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Chinese hackers compromise US weapons' designs: Report

Being half pakistani has nothing to do with it man.

I appreciate that! You're the only indian to say that by far. Unfortunately alot of your country men have attacked me for my opinions (which have nothing to do with india)..I wonder why no pakistanis or chinese attacked me for my post about the skeleton lake of india..

Anyways I guess we should get back to the topic,I really don't wanna derail this thread.


on topic-if your pak origin doesn't have anything to do with this,then why did u support china??being half american u shouldn't be supporting them..
It's become VERY obvious that you do not read a word of the "ORIGINAL" Report from DSB

So, if I were you, I would read the 2 reports, or the "Government Source" you said in your post First, then tell me exactly where the Report by DSB single out and cry foul on Chinese Hacking??

You can find the report here

Defense Science Board

under title:

Resilient Military Systems and the Advanced Cyber Threat
Cyber Security and Reliability in a Digital Cloud

The DSB report are on Cyber Safety, they just use Chinese as an example that they are the only capable foe of Cyber attack, (I believe the DOD called them Tier V) However, if you read the same report, you will also notice that US also consider Russia as Tier V Threat and provide example as such, but you don't see any of the news report on that.

The Origin of the Shitstorm coming from a Washington Post Article that written after the Australian Cry foul on US cyber spy. Then the writer also read the same report and pick the content out of the DSB report, and ignore the fact that the DSB report are merely on US focus on Cyber warfare. They choose those information they want and ignore the rest of the stuff and spin the story to sell paper, and then what you see is you get Al Jezzera, BBC and Chinese Newspaper all saying US Crying foul on Chinese Hacker.

LOL, if you are not stupid to believe the word on those News Media, I don't really know what you are??

Götterdämmerung;4352185 said:

lol, well, that's the way it goes......

read it or be mislead, your choice.
You really aren't a hot latina are you?

I never said i was!

Let's try to focus more on the topic.I don't want this thread getting derailed because of me.:toast_sign:
I am half pakistani and half haitian born in NY,So that makes me an american citizen. I prefer patriotism over nationalism. It's a long story we can talk about it some other time but back on topic, I need hard evidence that china is hacking into the U.S and why only the U.S? If you can provide me with evidence i will take my words back.

Half Haitian & Half Pakistani....hmmmmn ! :undecided:

Sounds perfect, kiddo ! :yay:

So hows the family in Haiti ? I hope everyone was safe during the Earthquake the struck a few years back & that the Rebuilding efforts are going as planned !
Half Haitian & Half Pakistani....hmmmmn !
Sounds perfect, kiddo !
Sigh! This is why i hate talking about my ethnicity. Some people have a hard time excepting it.I thought race issues weren't a big deal here as long as you're pro-pakistani.

So hows the family in Haiti ? I hope everyone was safe during the Earthquake the struck a few years back & that the Rebuilding efforts are going as planned !
There Good! Thanks for asking appreciate it!

You are a Muslimah first.

Nationalism and Patriotism are Kuffar Concepts.

All of this coming from a you?? Aren't you suppose to be a hindu? Why take interest in muslimahs?
Sigh! This is why i hate talking about my ethnicity. Some people have a hard time excepting it.I thought race issues weren't a big deal here as long as you're pro-pakistani.

No one has a problem with ethnicity in Pakistan, maybe you just ran into the wrong people ! :)

There Good! Thanks for asking appreciate it!

You're Welcome ! :)

And please do quote the other person using the 'Reply with Quote' option like the rest of us do so that the one you quoted gets an intimation (its a built in thing on the forum) that they've been quoted by some ! :)
Götterdämmerung;4355705 said:
To be honest,...
No. Lie to us. You pretty much lied to yourself. :lol:

Götterdämmerung;4355705 said:
...I couldn't care less about the validity of the story. I just used this thread to make you and gambit write walls that I don't read. :bunny:
This is a publicly accessible forum, therefore, whatever goes on is not about you but about the readers. Those who took the time to read rebuttals to your tripe will see you for the intellectually dishonest and inconsistent person you are.
No. Lie to us. You pretty much lied to yourself. :lol:

This is a publicly accessible forum, therefore, whatever goes on is not about you but about the readers. Those who took the time to read rebuttals to your tripe will see you for the intellectually dishonest and inconsistent person you are.

In terms of intellectual dishonesty, I voluntarily admit that you are the champ. :)
Götterdämmerung;4355705 said:
To be honest, I couldn't care less about the validity of the story. I just used this thread to make you and gambit write walls that I don't read. :bunny:

In some part of the world, that's translated into "All your post is shiite and ballocks then" in English.

Of course, probably in your part of the world, this would mean "Glorious Internet Warrior" lol
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