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Chinese jets shadowed US and Japanese planes in new air defense zone

So this still part of your peaceful rise? ha imperialism

Well, I imagine as every other rising power in history, if not challenged then the rise would be rather peaceful I imagine. Just like how the US manifest destiny expansion would been peaceful if weren't for all of the native Americans in the way. So China's rise would been peaceful if Japan did not nationalize those islands, if US didn't hold military drill every month off China's sphere of influence to make it all uncomfortable, if no one got involved in the Chinese civil war that is still technically going on since 1946.......

The Fact is no current dominant power will tolerate a new rising power in its perceived sphere of influence since it is in the dominant power's interest to remain dominant. So really, the problem is caused by both sides i.e China want to feel more secure and comfortable while US trying to maintain its dominance int he region. So it is unfair to place the blame on "disturbing" the peace on China since China never said the "peaceful rise" is unconditional especially when challenged. After all, why should US be the dominant power in Asia when it declared the Monroe Doctrine?

Compare to the rise of US and other Western Power, the current rise of China is actually relatively peaceful up till now.

If the Chinese consider it 'international air space' as you say, then why is that they have issued a notice to all to seek their permission first before flying in the area? Never happens elsewhere in International air space!

So WTF is this so called Air Defense Zone all about? The Chinese have contracted what seems to be the proverbial foot-in-mouth disease, like this latest lame-duck threat that no one cares about.

Bottom line: The Chinese are making a laughing stock of themselves.


um, that air defense zone is the same type that is set up by Japan in east China sea with its closest part being 130 km from China's coast which is hell of a lot closer than it is to Japan. The zone is just an area where all planes that entered will be monitored and if deemed necessary, identified by China. But you are free to come and go as you please. So its essentially just a "you are being watched" area, that is it. Really should understand the situation before commenting blindly.

The bottom line is China has a zone now which it didn't and now everyone knows. You can help them out by ID yourself, but if not then you will still be on radar. If China think you are suspicious then escort flight may be sent out. If they think you are up to no good, then warning will be given. But nothing else will go beyond that until you are hostile towards them or enter China's airspace. Think the media is totally twisting the meaning of the zone. If you say China is making a laughing stock of itself then so did Japan and US when China and Russia essentially did the same thing tot heir Air defense zone without being blown out of proportion in media.
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The irony of this phuck up is that ADIZ was first created by the US after WWII when the US was administrating Japan. After the administration was handed back to Japan, Japan not only retained the ADIZ, but to expand the zone twice.

I just love the hypocrisy of it.
China 'scrambles jets' after US, Japan planes enter air zone - The Times of India

Source from the Times Of India.

BEIJING: China launched two fighter planes on Friday to investigate flights by a dozen US and Japanese reconnaissance and military planes in its new maritime air defence zone over the East China Sea, state media said.

It was the first time since proclaiming the zone on November 23 that China said it sent planes there on the same day as foreign military flights, although it said it merely identified the foreign planes and took no further action.

China announced last week that all aircraft entering the zone — a maritime area between China, Taiwan, South Korea and Japan — must notify Chinese authorities beforehand and that it would take unspecified defensive measures against those that don't comply. Neighboring countries and the US have said they will not honor the new zone — believed aimed at claiming disputed territory — and have said it unnecessarily raises tensions.

The state-run China News quoted defence Ministry spokesman Col. Shen Jinke as saying the Chinese fighter jets identified and monitored the two US reconnaissance aircraft and a mix of 10 Japanese early warning, reconnaissance and fighter planes during their flights through the zone early Friday.

"China's air force has faithfully carried out its mission and tasks, with China's navy, since it was tasked with patrolling the East China Sea air defence identification zone. It monitored throughout the entire flights, made timely identification and ascertained the types," Shen was quoted as saying.

In Washington, a Pentagon spokesman, Army Col. Steve Warren, said when asked about China's statement that its planes had identified and monitored US aircraft in the zone, "The US will continue to partner with our allies and will operate in the area as normal."

Japanese officials declined to confirm details of any flights, but said routine missions in the area were continuing.

"We are simply conducting our ordinary warning and surveillance activity like before. We have not encountered any abnormal instances so far, therefore we have not made any announcement," Japanese defence minister Itsunori Onodera told reporters in Tokyo.

The United States and other countries have warned that the new zone could boost chances for miscalculations, accidents and conflicts, though analysts believe Beijing's move is not intended to spark any aerial confrontations but rather is a long-term strategy to solidify claims to disputed territory by simply marking the area as its own.

June Teufel Dreyer, who specializes in security issues at the University of Miami, said the Chinese government — while backing down from strictly enforcing the zone to keep a lid on tensions — is walking a delicate line because it is faced with strong public opinion from nationalists at home. Sending up the fighter planes Friday was aimed at the domestic audience, and China is likely to send planes regularly when foreign aircraft enter the zone without notifying Chinese authorities, she said.

"They will be 'escorting' the intruding planes, but they are not going to shoot them," she said.

The zone is seen primarily as China's latest bid to bolster its claim over a string of uninhabited Japanese-controlled islands in the East China Sea known as Senkaku in Japan and Diaoyu in China. Beijing has been ratcheting up its sovereignty claims since Tokyo's nationalization of the islands last year. However, there are questions whether China has the technical ability to fully enforce the zone due to a shortage of early warning radar aircraft and in-flight refueling capability.

The United States, Japan and South Korea all have said they sent military flights into the zone over the past week, and Japanese commercial flights have continued unhindered — although China has said its zone is not intended to have any effect on commercial flights not heading to China.

Dreyer said the US and Japan have kept sending planes into the zone to make good on the message that they are ignoring it. "They have to do it more than once to show they are serious," she said.

Dreyer said the Chinese government may have miscalculated the strength of the international response to the establishment of the zone, but that China will hold its line in the long run.

"The Chinese government is not going to concede the substance," she said. "When circumstances are more conducive, they will try to enforce it more strictly in the future. This is a pattern we have noticed for decades."
If the Chinese consider it 'international air space' as you say, then why is that they have issued a notice to all to seek their permission first before flying in the area? Never happens elsewhere in International air space!

So WTF is this so called Air Defense Zone all about? The Chinese have contracted what seems to be the proverbial foot-in-mouth disease, like this latest lame-duck threat that no one cares about.

Bottom line: The Chinese are making a laughing stock of themselves.


Well, if the Chinese are laughing stocks, then pretty every nation that has them like US, USSR/Russia, etc, would be laughing stocks. ADZ is not a new concept and it has been around as early as WWII days. With develop of military aircraft in era leading up to WWII, nations become capable of striking key production and population center of the other nations within hours or even minutes for smaller nations.

After long radar becomes widely available after WWII, countries with major air forces was able to detect potential hostile approaches well beyond their border and potentially ward off devastating attacks. One such famous ADZ is the US Alaskan ADZ, which monitors flights of USSR aircraft through the area.

However, since the ADZ typically extends well beyond a country's actual territory and air space, they are still considered international air space, hence other countries can still travel through them. Again, take Alaskan ADZ for example, tons of domestic flights from Asia to America continents will travel through ADZ and after the September 11 attack, all these flights must report their travel to US air authorities. I am not sure about Russian regulations, but USSR also had extensive ADZ against US and Europe.

I know this issue is confusing some people, hence it is worthwhile to take time and explain them. Also, if you are interested regarding the issue, you can also google air defense zones. Once you skip past a lot of news, you will see actual articles explaining their purpose, some historical ADZ and their associated regulation. The interactions between China, US, Japan flights and east sea ADZ would be much easier to understand afterwards.
If the Chinese consider it 'international air space' as you say, then why is that they have issued a notice to all to seek their permission first before flying in the area? Never happens elsewhere in International air space!

So WTF is this so called Air Defense Zone all about? The Chinese have contracted what seems to be the proverbial foot-in-mouth disease, like this latest lame-duck threat that no one cares about.

Bottom line: The Chinese are making a laughing stock of themselves.

It was the US whose planes only skimmed the outer edges instead of passing directly through the ADIZ.

It was the US who is now complaining that China is sending planes in response.

How hard is it to understand that these actions, such as tracking them with radar and sending aircraft after the bombers, are routine measures to defend a strip of airspace as part of an ADIZ?

Russian Tu-95 bombers enter US ADIZ all the time and all the US does is either let them enter, file a complaint, or intercept. China's actions were no different.

Same thing can be said regarding the US planes.
No big deal. As Sino have pointed out already. Even the Russians do it to the Americans all the time. But the ADIZ will remain there whether they like it or not. :cheers:
Weak and coward China cant compare with mighty Russia bear. Russia just lauch south Ossetia war, and China still only keep barking hopelessly day after day :pop:
Weak and coward China cant compare with mighty Russia bear. Russia just lauch south Ossetia war, and China still only keep barking hopelessly day after day :pop:

I laugh every time you write about China. Just look at where Vietnam stands today in the global arena. China is constantly in the headlines for reasons. Vietnam, on the other hand, simply doesn't get a mention unless it has something to do with "China":lol:
I laugh every time you write about China. Just look at where Vietnam stands today in the global arena. China is constantly in the headlines for reasons. Vietnam, on the other hand, simply doesn't get a mention unless it has something to do with "China":lol:
China is constantly in the headlines of the Loser in VN war and the cheap "headlines" of the loser make China feel so happy :lol:

Try to take back TW from that US loser, and talk with us abt military power later ,got it, 1979 loser :lol:
US tells commercial airlines to obey China. LOL Indians and Viets.


U.S. Advises Commercial Jets to Honor China’s Rules
Published: November 29, 2013

WASHINGTON — The Obama administration has decided to advise American commercial airlines to comply with China’s demands to be notified of any flights through a broad swath of international airspace that it has claimed as an air defense zone, officials said Friday.
Weak and coward China cant compare with mighty Russia bear. Russia just lauch south Ossetia war, and China still only keep barking hopelessly day after day :pop:

How is China related to South Ossetia war? Use another translator.
China is constantly in the headlines of the Loser in VN war and the cheap "headlines" of the loser make China feel so happy :lol:

Try to take back TW from that US loser, and talk with us abt military power later ,got it, 1979 loser :lol:

What does it got to do with taking back Taiwan? Taiwan is stuck in the middle between America and China. There are only two options for a reunion:

1) America declines in power and no longer considered by the world as number one.
2) China takes it back by force and America not getting involved militarily.

We are not going to force Taiwan back because we want both parties to reunify peacefully. I guess that was something Vietnam lacked and people like you will never understand the importance of.
You guys had to kill your own kind to make it happen. You did not do it single handedly either. Both Russia and China assisted and made it happen.

As for this loser talk, I am not interested at all, China is number two economy and one of the top military power, despite being sanctioned by the west. What have Vietnam got to boast about? That Vietnam war? Let it rest buddy, no one cares about that anymore. Others won't wait around for you. If you remain stagnant, you get left behind.

China have no interest in small talks with Vietnam, we only care about making money, improving the welfare of our people and becoming strong like the U.S.

You can laugh as much as you want, it doesn't change anything. We will just keep on moving.
The Vietcongs here have the nasty characteristics of dragging other topics into discussions whenever they can't argue reasonably. So to proof China is weak they will claim we can't take Taiwan back or we are scared invading Vietnam. It's very repetitive and boring and doesn't proof anything. Whatever makes them happy lol

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