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Featured Chinese light tanks won't survive in battle with T-90s, say Indian tank commanders

How many?

And what is the cost per unit? Remember these are loitering munitions.

Are you supposing that use of Chinese airspace will be without obstruction or the Chinese offensive operation will be without air defense support?
Air defense? No, they have to dealt with these first, talking about drone.

How many drones does one need in a saturated area? Btw, the biggest exporter of drones is the Israelis.

You basing your 'going bankrupt' claim on some basic analytic analysis you've done I suppose, or its more of the gut feeling I keep reading here?

I'm presuming you have seen what India spends as a percentage of its GDP on defense and what this limited small war if it happens, would cost?

I presume you done the same analysis on china, whose def needs go beyond India since they are border conflicts with 24 countries, who have to match American spending and that of NATO, and then come with worldwide bases, as we have?

Wars have a habit of bankrupting nations or leaving them indebted to foreign bankers and thus those bankers servants. So obviously no, I don't do a analysis. I just look at history. I look at history so I don't repeat the mistakes of others. Hopefully, the mistakes I make will be my own and all original. :D
Wars have a habit of bankrupting nations or leaving them indebted to foreign bankers and thus those bankers servants. So obviously no, I don't do a analysis. I just look at history. I look at history so I don't repeat the mistakes of others. Hopefully, the mistakes I make will be my own and all original. :D

This will be a limited engagement if it happens. Those two powers will not go for an all-out war over that inhabitable piece of land they are eye to eye for the moment.

Frankly, This was never meant to be a war. I can't see even a limited action with China mired in border conflicts with 24 countries. It's Doklum 2.0 The Chinese have lost the narrative. The entire Chinese gameplan was to embarrass India and sit an advantage. They got checkmated by the Indians taking those higher peaks.
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T-90 variants should be capable of defeating Type 15 in strictly Tank versus Tank engagements but Chinese UAVs posit real threat and challenge to Indian MBTs on the other hand. Wider view of deployments on both sides is important consideration in this discourse.
This will be a limited engagement if it happens. Those two powers will not go for an all-out war over that inhabitable piece of land they are eye to eye for the moment.

Frankly, This was never meant to be a war. I can't see even a limited action with China mired in border conflicts with 24 countries. It's Doklum 2.0 The Chinese have lost the narrative. The entire Chinese gameplan was to embarrass India and sit an advantage. They got checkmated by the Indians taking those higher peaks.

Everyone is woke. What was meant to be is irrelevant. If China is under threat then the Chinese might as well strike first and get rid of India and the danger posed by the Strait of Malacca.
Everyone is woke. What was meant to be is irrelevant. If China is under threat then the Chinese might as well strike first and get rid of India and the danger posed by the Strait of Malacca.
ah, okay, you are looking at things from the prism of a video game - I get it. your comments now make sense. :wave: :rolleyes1:
This will be a limited engagement if it happens. Those two powers will not go for an all-out war over that inhabitable piece of land they are eye to eye for the moment.

Frankly, This was never meant to be a war. I can't see even a limited action with China mired in border conflicts with 24 countries. It's Doklum 2.0 The Chinese have lost the narrative. The entire Chinese gameplan was to embarrass India and sit an advantage. They got checkmated by the Indians taking those higher peaks.
Indeed, Chinese got embarrassed. Colonel babu slip and fall to death. Nothing to do with Chinese soldiers.
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China's light tanks won't survive in battle with T-90s, say Indian tank commanders
The Chinese have recently deployed and tested a light tank named T-15 and reports have been emanating in the Chinese media that the light tanks would be more suitable for operations in the tank territory in the valleys between high mountains in that region.

New Delhi: Engaged in a stand-off with the Chinese Army for over five months now, tank commanders of the Indian Army strongly feel that the Chinese light tanks won`t be able to survive in case there is an armoured battle between them and the formidable T-90 Bhismas of the Indian Army in the world`s highest tank battlefields in Eastern Ladakh and the Tibetan plateau.

India has deployed tanks in large numbers to counter the Chinese People`s Liberation Army`s aggressive manoeuvres along the Line of Actual Control where they have brought in their tanks and armoured personnel carriers and transgressed at multiple points there.

"I believe that in case there is a battle involving the tanks during the present situation and they deploy their light tanks, I can assure you that it won`t survive against our T-90s and the T-72s," a tank commander said on the condition of anonymity as he was not officially authorised to talk to the media.

The official was talking about the recent reports which suggested that the Chinese have deployed their light tanks opposite the Indian territory in Eastern Ladakh from the Sub-sector North to the southernmost parts of Ladakh including the Chumar-Demchok area

The Chinese have recently deployed and tested a light tank named T-15 and reports have been emanating in the Chinese media that the light tanks would be more suitable for operations in the tank territory in the valleys between high mountains in that region.

Also read | India deploys long-range missile Nirbhay to tackle Chinese threat

Another tank commander said the Indian T-90 and the T-72 along with the BMP-2 Infantry Combat Vehicles can operate in temperature ranges between 50 degrees to minus 40 degrees and they are deployable in all possible terrains and altitudes in the world.

Asked about the performance of the tank in the high mountainous terrain, the commander said the Russian-origin T-90 tank is very well-suited for operations in extreme cold weather conditions which exist in the country of origin of the tank.

Along the LAC, there are multiple locations where tanks have been deployed from both sides from Depsang plains in the DBO sector, the southern bank of Pangong lake including the Spanggur gap area and the Chumar-Demchok sector in the southern part.

Sources said the Chinese tanks and infantry combat vehicles including the T-99s and the PTZ have been deployed in significant numbers by the Chinese opposite Indian territory and backed by the long-range artillery and surface to air missile defence systems as part of its aggressive posturing against India since April-May timeframe this year.

These Indian T-90s will end up like Saddam's tanks in the 1991 and 2003 US invasions ... nothing but complete scrap metal on fire.
And Apache will make sure no PLA armour in Himalayas..
The Z-10s will be the worst nightmare for T-90s and T-72s besides drone attacks ... Indian armored formations are nothing more than very expensive coffins. How is the IA going to deal with massive formations of Chinese Z-10s and Z-19s when they have extremely rudimentary air defenses and the IAF is already completely destroyed? Your Apaches would have been destroyed by Chinese aircraft way before they even arrive on the battlefield. It would be much wiser to withdraw these precious assets further inland to prevent the inevitable Chinese drive southwards towards the plains.
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A drone vs a T-90.

Tank crew cannot detect a small drone because tank engine s are too noisy, and the crew paid attention to ground movement not the sky, they can hardly notice a small dot high up in the sky carrying a missile 5km away,

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A drone vs a T-90. Whichever the outcome, it is some metal pieces or 3 dead men and a destroyed tank.

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People really don't understand just how thin the top armor of MBTs really are ... that is why the German Stukas were so effective during World War II against massed Soviet armored formations up until the end of the war. You can see this again now when the Azerbaijani drones destroy those Armenian tanks with so much ease, even though the explosive warhead is not very large. Considering China is one of the top military drone makers, the Indian T-90s are just heavy, moving coffins. Forget the involvement of the Chinese Air Force, concentrated artillery fire and heavy drone strikes will be more than enough to finish off the IA.
Considering the terrain the one on one MBT battle scenario looks to be almost impossible the only use which is obvious is using MBTS for shelling enemy territory just like Indians have deployed their old tanks near PAK border.

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