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Chinese leader 'kept quite' about coronavirus - Xi's involvement in virus outbreak raises questions

This is a biological problem. I dintd get why everyone is being idealistically political about it.
Did you care to read? No you didn't because your mind is hard fixed on being pro China, and is evident in your reply.
Same kind of mindset who deny China's persecution of Muslims despite there being a great deal of evidence on the Internet, and reports from different Muslim fact finding missions from different nations, and even a statement by Imran Khan on "deliberate" silence on the issue.

Might want to take a dip into the water of reality and do some research on what you are talking about before talking about it?
You don't need to drag uyghurs issue in every thread. I see uyghurs issue same as TTP, mutki bahni, bla, bra issue. You create trouble and you face consequences. Yes there may be instances where there are wrong cases but that happen when you are at war. As a Pakistani who know how propaganda works, you should not be falling for such blatant propaganda which is in place to drag China economy down by no other than of course India and some western govts.
You don't need to drag uyghurs issue in every thread. I see uyghurs issue same as TTP, mutki bahni, bla, bra issue. You create trouble and you face consequences. Yes there may be instances where there are wrong cases but that happen when you are at war. As a Pakistani who know how propaganda works, you should not be falling for such blatant propaganda which is in place to drag China economy down by no other than of course India and some western govts.

How many Citizens of Pakistan are in "re-education camps" and how many women being raped in front of their family, and forced to sleep with non Muslim men, in the case of TTP, Mukti Bahni, and BLA?

Let's just accept we Pakistanis have little to nothing to do with Islam, let alone being some leader of the ummah and some pure souls that will fight Ghazwa Hind, and I'll be all good accepting our stance for Uighurs and condemning their men and women to horrible attrocities.

Because it takes this below to be Muslims
"And what is wrong with you that you fight not in the Cause of Allâh, and for those weak, illtreated and oppressed among men, women, and children, whose cry is: “Our Lord! Rescue us from this town whose people are oppressors; and raise for us from You one who will protect, and raise for us from You one who will help.” [004:075: Al Quran]"
Nothing scary than US propaganda which stood at the lowest level of human civil moral.

I think many of USA citizens know how bad their media is, as well as their government misdeed.

And most USA citizens just want peace and friends to all people in the world including Chinese, Russian and Iranian.

They don't want war and any conflict.

But it seems their democracy can do nothing.

As their government is getting more sophisticate on how to manipulate their own people, by creating an 'everybody' enemy, aka China and Russia.

So everyone will be emotional and logically clouded, while their government is free to massacre other human beings.

If one day USA doesn't have an enemy anymore, it's the USA government is going to be the enemy of their own people.

So the people need to be distracted by always looking for a new enemy to fight and to hate.
I think many of USA citizens know how bad their media is, as well as their government misdeed.

And most USA citizens just want peace and friends to all people in the world including Chinese, Russian and Iranian.

They don't want war and any conflict.

But it seems their democracy can do nothing.

As their government is getting more sophisticate on how to manipulate their own people, by creating an 'everybody' enemy, aka China and Russia.

So everyone will be emotional and logically clouded, while their government is free to massacre other human beings.

If one day USA doesn't have an enemy anymore, it's the USA government is going to be the enemy of their own people.

So the people need to be distracted by always looking for a new enemy to fight and to hate.
Not all american are good people. I am willing to bet more than 50% of american are racist and egotistic. That is why most of US media and congress are fill with such idiots. Another reason why a clown like Trump can be voted in as US president.


"We can't buy medicine with money, we can't go into the hospital room with money" she said

Fang Bin is second Chinese citizen journalist to vanish while reporting from coronavirus epicentre

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The Chinese government is revoking the press credentials of three Wall Street Journal reporters, the largest expulsion of overseas media from the country in more than three decades, over a coronavirus opinion piece.

The US news organisation's editor in chief Matt Murray decried the move as a "harsh and unprecedented action" and said "we will continue in the coming days to push for this action to be reversed".

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo also denounced the expulsion.


The Wall Street Journal journalists were expelled over an opinion piece they did not write themselves. (Wall Street Journal)

"Mature, responsible countries understand that a free press reports facts and expresses opinions. The correct response is to present counter arguments, not restrict speech," Mr Pompeo said.

The expulsions come as China faces intense international scrutiny over its handling of the novel coronavirus outbreak.

One of the Journal reporters, Chao Deng, is currently in Wuhan, "exposing herself to potential illness, to tell stories about the coronavirus," Murray said in an internal memo.

Speaking at a press briefing, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said the expulsion was due to an opinion piece published by the Journal on February 3, entitled "China is the real sick man of Asia".

"The editors used such a racially discriminatory title, triggering indignation and condemnation among the Chinese people and the international community," Mr Geng said.

"Regrettably, what the WSJ has done so far is nothing but parrying and dodging its responsibility.

"It has neither issued an official apology nor informed us of what it plans to do with the persons involved. ... As such, it is decided that from today, the press cards of three WSJ journalists will be revoked."


Patients infected with the coronavirus take rest at a temporary hospital converted from Wuhan Sports Centre in Wuhan. (Xinhua)

In an article about the expulsion, the Journal said Deng, reporter Philip Wen, and deputy bureau chief Josh Chin have been given five days to leave the country.

Chinese authorities have increasingly used visa restrictions to show displeasure with or exert pressure over foreign media in China.

Numerous foreign journalists have been placed on short-term visas instead of the standard one-year visa.

But it is highly unusual for an international journalist to be expelled from the country.

In a statement, the Foreign Correspondent's Club of China described the move to expel the three reporters as an "unprecedented form of retaliation against foreign journalists in China".

"FCCC member correspondents and their colleagues in China are suffering from an increasing frequency of harassment, surveillance and intimidation from authorities. The expulsion of these three WSJ reporters is only the latest, and most alarming, measure authorities have taken."


A Chinese man wears a protective mask as he walks by closed shops in a nearly empty commercial street in Beijing. (Getty)

The FCCC confirmed to CNN that the decision represented the largest single expulsion of foreign correspondents since 1989, and the first outright expulsion of a foreign correspondent since 1998.

Another Wall Street Journal reporter, Chun Han Wong, was effectively expelled from the country in August last year after the government declined to renew his press credentials following his co-authoring of a report on Chinese President Xi Jinping's cousin.

The move comes less than one day after United States officials announced they would be treating five major Chinese state-run media companies as effective extensions of the Chinese government.

A senior State Department official said on Tuesday that Xinhua, China Global Television Network, China Radio International, China Daily and People's Daily will be designated as "foreign missions," effective immediately.

The change will mean that the media companies will now need US government approval to buy or lease office space in the US and will have to register personnel changes with the US State Department.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry described the decision as "unreasonable and unacceptable" and maintained that China reserved the right to "respond further on this matter".

You must be a novel breed of the genocidals to come up with this title. These genocidals should have been captured and injected with COVID-19 + Ebola Viruses and then post the videos of them dying on YouTube.

The Novel Breed of Genocidals (NBoG):
"Real Sick Man of Asia" is too far and the reaction of China is justified. Such words would hurt the sentiment of citizens of any nation.
The murderous Communist dictatorship is a disgusting and despicable regime. State-run Communist propaganda mouthpieces on Western social media outlets should be shut down in retaliation for this appalling act against Western media.

The murderous Communist dictatorship is a disgusting and despicable regime. State-run Communist propaganda mouthpieces on Western social media outlets should be shut down in retaliation for this appalling act against Western media.
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