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Chinese Helicopter carrier: Coming soon

Okay Okay!! Nice job China. Keep it up making us feel happi with ure every new invention and success......Alhamdolillah!........:)

Chinese Helicopter carrier: Coming soon

Official Chinese military magazine recently released the CGI....



the pics has a problem,the heli looks too big compared to the carrier,bad Computr guy i guess........

besides,congrates,the heli carrier is a nice move.Hope they will operate the attack chopper you guys have,wz-10 or something.
i hope india builds/buys such carriers too.
Great news! With our amphibious assault ships, helicopter landing platforms and aircraft carriers, China can project power to South China Sea and defend our Spratly Islands from thieves like Vietnamese and Filipinos, even if US navy tries to stop us!
Some said that these displays were actually watered down version for future export possibilities.

Note that the sub beside it looks like Yuan class but were called S20.
What is a helicopter carrier? Would that be the same as an amphibious assault ship with hovercrafts and stuff?
Congrats China hope to see you heli carrier soon .. i would love to see one in PN but again thats just a thought not reality.
Some said that these displays were actually watered down version for future export possibilities.

Note that the sub beside it looks like Yuan class but were called S20.

The models were spotted at a defense show at bankok.

It's hard to believe the navy will not be interested in this types of ships.
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