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Chinese interest in Gandhian teachings growing

I feel pity for any country adopting his theories...especially Gandhian economics which is the biggest BS I have ever read (Even on an higher level than Marx).
you attempted to invade Xizang but were given a hard spanking in return
Kashmir is still a territory under bloody dispute
People in the chicken neck and the red corridor revolt against your governance

You have the most violent riots, massacres, bomb attacks in G20
And OMG your women, the muslims, kids, farmers, low caste people

We are used to these indian rhetorics. We take these as jokes!

You people have too much grass too often.

One question for you
ever heard of Tiannamen square riots of 1989??
Google Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King Jr.

Mandela and MLK also had nothing to fight with them. If they are as well armed as the Syrian rebels nowadays, USA is a split up country. So is South Africa OR they are still fighting their civil wars!

One question for you
ever heard of Tiannamen square riots of 1989??

Yes we had that incident. It was terrible. It is a constant and constant boring repeat which is customarily of indian lousy rebuttal.

You have had plenty more Tiananmen-scale massacres in your history and even in present days
An Indian gave a weapon to the world to bring down one of the mightiest power of its time, Struggle by Non-Violence. This was much effective and less disastrous than what US gave, Nuclear Bomb.

Hope such educational exchanges are increased to bring both Asian giants, 2.5 billion people together.

ask the victims of 1984 sikh holocaust what chacha gandhi gave to them.
Gandhian teachings ? - guys its useless. Follow your art of war. That is much more useful.
Mandela and MLK also had nothing to fight with them. If they are as well armed as the Syrian rebels nowadays, USA is a split up country. So is South Africa!

Then why do you have so much animosity against Gandhi? The nation as a whole stood by him for his non violent ideologies irrespective of his personal vendetta against other patriotic leaders and personal choices.From kashmir to kanyakumari,he was able to unite the Indians against the British. No matter what or how ridiculous his method sounds today,it was damn effective to unite a diverse country.
Then why do you have so much animosity against Gandhi? The nation as a whole stood by him for his non violent ideologies irrespective of his personal vendetta against other patriotic leaders and personal choices.From kashmir to kanyakumari,he was able to unite the Indians against the British. No matter what or how ridiculous his method sounds today,it was damn effective to unite a diverse country.

I dont have animosity towards gandhi. He is your people.

I just dont like our folks taking up his "teaching" if their understanding of india as a whole is only 1% baked
I feel pity for any country adopting his theories...especially Gandhian economics which is the biggest BS I have ever read (Even on an higher level than Marx).

Can you tell me a little about the economic part ? I understand the Marxist one fairly well , I think but dont have a clue about what Mr.Gandhi said or taught ...
how many hard points does gandhi has?can gandhi fire a BVR?...can he be fitted with an AESA radar in the future?
@shuttler Kindly present few of Gandhian teachings you know and also your points you have regarding Gandhian Teachings and how are they wrong.

Because South Africa also followed Gandhian teachings against oppressive regime.

You are asking explanations from someone who got banned for using racial slur against Pakistanis here.

I remember well, debunking many of his preconceived Indo-phobic ritualistic believes with proper source, he never had anything intellectually logical to comeback, except some silly verbal diarrhea.
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Yes we had. It was terrible. It is a constant and constant boring repeat customarily of indian lousy rebuttal.

You have had plenty more Tiananmen-scale massacres in your history and even in present days

You have plenty of riots and protest that where silenced by the 'iron fist' of CCP

And rising number of protests against CCP
Protest and dissent in the People's Republic of China - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Rising Protests in China - In Focus - The Atlantic

Should I say anything about this man??


You live in a country where you get crushed down by a battle tank for protesting peacefully against a authoritarian government.

please do come back when you are granted 'the right to talk and think freely' by your CCP masters.
I dont have animosity towards gandhi. He is your people.

I just dont like our folks taking up his "teaching" if their understanding of india as a whole is only 1% baked

You don't like it!!Then it sounds fine to me.
You have plenty of riots and protest that where silenced by the 'iron fist' of CCP

And rising number of protests against CCP
Protest and dissent in the People's Republic of China - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Rising Protests in China - In Focus - The Atlantic

Should I say anything about this man??


You live in a country where you get crushed down by a battle tank for protesting peacefully against a authoritarian government.

please do come back when you are granted 'the right to talk and think freely' by your CCP masters.

your women live in a country where nothing is safe inside or outside of their mothers' womb!

and that stale repeat again of Tianmen Sq while you have the endless string of massacre and looming bomb attacks every now and then!

vast majority of people dislike him
he is the guy who wants to split up the country and hand the governance on a plate to western democracy

You don't like it!!Then it sounds fine to me.

exactly! I encourage you people sell your "gandian thinking" to vietnam, japan australia usa uk israel. you can definitely find a market there.

Forget China pleeeeeeeeease!
vast majority of people dislike him

The rising number of riots against CCP show just :lol:that

he is the guy who wants to split up the country and hand the governance on a plate to western democracy

Countinue worshipping your CCP masters-I can understand your respect for them.You need their approval to open your mouth,have kids:-)rofl:) and they pay you (50 cents per post)-They have the power to do anything and you are at their mercy...

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