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Chinese industry overtakes Japan as world's No.2

Isnt Hongkong apart of china??? Or Isnt Taiwan apart of china???

Hong Kong[7] (Chinese: 香港) is one of the two special administrative regions of the People's Republic of China. Under the principle of "one country, two systems", Hong Kong runs on economic and political systems different from those of mainland China.[11] Hong Kong is one of the world's leading international financial centres, with a major capitalist service economy characterised by low taxation, free trade and minimum government intervention under the ethos of positive non-interventionism.[12] The Hong Kong dollar is the 9th most traded currency in the world.[13]
Hong Kong's independent judiciary functions under the common law framework.[14] Its political system is governed by the Basic Law of Hong Kong, its constitutional document. It has a burgeoning multi-party system, and its legislature is partly elected through universal suffrage. The Chief Executive of Hong Kong is the head of government.

And taiwan a part of China?? I am so ashamed that you have no idea about Taiwan<. Maybe you have read why china protests over US sales to Taiwan and all in various posts and you still believe Taiwan is a part of China... I cant lecture you more on Taiwan and i dont want to

Come on brother show some sense
Aid implies that the US is doing it out of charity; it is not. In fact, the US is one of the countries that do not have significant tech transfers in their investments. Japan, Germany, France, Russia, all signed significant tech transfer deals with China. The US, because of its paranoia in us getting some "sensitive technology" shared little. In terms of trade, the EU is a larger share of our exports.

There is no aid here. we do business. do you consider that you are providing "aid" to the store when you buy food?

As for the India problem, turning a blind eye to india's illegal nuclear weapons and then aiding them by selling reactors to them does not help your case. nor does offering them AEGIS.

Hahah well you can keep dreaming boy. Without us, your economy can tumble downhill non-stop till you hit the bottom. Your India problem is rather an independent issue that has nothing to do with America, so please quit pointing fingers around here. All we're doing is supplying military gear, as you do. However, Indian motives are outside our control and are fueled by their leaders-Not ours. Admit it, without our aid, neither of our economies will stand where they are today.

Both of you, below_freezing and Lockh33d,

Brothers, please don't misunderstand each other. Dear Below-freezing, Lockh33rd is a well-wisher of China, so please don't misunderstand him. He is not an enemy of China.

And if there misunderstanding exists, its our internal matter and we should communicate through private messages to solve our problems. No need to expose our internal matter to our common enemy. Otherwise, indians will start exploiting our mutual misunderstanding and will become gainers.

Lockh, I apologize on behalf of below, please don't get offended. We need each other and we must get rid of any misunderstanding whatsoever.

dear,,birdofpray how do u see economic/business relation between india and china?

1.in 2004, India's total trade to China crossed US $13.6 billion, with Indian exports to China touching $ 7677.43 million and imports from china at US $ 5926.67 million.


TRADE PATTERN (value in USD millions)

Year------ China's Exports to India------ China's Imoprts from India

2000------ 1560.75 ------- 1353.48
2001------ 1896.27 ------ 1699.97
Growth------ 21.5&#37; ------ 25.6%

2002------ 2617.73 ------ 2274.18
Growth------ 40.9% ------ 33.8%

2003------ 3343.59 ------4251.49
Growth------ 22.2 % ------ 87%

2004------ 5926.67 ------ 7677.43

Growth------ 77.3% ------ 80.6%

3.... Presently, Iron ore constitutes about 53% of India's total exports to China. Among the potential exports to China, marine products, oil seeds, salt, inorganic chemicals, plastic, rubber, optical and medical equipment and dairy products are the important ones. The study said that services and knowledge trade between India and China have significant potential for growth in areas like biotechnology, IT and ITES, health, education, tourism and financial sector.

Value added items dominate Chinese exports to India, especially machinery, including electrical machinery, which together constitute about 36% of exports from that country. The top 15 Chinese exports to India have recorded growth between 29% (organic chemicals) and 219.89% (iron and steel).

India China Economy, Indo-china trade relation
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dear,,birdofpray how do u see economic/business relation between india and china?

1.in 2004, India's total trade to China crossed US $13.6 billion, with Indian exports to China touching $ 7677.43 million and imports from china at US $ 5926.67 million.


TRADE PATTERN (value in USD millions)

Year------ China's Exports to India------ China's Imoprts from India

2000------ 1560.75 ------- 1353.48
2001------ 1896.27 ------ 1699.97
Growth------ 21.5% ------ 25.6%

2002------ 2617.73 ------ 2274.18
Growth------ 40.9% ------ 33.8%

2003------ 3343.59 ------4251.49
Growth------ 22.2 % ------ 87%

2004------ 5926.67 ------ 7677.43

Growth------ 77.3% ------ 80.6%

3.... Presently, Iron ore constitutes about 53% of India's total exports to China. Among the potential exports to China, marine products, oil seeds, salt, inorganic chemicals, plastic, rubber, optical and medical equipment and dairy products are the important ones. The study said that services and knowledge trade between India and China have significant potential for growth in areas like biotechnology, IT and ITES, health, education, tourism and financial sector.

Value added items dominate Chinese exports to India, especially machinery, including electrical machinery, which together constitute about 36% of exports from that country. The top 15 Chinese exports to India have recorded growth between 29% (organic chemicals) and 219.89% (iron and steel).

India China Economy, Indo-china trade relation

It is apparent that China sees everything in the angle of its own benefits.Chinese trade to other countries are many more than Pakistan.
Investments in port doesnt actually be seen as a friendly gesture but a warning for more chinese influence inside Pakistan. There is a tendency in Chinese companies to give major posts to Chinese personal ( thats why so many Chinese people world wide in Chinese firms) so all the resources pakistan have will be gradually taken by chinese firms and take away precious Pakistani jobs. of course cheap labor will stay with pakistan.

Pakistan has been a great friend of china due to military purchases. Arms market is big money and pakistan is a guarenteed customer for China apart form some poor african nations and few south american nations. They even give them credit and its not free some day you have to payback or they will get it from you. FROM COALMINES OR ANYTHING.

Most of my Pakistani brothers will surely disagree if i say whether in a situation If India starts buying some arms from China, It will definitely U-Turn its stance for sure. But it is a global reality of this age of globalisation.
The presence of China in Pakistan's deep sea strategic port has disturbed the United States. Washington fears that the port might be used as a listening post to monitor US military activities in the Persian Gulf.
India, Pakistani analysts say, has a different kind of fear.

this will give China a head-start over the United States in trade with Central Asia, especially the oil and gas trade. So a new Great Game is on and Pakistan appears to be paying a heavy price.

Balochistan burning: Great Game over Gwadar Port

(1) It is also widely claimed that there is a Chinese interest in reaching the blue waters of Arabian Sea. This is cited as a strategic move by Chinese as they funded US $198 million (out of total phase I cost of US $248 million) and also provided 450 Engineers on site to finish the project on time. It is said that China is trying to develop its Western regions at par with its Eastern regions to reduce the economic gap within China and to stop the internal migration of people from West to East. It is famously called their ‘Go West’ policy. To market products produced in Western China, ports of Shanghai or other eastern ports are almost 3000 km away from the western production centers where as Gwadar provides access to a port at just 1500 km.

(2) There is another dimension to this project where Gwadar port is considered as the naval outpost for the Chinese. It has been called part of ‘String of Pearls’ strategy of Chinese where they’ve got hold of strategic ports in Gwadar, Bangladesh, SriLanka, Burma, Thailand, Combodia, and South China Sea etc. On a world map, these ports form of string (of pearls) which may form as Chinese line of defense to control oil movement. 80% of oil used in China goes through shipping lines of Malacca Straits. This strategy of a series of ports along the oil shipment routes gives China a forward footing. It is said that China is also wary that US may cut off its oil supplies through Malacca straits in case of any increase of hostilities on Taiwan issue.

(3) China has however, always denied that Gwadar will ever be used by Chinese military. Publicly they have always called it a civilian port of Pakistan.

Dimension Three: Iranian and Indian Interests in the Area

(1) Gwadar port is also making regional players nervous. Iran which is only 72 km away from Gwadar considers it as an economic threat taking business away from Iranian ports. So in competition to Gwadar, Iran has developed its own port called Chabahar with the help of India. Chabahar is located in Iranian Balochistan province of Seestan. India is also building 213 km long road to connect this Iranian port with Afghanistan. India is eyeing this Iranian port as its own shortest route to Central Asian markets and may be a counter balance to Chinese influence in Gwadar.

(2) India may also consider the Chinese influence in Gwadar as a move by China to encircle India, hence their interest in developing Iranian port of Chabahar.

Gwadar Port: A Great Development Project Or A Great Game? : ALL THINGS PAKISTAN

It is obvious that it is for Chinas interest. and mature countries dont usually give access to ports to other countries.:toast_sign:

What about the other 440 companies owned by other countries?/ Arent they brothers too????:thinktank:

Pakistan’s Thar coal: a comparative study
By Kamran Riaz
In Pakistan, people, who have absolutely no knowledge of an issue under discussion, tell conspiracy theories about it with such conviction that one starts believing that perhaps these people are narrating a firsthand account of acts to which they were eye witnesses.
Something similar is happening with Thar Coal today. Print and electronic media are awash with stories about how we have the world’s largest reserves of coal in the Thar desert but still we are not benefiting from this coal.

Coal occurs in nature in different types. The deposits at Thar are of Lignite type of coal. These deposits have very high moisture content with water level approaching almost 50% and are considered to be of inferior quality. This coal is highly volatile and cannot be transported over long distances. So, exporting this coal after extraction from ground or transporting it to more convenient locations is not possible. That is why it is suitable primarily for mine-mouth power generation.
The size of these reserves is being reported as 175 billion tons and this figure is being repeatedly touted on the media as enough for fulfilling our power generation needs for centuries to come.

The fact is that the reported reserves of 175 billion tons at Thar are not “proved-recoverable” reserves but rather the bulk of these reserves have a relatively low degree of geological assurance. Out of these purported 175 billion tons, only about 2.7 billion tons are ‘measured’ reserves while about 9.3 billion tons are ‘indicated’ reserves. The remaining 163 billion tons are “inferred” reserves (lying within a radius of 1.2 to 4.8 km from a point of coal measurement) and “hypothetical” reserves (undiscovered coal, generally an extension of inferred reserves in which coal lies more than 4.8 km from a point of measurement). It is obvious that given the geological evidence so far available, the claim of 175 billion tons of reserves is highly speculative. If the Thar coal reserves had really been that big as is being claimed then there would have been a long queue of international mining giants trying to get concessions for mining rights. If such companies can go to places like war torn Iraq, they can certainly come to Pakistan. But the apparent lack of interest from foreign investors as a tell tale sign that these claims of huge and profitable reserves are not believed by the major players in the field.

In fact after doing a preliminary feasibility study in 2002, Shenhua had reached the conclusion that the Thar coal project was not feasible purely an economic basis at that time because the cost of extraction of coal was very high and based on international coal prices at the time, it made more sense to import coal for power generation. However, the company recommended that Thar coal should still be exploited for social reasons as the project would help in social uplift of the extremely backward Thar area.
It is also another myth that this project will alleviate the need for hydel electricity. The fact is that any electricity eventually produced from Thar coal would be at least twice as expensive as that generated from large dams.

full text in following link

Pakistan?s Thar coal: a comparative study | Overseas Pakistani Friends

Top ten countries Lignite Coal Reserves
(Million tons)
01. Australia 37.30
02. USA 30.24
03. China 18.60
04. Serbia (Kosovo) 13.50
05. Russian Federation 10.45
06. Germany 6.56
07. India 4.60
08. Greece 3.90
09. Kazakhstan 3.13
10. Hungry 2.93
Total proved Recoverable
Lignite Coal reserves
in all the countries of the
world combined 149.86

Rank Country/Region Coal production
(million tonnes) share of
total (%)
World 6,395.6 100
1 China 2,536.7 39.7
2 United States 1,039.2 16.2
European Union 590.5 9.2
3 India 478.2 7.5
4 Australia 393.9 6.2
5 Russia 314.2 4.9
6 South Africa 269.4 4.2
7 Germany 201.9 3.2
8 Indonesia 174.8 2.7
9 Poland 145.8 2.3
10 Kazakhstan 94.4 1.5
11 Turkey 76.6 1.2
12 Ukraine 76.3 1.2
13 Colombia 71.7 1.1
14 Canada 69.4 1.1
15 Czech Republic 62.6 1.0
16 Greece 62.5 1.0
17 Vietnam 41.2 0.6
18 Romania 35.4 0.6
19 Bulgaria 30.4 0.5
20 Thailand 18.3 0.3
21 Spain 18.2 0.3
22 United Kingdom 17.0 0.3
23 Mexico 12.2 0.2
24 Hungary 9.8 0.2
25 Venezuela 8.0 0.1
26 Brazil 5.9 0.1
27 New Zealand 4.6 0.1
28 Pakistan 3.6 0.1
28 Zimbabwe 3.3
29 South Korea 3.2
31 Japan 1.3
32 France 0.9


Today in the United States, there are more than 3.3 million Chinese — about 1% of the total population — of which, by far the vast majority belongs to the middle class social stratum. The influx continues, where each year ethnic Chinese people from the People's Republic of China, Taiwan and to a lesser extent Southeast Asia move to the US.

MAYBE US AND CHINA ARE ALSO BROTHERS or maybe BLOOD RELATED BROTHERS since 10,000 and 3.3 million has such a big difference mathematically. And oh yes by the way India has 189,470 chinese working there. so what should i call ur theory ???:hitwall:

Overseas Chinese - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

so u wana say 50 billion dollar investment by chinese is also to monitor US in pakistan n india from pakistan lolzzz

talking about thar coal reserves u just pasted a article by a individual n its old article if m not wrong :disagree:
Most of my Pakistani brothers will surely disagree if i say whether in a situation If India starts buying some arms from China, It will definitely U-Turn its stance for sure. But it is a global reality of this age of globalisation.

Keep dreaming... :china: :pakistan:
It is apparent that China sees everything in the angle of its own benefits.
so does the every country..alwayz national interest comes first before the religion..

todayz era about economy and $$$ ... country with highest diplomacy will take advantage over future favorable economies..

BTW, do you have some info. about china pharmaceutical industry?what r its key edges in technology? i am a pharma post graduate with specialization in marketing
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so u wana say 50 billion dollar investment by chinese is also to monitor US in pakistan n india from pakistan lolzzz

No i didnt say 50 billion US DOLLAR investment by Chinese is for monitoring US in Pakistan n India from Pakistan Lolzzzzz

talking about thar coal reserves u just pasted a article by a individual n its old article if m not wrong

Yes u are right and he is also right
BTW, do you have some info. about china pharmaceutical industry?what r its key edges in technology? i am a pharma post graduate

No dear , but i have a lot of information of adulteration of Chinese food products and medicines if you want.
Both of you, below_freezing and Lockh33d,

Brothers, please don't misunderstand each other. Dear Below-freezing, Lockh33rd is a well-wisher of China, so please don't misunderstand him. He is not an enemy of China.

And if there misunderstanding exists, its our internal matter and we should communicate through private messages to solve our problems. No need to expose our internal matter to our common enemy. Otherwise, indians will start exploiting our mutual misunderstanding and will become gainers.

Lockh, I apologize on behalf of below, please don't get offended. We need each other and we must get rid of any misunderstanding whatsoever.

yes im sorry for misunderstanding. its just politics. no hard feelings. tbh except gambit and truthseeker, most americans here aren't hardcore radical rightwings.

there are plenty of larger issues at hand such as a certain indian who continues to live within and support the british empire like any loyal british citizen would, just like ghandi loved the british.
yes im sorry for misunderstanding. its just politics. no hard feelings. tbh except gambit and truthseeker, most americans here aren't hardcore radical rightwings.

there are plenty of larger issues at hand such as a certain indian who continues to live within and support the british empire like any loyal british citizen would, just like ghandi loved the british.

Yes, there are some racist rightwings in US who still believe in white supremacist theory, but more than that you should know many indians, japanese along with tibetan and uighur separatists live in US and their dream is about the destruction of China. Here you cannot know who is hiding behind whose flag.

China has urged US to deliver high tech equipments to China, so the ball is now in the USA's court. Let them decide and then we will decide our strategy. Only then we will see such pictures:



Neither US, nor China can do anything without one another and thats reality.
Hong Kong[7] (Chinese: &#39321;&#28207;) is one of the two special administrative regions of the People's Republic of China. Under the principle of "one country, two systems", Hong Kong runs on economic and political systems different from those of mainland China.[11] Hong Kong is one of the world's leading international financial centres, with a major capitalist service economy characterised by low taxation, free trade and minimum government intervention under the ethos of positive non-interventionism.[12] The Hong Kong dollar is the 9th most traded currency in the world.[13]
Hong Kong's independent judiciary functions under the common law framework.[14] Its political system is governed by the Basic Law of Hong Kong, its constitutional document. It has a burgeoning multi-party system, and its legislature is partly elected through universal suffrage. The Chief Executive of Hong Kong is the head of government.

And taiwan a part of China?? I am so ashamed that you have no idea about Taiwan<. Maybe you have read why china protests over US sales to Taiwan and all in various posts and you still believe Taiwan is a part of China... I cant lecture you more on Taiwan and i dont want to

Come on brother show some sense

Whatever honkgong runs in which raw, it is apart of china, you cant deny it, and about Taiwan I think whereever you come from, you can ask you govt, they will tell you the answer. Offically, Taiwan is aslo apart of china and I feel so ashamed that you dont know this. Come on, You indeed should show some sense. And you still didnt answer my question: what is the relation between being brother and english speaking population and what is the relation between being brother and being bussiness partner?
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