’s relationship with India as one of cooperation, down significantly from 53% in 2010.

Such a trend shows the difficulties facing both countries as they try to improve relations. In 2010, Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao visited India with a large trade delegation, a trip which highlighted growing commercial ties between the two nations.

India’s expanding economy has led to demand for Chinese imports, growing new markets for items such as telecom equipment and power plant turbines. But the Pew study showed that only 44% of Chinese view India’s economic advance as positive, down from 60% at the time of Mr. Wen’s visit in 2010.

Those in China that consider India’s economic success as a negative have almost doubled in the same period.

Only 23% of Indians term their nation’s relationship with China as one of cooperation; only 24% think China’s growing economy is a good thing, Pew research shows.

These negative attitudes mean it’ll be hard for China and India to take bold measures needed to forge a long-lasting thaw in relations.

India and China fought a 1962 border war that Beijing won. Both countries still dispute the long Himalayan borders that separates them.

Efforts to solve the border issue over the years has gotten nowhere amid nationalist howling from both sides.

Despite increased trade, New Delhi remains wary of China’s moves to extend its maritime presence in the Indian Ocean, while Beijing has complained about India’s commercial activities in the South China Sea.

The low number of Chinese that have a favorable view of Pakistan – an enemy of India since 1947 – could reflect the country’s continued inability to stop Islamist militants from operating on its soil.

Beijing this year has complained about alleged links between Uighur separatist militants in northwestern China and Pakistan-based terrorist groups.

Chinese companies also have pulled out of deals in Pakistan due to security concerns.

But the Pew survey showed that Chinese in general view Pakistan as an ally, with 49% saying the relationship between the country was still one of cooperation.

Beijing continues to help Pakistan develop its civil nuclear program at a time when other countries, including the U.S., have refused to do so because of Islamabad’s history of nuclear proliferation.

It also has stepped in to help Pakistan’s economy. Recent Pakistan media reports say China’s government may increase its stake Pakistan’s Gwadar port, a facility on the Arabian Sea that Beijing helped fund a few years ago.

Chinese Like India Less - India Real Time - WSJ
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