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Chinese interest in Gandhian teachings growing

@shuttler Kindly present few of Gandhian teachings you know and also your points you have regarding Gandhian Teachings and how are they wrong.

Because South Africa also followed Gandhian teachings against oppressive regime.

I am not kind towards india per se so you are not entertained

You have stated what you want...It is not what article portrays..

the article has a skewed portray. If our people are fully knowledgeable of india and its culture I bet a vast majority of the people will ditch all indian paraphernalia into trash cans
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I am not kind towards india per se so you are not entertained
I didn't ask for kindness towards India.

I am just asking what's the reason and rationality behind your assertion that India's bad state is do you Gandhian Teachings, rather than hundreds of years of enslavement and loot by Foreign powers.

You might have some good points which will help us in removing and rejecting few of Gandhian teachings for betterment of our nation at least. I don't ask in context of China.

A healthy and constructive criticism is always entertained by normal people like me to learn from you.
I didn't ask for kindness towards India.

I am just asking what's the reason and rationality behind your assertion that India's bad state is do you Gandhian Teachings, rather than hundreds of years of enslavement and loot by Foreign powers.

You might have some good points which will help us in removing and rejecting few of Gandhian teachings for betterment of our nation at least. I don't ask in context of China.

A healthy and constructive criticism is always entertained by normal people like me to learn from you.

I have nothing to offer for your learning. I am just expressing my points and I think most of my points are shared by many active Chinese members here on board. If what your so call ganadian teaching is so good then why india is in such a bad shape?
I am not kind towards india per se so you are not entertained

the article has a skewed portray. If our people are fully knowledgeable of india and its culture I bet a vast majority of the people will ditch all indian paraphernalia into trash cans

World knows what china shows is not what china is...while we do not hide things...we are what we are and we are indeed on getting rid of our problems...There is a reason why many people all over the world including chinese are attracted towards India and that reason is something you will never know because of your blindness...may you find vision to accept good virtues of people you consider your enemies...OM Shanti Shanti Shanti..
World knows what china shows is not what china is...while we do not hide things...we are what we are and we are indeed on getting rid of our problems...There is a reason why many people all over the world including chinese are attracted towards India and that reason is something you will never know because of your blindness...may you find vision to accept good virtues of people you consider your enemies...OM Shanti Shanti Shanti..

one thing we can possibly take advantage from india is you are the beacon of how bad a government can run and we should take heed from that. How much of the gandian legacy have an impact on india today?
Really ? Buddy, Chinese Civilization is as resilient as Indian Civilization. Both have stood firm against Tide of Time and wave of attacks from foreign regions.

And India's and China's ideologies will come even more closer. No need to attack any ideology.

Our ideology's greatest strength has been and will be, No attack on any other.

It will be beneficial if both nations adopt constructive and developmental ideologies from each other, to make this region and also, world a better and much more peaceful place.
Gandism was never been our Ideology ... its somethings which makes Us & our people feel inferior to our enemy ... Like ChaaChaa Nehru once said my soldiers can defend their country even with bamboo sticks ... & at the end what did he get ... defeat 1962 ...

our ideology should be of Bhagat Singh , Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj , Guru Gobind Singh & Veer Savarkar ... with the Courage of the Rajputs , valor of the Marathas , Fearlessness of the Gourkas ... not this Non-violence &hit called Gandism ...

It has never been our culture ... to beg in front of our enemy for mercy ... in our culture accepting death is much more glorious then suffering dishonour from the hands of enemy ...

Remember what Lord Sri Krishna said in Geeta ... Never forgive your enemy who has come with a sword in his Hand with the aim of capturing your Motherland...

i dont follow this Gandi Vandi...
@Nair saab Where did I said Gandhism was our entire ideology, its part of our ideology. And valor of Rajputs, well I again think it as extension of one of the aspect of Gandhism, independence, will to fight back, whichever weapon a person has.

Those brave warriors didn't go to invade anyone, they fought for freedom of their land and their nation.

All those had arms to fight for, but a common man had nothing but his will and non-cooperation.

Pen is mightier than Sword. Words are more powerful than Weapons. Vice Versa is also true in many cases.

Depends on how any of them are used.

India's biggest strength has been its image as Peaceful yet Strong nation since 1947. Don't breach our Sovereignty, Peace, Freedom or threaten our territorial integrity, we won't do anything to you.

Humility mixed with Strength is our ideology. And I repeat, We won't attack anyone, but if attacked, we will retaliate.
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Ghandian non-violent teaching is an epic joke. British would have eventually left India and bharmins were biggest beneficiaries of British colonial rule. British would have never killed any bhramin like ghandi or nehru. Nobody can deny that. At the end of the day ghandi was also another chanakya later proved by his compatriot nehru with his hegemonic terrorist policies still continued to this day.

gandi's non violent protest against the english occupation is because indians had nothing to fight with against the mighty imperialistis then. head to head confrontation was a destined annihiliation for the indians
Ghandian non-violent teaching is an epic joke. British would have eventually left India and bharmins were biggest beneficiaries of British colonial rule. British would have never killed any bhramin like ghandi or nehru. Nobody can deny that. At the end of the day ghandi was also another chanakya later proved by his compatriot nehru with his hegemonic terrorist policies still continued to this day.

Many mistakes in your post...Biggest being calling gandhi a brahmin which he was not..

other being Brahmins being biggest beneficiaries of British rule...Lower caste people were biggest beneficiaries as they had a chance to get out of oppression by brahmins...

Although I won't generalize this as we have freedom fighters from both upper and lower castes..
gandi's non violent protest against the english occupation is because indians had nothing to fight with against the mighty imperialistis then. head to head confrontation was a destined annihiliation for the indians

Google Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King Jr.
@Nair saab Where did I said Gandhism was our entire ideology, its part of our ideology. And valor of Rajputs, well I again think it as extension of one of the aspect of Gandhism, independence, will to fight back, whichever weapon a person has.

Those brave warriors didn't go to invade anyone, they fought for freedom of their land and their nation.

All those had arms to fight for, but a common man had nothing but his will and non-cooperation.

Pen is mightier than Sword. Words are more powerful than Weapons. Vice Versa is also true in many cases.

Depends on how any of them are used.

India's biggest strength has been its image as Peaceful yet Strong nation since 1947. Don't breach our Sovereignty, Peace, Freedom or threaten our territorial integrity, we won't do anything to you.

Humility mixed with Strength is our ideology. And I repeat, We won't attack anyone, but if attacked, we will retaliate.

Stupidity ... just Stupidity ...

Gandism means non violence ... winning freedom without raising arms & blood shed ...

Gandism is not our ideology ... its made by a person who was British puppet for their safe exit from India & to extend their stay in India...

Gandi was a Stupid Rascal ... who has ruined Indian ideology with his some self made &hit thinking ... which would Hunt the Indian youth for years to come ... he destroyed our will to fight ...

He has nothing to do with Hindu thought of non-violence ... cozz its way different then what he is interpretating ...

If Lord SRI Ram can invade & defeat the enemy to keep the Honor of a single Women ... how can we Patriotic Indian withstand abuse of our MotherLand on Daily basis by the british ... Gandi was a Coward ...

Humility mixed with strength is not our ideology... but its Humanity mixed with Courage & strength which is our ideology ...

I am a Follower of Sri Ram not some Stupid Gandi...
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Stupidity ... just Stupidity ...

Gandism means non violence ... winning freedom without raising arms & blood shed ...

Gandism is not our ideology ... its made by a person who was British puppet for their safe exit from India & to extend their stay in India...

Gandi was a Stupid Rascal ... who has ruined Indian ideology with his some self made &hit thinking ... which would Hunt the Indian youth for years to come ... he destroyed our will to fight ...

He has nothing to do with Hindu thought of non-violence ... cozz its way different then what he is interpretating ...

If Lord SRI Ram can invade & defeat the enemy to keep the Honor of a single Women ... how can we Patriotic Indian withstand abuse of our MotherLand on Daily basis by the british ... Gandi was a Coward ...

Humility mixed with strength is not our ideology... but its Humanity mixed with Courage & strength which is our ideology ...

I am a Follower of Sri Ram not some Stupid Gandi...

Hindutvas fantasies and fallacies
@Nair saab Where did I said Gandhism was our entire ideology, its part of our ideology. And valor of Rajputs, well I again think it as extension of one of the aspect of Gandhism, independence, will to fight back, whichever weapon a person has.

Those brave warriors didn't go to invade anyone, they fought for freedom of their land and their nation.

All those had arms to fight for, but a common man had nothing but his will and non-cooperation.

Pen is mightier than Sword. Words are more powerful than Weapons. Vice Versa is also true in many cases.

Depends on how any of them are used.

India's biggest strength has been its image as Peaceful yet Strong nation since 1947. Don't breach our Sovereignty, Peace, Freedom or threaten our territorial integrity, we won't do anything to you.

Humility mixed with Strength is our ideology. And I repeat, We won't attack anyone, but if attacked, we will retaliate.

image only for the ignorant and the political manipulators!

you attempted to invade Xizang but were given a hard spanking in return
Kashmir is still a territory under bloody dispute
People in the chicken neck and the red corridor revolt against your governance

You have the most violent riots, massacres, bomb attacks in G20
And OMG your women, the muslims, kids, farmers, low caste people

We are used to these indian rhetorics. We take these as jokes!

You people have too much grass too often.
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