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Chinese helicopters enter Indian air space twice; dozens of incursions in Leh

im really not intrested to tel my montly pay because i bet if i will tel u about my age and how much im earning ur fuking mount open and im pretty sure more thn 10 housr dick! easily entrd in ur mouth!

i think enuff answer that how much my monthly pay! for ur kind info more thn ur half of family monthly earning :) so stay away about my monthly pay just dreaming of INDIA BCUM SUPERPOWER!! lolzzz

Look like you work for gov of pakistan or may be for other country within GOP whatever my family don't need you money,if possible give it to some pakistani poor...




Why? Are you done with dog, turtles, rats, snakes, insects?:woot:

As if these are not eaten in India? Your post was too much Mr.

He did not use any such bad thing which prompted you to come with rats and dogs and so on.

Please learn to adopt a tolerant view.
Helicopters are being used to rescue victims of the flooding area of china and to distribute food in those area,by mistake they have enter indian air space.
thats what i have come to know

Now this has cleared the misunderstanding.

I hope Indian media would take care next time not to speak before thinking.
:smokin: looks like Chinese land. will be nice to have some BBQ and have some beef sausage next to that lake.

You think any one is bothered whether you have beef sausages or pork salami or a goddamed dog steak?? You think Indians are interested in Chinese food habits?? You can even have your favourite monkey stew for all we care.

As usual, you have nothing to say. So you are indulging in your favourite past time of trolling with your Pakistani friends cheering you on.
As if these are not eaten in India? Your post was too much Mr.

He did not use any such bad thing which prompted you to come with rats and dogs and so on.

Please learn to adopt a tolerant view.

Geez!!! Why do you think he mentioned beef?? As if you don't know.

Hint:Toxic milk was not the reason.

I wonder why you thanked that troll over mention of beef!!!

Did not expected this from a senior member!
Geez!!! Why do you think he mentioned beef?? As if you don't know.

Hint:Toxic milk was not the reason.

I wonder why you thanked that troll over mention of beef!!!

Did not expected this from a senior member!

beef?? :undecided: where it come from in the post?? And why you only thought of the beef being reason for the thank ? I think i was thanking him for calling the territory as Chinese ;) Not for the beef indeed.

Anyway your argument is only based on emotionalism and biase hatered as well. Besides the things you mentioned are also eaten in India so it holds no weight.

Anyway you continue with it but i think as the confusion had been cleared so no use in draging the thread further.
im really not intrested to tel my montly pay because i bet if i will tel u about my age and how much im earning ur fuking mount open and im pretty sure more thn 10 housr dick! easily entrd in ur mouth!

i think enuff answer that how much my monthly pay! for ur kind info more thn ur half of family monthly earning so stay away about my monthly pay just dreaming of INDIA BCUM SUPERPOWER!! lolzzz

Good intellectual post:tup:
I don't think this is something our friends in New Delhi need to worry about. Anything UN drafts, we'll veto it. Any army UN cranked up, we'll screw it.

So simple huh ? :disagree:
I must say tainted milk really do effect one's brain !

settle down dude, no one here is talking about any armed conflict ! :wave:
Why are these chinese and pakistani guys are gloating???
chinese dropping food over india? I thought chinese food was toxic.. thats why the chinses are thin and pale(yellow) in colour..
and why do We need food from china when we sent them aid (I think it was 5 million dollars worth) when strong earthquake hit china lst year i think it was in sichuan?? corect me if i am wrong.

also the pakistanis are getting involved in it? well we did sent U aid as well during the quake in so called azad kashmir + its YOUR govt. who asks for donations from USA UK FRANCE etc.. even during the Tsunami India was the the only country in the sub continent which openly said that "we dont need aid, we are efficient in providing aid to our people" pakistan indonesia and sri lanka asked for aid... I think If the useless aid to pakistan is stopped and sent to africa it willl realy be worth it!!!

After Gujarat earthquake even Bangladesh sent aid to India.
These are for humanitarian mission.People don't brag about it,unless the intention of giving aid is something different other than the humanity factor.I don't know what Indian Govts' intention was,but certainly they don't boast about it shamelessly like you are doing.

Get down from your ultra nationalistic high horse.
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The Chinese think big, we don't
Rajesh Kalra Tuesday May 19, 2009

A number of readers were upset with my blogpost 'Slumdog India' because I had compared India with China and portrayed China as a nation that had its infrastructure priorities right. Readers pasted me on the comparison and held forth on China's shocking human rights record.

I am a proud Indian and have no doubt that despite poor infrastructure, we are a better country to live in. We have the freedom to do things that would be the envy of the world, leave alone China. But this post, unfortunately, is again a comparison between the two nations, but in a different context.

Let me get to the point straight away and look at the geopolitical aspirations of the two nations. We all know that while we have aspirations, China has gone far ahead, and is feared and envied the world over. A strong dose of such a feeling was administered to me last week as I cycled around the Ladakh region.

In the Changthang region of Ladakh, at 14,000 feet, there is breathtakingly beautiful Pangong Tso (Lake). Only 40% of this 130-odd-km-long lake is in India and the remainder is in Tibet (China). Since the lake is shared between the two, it is inevitable that the forces of India and China have boat patrols too.

Now, the forces of the two nations have an unwritten understanding (as conveyed to me by a senior army officer) that since it is a peaceful region, they would not fire at each other. So, what the two forces often indulge in is a game of cat and mouse. They enter each other's territory, activate their opponents, and rush back to the safety of their home waters. If you shut your eyes, you can actually imagine the Indian game of 'kabaddi'. Both sides have power boats for the task.

It is even so far, but don't pop the bubbly yet. In any case, we have this irritating habit of popping the bubbly too soon. Sania Mirza wins a point in the first round of a US Open game, and we behave as if she has won the grand slam. OK, that may be an exaggeration, but it surely happens when she wins a set in the first round.

But getting back to the boat patrols. How would you imagine, this 'kabaddi' is played? I would have imagined that our guys are sitting ready, in their hideouts, and as soon as they sense an incursion, they scramble into their power boats and chase the Chinese back. How lovely! And the Chinese would be doing the same. I really would have loved to see a game. Pity, neither side obliged. Apparently, that is not how it happens, though. I went around talking to more of our guys around, and the information was startling.

Our high-speed power boats look great, and they can move really fast on water, but, they take 30 minutes to warm up before they can chase our Chinese brethren. We have two such boats. Of course, we have other small motor boats too belonging to the army and the border police, but they are like the ones tourists use when they go visiting a vacation destination. Thankfully, at that altitude, not many are in the frame of mind to demand such facilities.

And how many such boats do the Chinese have? Though villagers claim the number to be upwards of 40, the army guys acknowledge the number to be around 22. So the ratio is 2:22, if you disregard the locals, who are normally well informed. These locals are diehard patriots, who also proudly showed me the indelible ink mark on their fingers that they voted. Ladakh had elections in the last phase, on May 13. They were also aware that no such rights exist on the other side of the border.

I asked the villagers to compare our boats with the Chinese. The honest assessment was that though our boats are fast, their boats are smaller and faster. But that is not what has caught their imagination. Almost all of them claimed that the Chinese boats emerge out of water suddenly, at high speed, and dive back in too. This means the Chinese are using submersible boats.

When I confronted an armyman with this claim, he pooh-pooed it: Why would they have something so expensive here? This one sentence itself made the comparison futile. We think small, they think big!

The Chinese think big, we don't:Random Access:Rajesh Kalra's blog-The Times Of India

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