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Chinese leader 'kept quite' about coronavirus - Xi's involvement in virus outbreak raises questions

I personally believe there must be some mistake made by the government of different levels in fighting this coronavirus in China, when facing a completely new unknown virus, no governments can be perfectly in responding them, and I deeply doubt any countries can do better than China in mobilising all the available human and material resources fighting and containing this virus.

I agree, other countries will NOT have been able to barricade people in their homes. Use excessive force to make people conform to state imposed rules - even when these rules are deemed inhumane by its own citizens. Surely there is a middle ground, for when this is all over the people that experienced pain and suffering due to these harsh measures will become entirely disillusioned with CPC.

Just my thoughts, I think Xi is done - CPC will have no choice but to tie this failure around his neck and toss him into the Pacific.
Just my thoughts, I think Xi is done - CPC will have no choice but to tie this failure around his neck and toss him into the Pacific.
We'll see, we never tied plagues and earthquakes with any governments in the Chinese history.
We'll see, we never tied plagues and earthquakes with any governments in the Chinese history.
Never China was under such type of Government. But even under past Emperors , plagues episodes were put on the Emperor for not "following/respecting the Gods"...
What we have today with CCp is a social contract... of Give up X and Y and I will assure you peace and prosperity... And this contract with this current "issue" is being shattered...
They will be consequences that will follow... like the economical one... That illusion of Endless Prosperity... Social Peace etc... that will enforce that particular "sentiment" and little by little that "social Contract" will weaken...

But I do not think Xi, will get thrown out... But the CCP "Entity" as a whole and it's Ideology and Mechanism will take a hit...
The Incoming years gonna be "interesting" for that Political/social Body.

I wonder how they will react after this Virus... Will they re-enforce drastically in hope to curb any "New behavior" previously given during this episode or will they give more "slacks" and therefore pushing the "limits/broders" a little more to the point of creating a new "normal"...
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Never China was under such type of Government. But even under past Emperors , plagues episodes were put on the Emperor for not "following/respecting the Gods"...
What we have today with CCp is a social contract... of Give up X and Y and I will assure you peace and prosperity... And this contract with this current "issue" is being shattered...
They will be consequences that will follow... like the economical one... That illusion of Endless Prosperity... Social Peace etc... that will enforce that particular "sentiment" and little by little that "social Contract" will weaken...

But I do not think Xi, will get thrown out... But the CCP "Entity" as a whole and it's Ideology and Mechanism will take a hit...
The Incoming years gonna be "interesting" for that Political/social Body.
China went through much worse situations than this one, I m in China and on the Chinese social media 24/7, I know what the Chinese public think, this crisis can also have some plus aspects coming along, removing tons of incompetent government officials, banning wild animal trade are just a few of them. China can be more prepared and better equipped for possible future similar outbreaks also.
China went through much worse situations than this one, I m in China and on the Chinese social media 24/7, I know what the Chinese public think, this crisis can also have some plus aspects coming along, removing tons of incompetent government officials, banning wild animal trade are just a few of them. China can be more prepared and better equipped for possible future similar outbreaks also.
China isn't the problem.. the Country will go nowhere... it's about CCP, that Entity as a functioning body.
Yes there is the good and bad in every "problems", but since our point focus is on CCP, I will argue that its "Image" and its product (ie Social Contract) will take a hit. That will increase later on after the crisis/during the crisis for multiple reasons, already said on the previous post.
China isn't the problem.. the Country will go nowhere... it's about CCP, that Entity as a functioning body.
Yes there is the good and bad in every "problems", but since our point focus is on CCP, I will argue that its "Image" and its product (ie Social Contract) will take a hit. That will increase later on after the crisis/during the crisis for multiple reasons, already said on the previous post.
Actually most Chinese are very cooperative with the government quarantine rules and understand that's a neccessary measure to take, they are for the people's own good. We are not that stupid like some westerners linking this virus with a government of a political party.

Chinese government is fighting this epidemic quite extreme, even closing a city of ten millions.

Compare to what USA did during Swine Flu epidemic that caused millions of people infected and hundreds of thousands people dead.

And what if coronavirus happened in Australia?

I don't think Australia government can handle it as good as Chinese government.

Just like they handled the wildfire case, it's a catastrophic.

I think the main reason why China is the bad guy...

It's because China do great and even better.

That's why it became a threat.
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How many Citizens of Pakistan are in "re-education camps" and how many women being raped in front of their family, and forced to sleep with non Muslim men, in the case of TTP, Mukti Bahni, and BLA?

Let's just accept we Pakistanis have little to nothing to do with Islam, let alone being some leader of the ummah and some pure souls that will fight Ghazwa Hind, and I'll be all good accepting our stance for Uighurs and condemning their men and women to horrible attrocities.

Because it takes this below to be Muslims
"And what is wrong with you that you fight not in the Cause of Allâh, and for those weak, illtreated and oppressed among men, women, and children, whose cry is: “Our Lord! Rescue us from this town whose people are oppressors; and raise for us from You one who will protect, and raise for us from You one who will help.” [004:075: Al Quran]"
Lol... Another one who fall for the American trick.


They will keep insisting that is did happen to Uyghur and Muslim to continue with their lies. Then even quote Quran and yet this are the same people who sleep with the american Christian to promote lies in the name of Allah.

Chinese government is fighting this epidemic quite extreme, even closing a city of ten millions.

Compare to what USA did during Swine Flu epidemic that caused millions of people infected and hundreds of thousands people dead.

And what if coronavirus happened in Australia?

I don't think Australia government can handle it as good as Chinese government.

Just like they handled the wildfire case, it's a catastrophic.

I think the main reason why China is the bad guy...

It's because China do great and even better.

That's why it became a threat.

First of all, if this happens in Australia, there will NOT be a outbreak. Because Australian population is very sparse, and there aren't many city that over million population. Which in term of spreading the virus, it won't be that potent. Bear in mind, city of Wuhan alone have 12 millions resident, that's HALF the entire Australian Population, and China is similar size with Australia.

Also, as I said MANY, MANY time, people died from Flu is because they DO NOTHING about it they don't get vaccinated nor they seek medical treatment on the onset of symptoms, while people died in Coronavirus is because there are NOTHING THEY CAN DO about it, well, because there are no cure and no vaccine, and hence, there are nothing anyone can do.

And you know nothing about bush fire if you compare the handling of Bush Fire and the handling of Corona Virus.

If you ever lived in Australia during Winter, you will know the government go all out to advertise campaign on taking the flu shot, which will prevent the most common strains of flu virus. The only thing they didn't do is to introduce law to force everyone to take the flu shot, which they can't. (Trust me, if they can, the law would have been here a long time ago) Flu shot is very cheap (10 or 15 bucks) but the catch is, you need to do them every year, and every year, you will see the government of Australia run ad campaign, billboard, radio announcement and etc for people to get the flu shot. Still only 60% of Australian take the flu shot in 2019 winter season according to NSW health..

People who died in flu season because they think this is nothing and rather stay at home and ride it out, and they do not bother to take the flu shot, and when they realise this is not a common cold, it's already too late and too symptomatic not because it is more contagious or more dangerous than corona virus. That is why you should never compare the death in flu season vs death with corona virus.
I personally think China has taken extreme measures to stop this infectious disease which really needs appreciation.

I hope we win this fight against this disease IF this really is biological weapon or not only time will tell.
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