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Chinese farmer's self-made tank.

he should call angleena julie she can use such things .he is late other wise it can be used in AVATAR .
a farmer cant make this type of stuff, it requires high professional skills, arts and excel in such a field so bs imho
a farmer cant make this type of stuff, it requires high professional skills, arts and excel in such a field so bs imho

sir may be he is farmer and also member of china defense forum . same like me hahhhhahah
We have some very smart farmers in China.

hello, the video you posted is very much possible, but making such structures esp such an exact one requires a good engineering as well as very complicated skills,designing skills, designing softwares good parts availability and v complicated workshop tools, if u have studied engineering u know that..

its not possible for a farmer to do that simple as that
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hello, the video you posted is very much possible, but making such structures esp such an exact one requires a good engineering as well as very complicated skills,designing skills, designing softwares good parts availability and v complicated workshop tools, if u have studied engineering u know that..

its not possible for a farmer to do that simple as that

Now before you say something offensive and condescending, may I remind that the tank may just be a a non-working model, something you must have already known especially with your engineering expertise from....
Now before you say something offensive and condescending, may I remind that the tank may just be a a non-working model.

i will say anything offensive??, why u doubt that, i am doing engg so i know how complicated just its scaling and designing can be, that farmer maybe an engineer farmer, how can i know that, maybe... if u r studying engg esp being senior than me that i can always doubt my abilities as im just a beginner.. cheers
It could be just a prop.

A farmer with experience working with tractors may also be confortable with modifying it's outer skin.
Welding and simple mechanical tasks can be accumplished by trained technician.
Famer may have worked in a factory before - they may be migrant worker.
Engineering is a skill but innovation and improvisation can be picked up - Edison never finished school.
The contraption do not require high level electronics etc.
This is from a group of pictures that shows not only one but many people participating in this project.

I'm also doing eng.
Actually a walking balancing robot is harder than it looks.
The guy if not trained in design will have to accumulate alot of experience and past failures.
He's now being hired by cctv for prop design.
It could be just a prop.

A farmer with experience working with tractors may also be confortable with modifying it's outer skin.
Welding and simple mechanical tasks can be accumplished by trained technician.
Famer may have worked in a factory before - they may be migrant worker.
Engineering is a skill but innovation and improvisation can be picked up - Edison never finished school.
The contraption do not require high level electronics etc.
This is from a group of pictures that shows not only one but many people participating in this project.

I'm also doing eng.

if u look into the picture, there is a digital image of the tank printed on a big poster, it shows that the tank has been first designed and than its manufacture and assembly is made.. a farmer cannot come up with just a digital design using the softwares, also the big workshop doesnt seem to be belonging to any farmer unless he is a very wealthy and educated and special farmer..

what r u majoring in btw?? electrical??
Possibly a contract work by a movie studio or something.
They design the thing, but if they can find some farmer to build it cheaper than if they contracted it out to 'real' companies, then why not?
The caterpiller track looks like a normal track with blocks of scrap metal welded on at an angle.
In one of the other photos it shows beside the tank is a heap of scrap metals.

They'll paint over it afterwards and it will look real dandy.

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