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Featured Chinese light tanks won't survive in battle with T-90s, say Indian tank commanders


Sep 13, 2020
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China's light tanks won't survive in battle with T-90s, say Indian tank commanders
The Chinese have recently deployed and tested a light tank named T-15 and reports have been emanating in the Chinese media that the light tanks would be more suitable for operations in the tank territory in the valleys between high mountains in that region.

New Delhi: Engaged in a stand-off with the Chinese Army for over five months now, tank commanders of the Indian Army strongly feel that the Chinese light tanks won`t be able to survive in case there is an armoured battle between them and the formidable T-90 Bhismas of the Indian Army in the world`s highest tank battlefields in Eastern Ladakh and the Tibetan plateau.

India has deployed tanks in large numbers to counter the Chinese People`s Liberation Army`s aggressive manoeuvres along the Line of Actual Control where they have brought in their tanks and armoured personnel carriers and transgressed at multiple points there.

"I believe that in case there is a battle involving the tanks during the present situation and they deploy their light tanks, I can assure you that it won`t survive against our T-90s and the T-72s," a tank commander said on the condition of anonymity as he was not officially authorised to talk to the media.

The official was talking about the recent reports which suggested that the Chinese have deployed their light tanks opposite the Indian territory in Eastern Ladakh from the Sub-sector North to the southernmost parts of Ladakh including the Chumar-Demchok area

The Chinese have recently deployed and tested a light tank named T-15 and reports have been emanating in the Chinese media that the light tanks would be more suitable for operations in the tank territory in the valleys between high mountains in that region.

Also read | India deploys long-range missile Nirbhay to tackle Chinese threat

Another tank commander said the Indian T-90 and the T-72 along with the BMP-2 Infantry Combat Vehicles can operate in temperature ranges between 50 degrees to minus 40 degrees and they are deployable in all possible terrains and altitudes in the world.

Asked about the performance of the tank in the high mountainous terrain, the commander said the Russian-origin T-90 tank is very well-suited for operations in extreme cold weather conditions which exist in the country of origin of the tank.

Along the LAC, there are multiple locations where tanks have been deployed from both sides from Depsang plains in the DBO sector, the southern bank of Pangong lake including the Spanggur gap area and the Chumar-Demchok sector in the southern part.

Sources said the Chinese tanks and infantry combat vehicles including the T-99s and the PTZ have been deployed in significant numbers by the Chinese opposite Indian territory and backed by the long-range artillery and surface to air missile defence systems as part of its aggressive posturing against India since April-May timeframe this year.

Am sure Chinese technology is junk while Indian technology came from Sanskrit designs. Brovo Chinese should be shaking in their boots not due to cold but due to Indian super duper tank commander. T90 is a very capable tank but world have moved on the time it hit the market and now and it is by no means a world beater. Especially when Chinese have access to Russian technology and Indian can only look at Chinese sex on legs through pictures.
I love how India makes everything a Bollywood match up. Our tank is better than your tank. Our commando is better than your commando.

What Indian fanboys don't realise is that China will finish all these T-90s with rockets, stand off weaponry and drones. Their light tanks will enter the battlefield simply to take pictures of the wreckage.

In this particular battlefield, you drive, you die.
Your tank "commanders" might want to take a look at what is happening in Armenia and Azerbaijan.
Doesn't seem to be tank v tank battles but rather drones destroying tanks like shooting fish in a barrel.
Pakistan and China have the jets to secure the sky and lots and lots of drones to Pop Pop Pop Indian armor.
Many fool commanders. But that is India, right? Land where thanks to nepotism the dumbest and most useless are promoted.
Are indian commanders watching the Azerbaijan vs Armenia conflict and the use of drones? I think we may see a graveyard of T90's.
Your tank "commanders" might want to take a look at what is happening in Armenia and Azerbaijan.
Doesn't seem to be tank v tank battles but rather drones destroying tanks like shooting fish in a barrel.
Pakistan and China have the jets to secure the sky and lots and lots of drones to Pop Pop Pop Indian armor.
Many fool commanders. But that is India, right? Land where thanks to nepotism the dumbest and most useless are promoted.

Indians have those Israeli harop drones
Indians have those Israeli harop drones

oh okay. But drones are supposed to be a cheap a numbers game. India's drones seem awful expensive. Israel, the US, Russia and France will bankrupt India supplying arms. probably the idea all along.
China's drones are cheap and endless because China makes them.
oh okay. But drones are supposed to be a cheap a numbers game. India's drones seem awful expensive. Israel, the US, Russia and France will bankrupt India supplying arms. probably the idea all along.
China's drones are cheap and endless because China makes them.

How many drones does one need in a saturated area? Btw, the biggest exporter of drones is the Israelis.

You basing your 'going bankrupt' claim on some basic analysis you've done I suppose, or its more of the gut feeling I keep reading here?

I'm presuming you have seen what India spends as a percentage of its GDP on defense and what this limited small war if it happens, would cost?

I presume you done the same analysis on china, whose defense needs to go beyond India since they are in several border conflicts with 24 countries. Where they also have to match American spending and that of NATO?
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Indians have those Israeli harop drones
How many?

And what is the cost per unit? Remember these are loitering munitions.

Are you supposing that use of Chinese airspace will be without obstruction or the Chinese offensive operation will be without air defense support?

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