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Chinese Gen.: "“If a US carrier enters the Yellow Sea it will become a living target"

Theres no danger of USA invadeing China, I would say there is some danger of China invadeing Russia what some Chinese have called their Norther Resouce Area.

The Chinese and Mikhail Gorbachev solved their boder dispute back in the 1980s. Also, Chinese military is in no shape to take on Russia. They studied the Soviet lesson and are focusing on their economy. The US must develop its technology and stay as far ahead of China as much as possible before China start to become wealthier and start to catch up. When will that happen is still beyond the horizon that no one can predict.
If the USA was impearlist Canada and Mexico would not exist. China lates impearlists conquest was Tibet.

US imperialism commenced when the US forcibly captured California from Mexico. After the 2nd world war when the US realised that its former ruler Britannia was weakened and bankrupt, it identified a new form of business which would boost its economy. That business involved placing puppet regimes who would not object to US enterprises ravaging their nation's resources and people for profit. Learning from the mistakes of Great Britain, the US realised that placing large contigents of troops in foreign nation soil would result in revolt and expulsion. Why do that when you could simply buy a government and exploit that nation's resources? No different from European imperialism but in a smarter format. The mistake which the US stayed away from is now the same mistake which the US is now making. Instead of buying off mullahs who rule troublesome Islamic nations, the US is committing troops to control those nations. Off course the smartest student in the whole class is China. They are learning from the mistakes of both the past imperial mistress Great Britain and the current imperial master the United States of America. Profit at limited costs is the way they operate. Unfortunately for Uncle Sam, profit is starting to become way too costly.
If the USA was impearlist Canada and Mexico would not exist. China latest impearlists conquest was Tibet.

China has governed Tibet more than 800 years!

If the USA is not impearlist, there exist Republic of Texas, Republic of California, Republic of Puerto Rico, Republic of Alaska, Kingdom of Hawaii.

Some foolish Western Whites and White American try to distort Chinese history! :)
If the USA was impearlist Canada and Mexico would not exist. China latest impearlists conquest was Tibet.

What about America and their fake wars in Iraq over "LIES" about weapons of mass destruction... don't make me laugh. :rofl:

Have you found those weapons of mass destruction yet? Have you beat the Taliban yet, or it is turning into another "Vietnam" which you also lost?

America is quickly becoming the most unpopular country in the world and they keep sinking and sinking. No one likes America... too bad, so sad. At least America has the honour of being the number one fattest nation! :partay:
My friend, there's no need to get emotional on an internet forum, you know very well that history is written by winners. The very fact that some foreigners can lecture you about your own history shows that china is still a weak country, just remember their hostilities and work hard to support your country -- only Chinese can build a strong china, period.
My friend, there's no need to get emotional on an internet forum, you know very well that history is written by winners. The very fact that some foreigners can lecture you about your own history shows that china is still a weak country, just remember their hostilities and work hard to support your country -- only Chinese can build a strong china, period.

You are right of course.

I do not dispute any historical facts, I just think it's funny that Indians in the USA are so upset at the rise of China. :yahoo:
You are right of course.

I do not dispute any historical facts, I just think it's funny that Indians in the USA are so upset at the rise of China. :yahoo:

PlanetWarrior's last comment was actually quite unbiased, i think it's unfortunate that the settings of this forum gives the impression that all Indians are against China but this isn't the case in real life.

There is however, a very deep-rooted institutional hypocrisy against China in the west, it's almost trendy to bash China in mainstream media and play up its threat, the only way to counter this is to develop and become stronger, result will speak louder for itself. :tup:
ca'mon there will be no ware between these two nations.
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