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Chinese dissident in US embassy: Hu Jia

The Chinese Government is already censoring news about Mr Chen internally.

It has blocked internet searches of all terms relating to Mr Chen.

Searches for Chen's name and the Chinese terms for "Shawshank", "blind person", "embassy", and Chen's home village of Dongshigu were all blocked on Sina Weibo, China's leading microblogging service.

Also blocked was "UA898", a United Airlines direct flight from Beijing to Washington, apparently after web users speculated online about the possibility Chen would gain US asylum.

wondering why CPC thinks chinese people are too naive to think for themselves and must be policed like cattle
US admits role in Chinese dissident's escape

The US Government has admitted involvement in Chinese dissident Chen Guangcheng's escape from house arrest.

But it has not confirmed if Mr Chen is at the US embassy in Beijing.


Chinese dissident Chen Guangcheng escaped from house arrest. [ABC]

Hu Jia, a fellow dissident and friend of Mr Chen's, is adamant he is in the US embassy, but not seeking asylum.

Mr Hu was questioned by Chinese police last weekend and said he now believes Mr Chen has met with senior US diplomats.

"It seems very clear that he has met with the American ambassador," Mr Hu said.

"I had no way of answering. I do not know what is going on inside. But when I heard this I was very surprised and excited".

US Assistant Secretary of State, Kurt Campbell, has flown to Beijing, repeatedly to broker a deal between China and the US over Mr Chen's case.

Mr Chen's escape threatens to overtake all other political issues that were to be discussed between the two nations when US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton visits China.

The Chinese Government is already censoring news about Mr Chen internally.

It has blocked internet searches of all terms relating to Mr Chen.

Searches for Chen's name and the Chinese terms for "Shawshank", "blind person", "embassy", and Chen's home village of Dongshigu were all blocked on Sina Weibo, China's leading microblogging service.

Also blocked was "UA898", a United Airlines direct flight from Beijing to Washington, apparently after web users speculated online about the possibility Chen would gain US asylum.

:lol: so much fear in CPC... :lol: freaking hilarious.... if they are afraid of this... man think they are hiding almost everything from chinese people... god how real chinese people tolerate such restrictions on themm... :lol:

Indians bookmark this link :lol: if CPC is hiding SUCH SIMPLETON THING so furiously... just take it for granted they are not telling chinese about any of their failures ever.. just keep the cover on the horses eyes.... so it only sees straight... :lol: :lol:
nuke US embassy... :lol: :lol:

by the way,how chen even managed to flee???i'm smelling a hand of CCP too.. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

so much for "Glorious China"..
this is direct political interference in china's internal affairs by the US. I think the Chinese government really need to take a hard line approach with the Americans or they will continue to interfere in China's internal affairs.

Unfortunately the Chinese government leaders are extreme incompetent and gullible.

US NGOs must be banned. That's the first thing that need to happen.
Second is to deport illegal immigrants and secure our borders and monitor who enters china at airports. Create a biometric database on every foreigner that enter china, whether students, businessmen, academics, journalists, diplomats, tourists, etc.

US NGOs have been funding and encouraging protests in Tibet and xinjiang. They have been recruiting the poor to revolt against the government. They seek to cause division between the party and the people to collapse the Chinese economy through political instability.


You guys are already made us number 1 enemy when doing cyber attacks so I'm not concerned about this.
Running blind: China activist's dramatic escape - Yahoo! News

Running blind: China activist's dramatic escape

BEIJING (AP) — Chen Guangcheng's blindness was a help and a hindrance as he made his way past the security cordon ringing his farmhouse.

He knew the terrain — he had explored his village in rural China as a blind child and moved as easily in darkness as in daylight. He was alert for the sounds of people, cars and the river he would have to cross.

But he stumbled scores of times, arriving bloody at a meeting point with a fellow dissident — the first of an underground railroad of supporters who eventually escorted him to safety with U.S. diplomats.

A self-taught lawyer who angered authorities by exposing forced abortions, Chen is now presumed to be under U.S. protection, most likely in the fortress-like American Embassy in Beijing. Details of his improbable escape — making his way last week through fields and forest, then being chased by security agents in Beijing — are emerging in accounts from the activists who helped him.

Chen and his family had been harassed and kept under house arrest since the summer of 2005, except for a four-year period when Chen was jailed on charges of disrupting traffic and restrictions were eased on his wife and daughter. The couple's young son lives with his mother's sister.

After Chen's release in September 2010, the family was again placed under house arrest, their movements severely restricted, with even 6-year-old daughter Kesi subjected to searches when she came home from school. Chen and his wife, Yuan Weijing, were beaten several times.

The 41-year-old activist hatched his escape plan months ago with a simple idea — he would just lie still, said Bob Fu, founder of the Texas-based rights group ChinaAid and one of a handful of people to speak to Chen since he fled his village.

For weeks on end, Chen stayed in bed, saying he was too feeble to rise.

In fact, Chen wasn't well; his stomach was bothering him as it had for years. But he exaggerated his condition to lull the guards into a sense of complacency.

The ruse worked. The guards didn't look in on him constantly, assuming he was still bedridden, and when he escaped under cover of darkness, it took three days for them to notice.

"He did a darn good job. ... He prepared for months, at least two months," Fu said. "He didn't really move much, just laying in bed and making the impression that he couldn't move."

The night was cool with just a sliver of crescent moon in the sky on April 22 when Chen slipped out of his farmhouse in eastern China's Shandong province. Blinded by fever as a child, Chen grew up exploring the nearby cornfields and dirt paths sightless, so he had his bearings.

It wasn't the first time he had run away from Dongshigu village and his bitter, nearly decade-long feud with local officials.

In 2005, Chen, his wife and a friend made a dash out of the village, running through a cornfield to evade guards. He and his friend got all the way to Beijing, where they met with diplomats and journalists, but his wife was captured. Days later, Chen was seized by security guards on the streets of the capital and returned to house arrest.

On that brief escape he had been helped by his sighted friend; this time Chen was alone.

He followed a path to a field and from there took a road he knew would lead him to a narrow river. After crossing it, he entered a wooded area that gave way to less familiar territory, ground that continually tripped him up. He fell at least 200 times, he would tell his supporters.

He walked for hours, trying to put as much distance between himself and his heavily guarded home as possible before daring to slip a battery into his mobile phone and call He Peirong, a Nanjing-based English teacher-turned-activist who had promised to help. She was waiting with a car.

When she finally found him, Chen was wet, covered in mud and blood, and had numerous cuts and bruises.

"He was in very unbelievable shape when he was picked up," said Fu, citing a conversation with He. Chen "was trembling, was physically weak. ... But he was determined to escape from that miserable condition."

Fu said Chen took a few days to recuperate before making a video appeal.

Uploaded to YouTube and Boxun.com five days after Chen's escape, it showed the blind activist wearing a Nike wind breaker and his trademark black sunglasses, looking relaxed and sounding strong. In it, he pleaded with Premier Wen Jiabao to punish the local authorities who had subjected Chen and his family to 20 months of house arrest, repeatedly beating them.

It was apparently taped in Beijing after He drove Chen north and handed him off to another activist, who brought him to the capital.

He herself was detained Friday by police. Hours before, she told The Associated Press she had been in contact with Chen's relatives, who told her that when the local village chief discovered Chen was gone, "he was furious."

They beat Chen's wife, his brother and his adult nephew, she said.

In Beijing, Chen was mainly aided by Guo Yushan, founder of a think tank set up in 2007 in the capital's university district.

He also met with prominent activists Hu Jia and Zeng Jinyan, posing for smiling snapshots with the couple — pictures they later posted to Twitter. They discussed Chen's plan, saying he wanted "justice and freedom," and insisted he had no intention of leaving China.

Zeng said he seemed thinner and his hair was grayer than she remembered it, but that he was full of conviction.

"He was very certain and very clear," Zeng said. "He wants justice for his case and his family and he doesn't want to go abroad, doesn't want exile."

Despite his desire to stay in China, Fu now says China and the U.S. are close to a deal that would see Chen and his family given asylum in the United States. It could be announced within days, he said Monday.

Several others besides Guo helped Chen in Beijing, but Zeng and Fu declined to name them for fear they would be rounded up by security agents.

He, the former school teacher, has not been heard from since her detention Friday; Guo was detained and released but did not respond to a request for an interview. Colleagues said it wasn't "convenient" for him to talk, suggesting he is under pressure from authorities to stay silent.

Zeng and her husband also were questioned, with Hu spending 24 hours in custody.

The only tidbit Fu dared to offer about Chen's experience in Beijing was that he was involved in a car chase by security officials while being driven by a fellow dissident. But the agents were after the driver and didn't even know Chen was in the car.

"If they had known Chen was there, they probably would have shut down all of Beijing's traffic," Fu said.
oh really???

- "Democracy" or just for serving your West interests???

- "Democracy" or just for handcuffing human necks to be slave under your Western influences???

- "Democracy" or just for exporting idealism to serve for your expansionism around the World???

Finally, Are you really at that kindness to really hope that China one day become a "democracy" nation instead of a "Communist" one????

Remember Communist fights Communist to death if they in interests disputes, U.S.S.R and China and now that little punk vietnam is an obvious example. Oh, I forget to tell you Iraq and Iran and many south america nations are not communist countries either but how your West treat them???

Whenever China is a Communist state or "Democracy" state, she is still a huge nation with giant potential capacities that could challenge your West's global imperialism, so don't pretend naive as if you are so nice to the Chinese and China. China is always under your target no matter what political idealism they follow.
YOU are the product of your God damn propaganda, never thought of yourself so nice and clean while others are just dirty!!! China never export idealism to force people to follow, but your God damn West is bloodily pushing people to knee down to your West ruling!!!

What so called "democracy" is not different with "Communism"......DON'T LIE!!! :hitwall:

Remember China is not Japan or South Korea as if it is so easy for you to handcuff her neck, the greedy alliance of your created by blood and shameless history.

If one day China is really a "non-communist" state, your West will still finding ways to harm them and push them down to the bottom, so don't lie!!!

CHINA is NOT japan!!!!! :hitwall:

Mate - your flag indicate you live in US. Don't you want to appreciate the west which has given you the freedom to post the above which will not be possible in a communist regime?
oh really???

- "Democracy" or just for serving your West interests???

- "Democracy" or just for handcuffing human necks to be slave under your Western influences???

- "Democracy" or just for exporting idealism to serve for your expansionism around the World???

Finally, Are you really at that kindness to really hope that China one day become a "democracy" nation instead of a "Communist" one????

Remember Communist fights Communist to death if they in interests disputes, U.S.S.R and China and now that little punk vietnam is an obvious example. Oh, I forget to tell you Iraq and Iran and many south america nations are not communist countries either but how your West treat them???

Whenever China is a Communist state or "Democracy" state, she is still a huge nation with giant potential capacities that could challenge your West's global imperialism, so don't pretend naive as if you are so nice to the Chinese and China. China is always under your target no matter what political idealism they follow.
YOU are the product of your God damn propaganda, never thought of yourself so nice and clean while others are just dirty!!! China never export idealism to force people to follow, but your God damn West is bloodily pushing people to knee down to your West ruling!!!

What so called "democracy" is not different with "Communism"......DON'T LIE!!! :hitwall:

Remember China is not Japan or South Korea as if it is so easy for you to handcuff her neck, the greedy alliance of your created by blood and shameless history.

If one day China is really a "non-communist" state, your West will still finding ways to harm them and push them down to the bottom, so don't lie!!!

CHINA is NOT japan!!!!! :hitwall:

You seem to love whippinh out fantasies and conspiracy theories of "the west" taking over the world etc. it's all rubbish and has nothing to do with democracy.

Democracy is unavoidable. Every single country in the world will have democracy eventually. Look what has happened in the Middle East.

People simply don't want to live under a system that doesn't allow them freedom to speak and think. People want to choose who their leaders are.
God damn such tongue of the West!

Determined Tiger, Sir,

Use of profanity is not permitted here at the PDF. Please refrain from using it. I see that you repeated the same profanity in a later post on this thread as well. If you persist in profane posts, I will use the report button every time I see you do it. Be forewarned.


You seem to love whippinh out fantasies and conspiracy theories of "the west" taking over the world etc. it's all rubbish and has nothing to do with democracy.

Democracy is unavoidable. Every single country in the world will have democracy eventually. Look what has happened in the Middle East.

People simply don't want to live under a system that doesn't allow them freedom to speak and think. People want to choose who their leaders are.

You really want us to be good the low inferior yellow perils have the freedom of "speak and think"...speak and think for whom???For you???? For serving your interests???? for knee down at your master West to us???? how do you know Chinese don't have freedom of speak and though while you never live in China a day??? you believe so because of your government media say so???? freedom of speak and think is to betray the nation and to bow down to serve for foreign invaders like you is good???? freedom of speak and think is to bring down China and leave this country is crisis to please your West ego??? Is that the F so called "freedom of speak and think" you trying to mean????

about the choosing leaders, choose the leaders that help secure and protect this country is BAD while bring down the recent government to install a new puppet to serve you is GOOD????

If once day China is really having a freedom of choosing their leaders, when the Chinese citizens choose a leaders that help build up strong China and against your West would you feel happy to see that kind of "democracy" again????

How many democracy countries got beaten down by you for no reason just because they are against your aggression and bullying????

Don't wear a priest coat and try to harm people, evil!!! STOP that god damn propaganda!!! :hitwall:
This story hasn't been reported much in China due to no freedom of press. The government censors have been hard at work.

The man is now in a Chinese hospital after leaving the U.S embassy.
This story hasn't been reported much in China due to no freedom of press. The government censors have been hard at work.

The man is now in a Chinese hospital after leaving the U.S embassy.
We threatened to storm the embassy and capture or execute the ambassador and diplomats if USA does not eject him. They know our nukes are ready to annihilate them, so they backed off. Another glorious victory for Supreme Leader Xi and the Chinese superpower.

Next we turn our nuclear crosshairs to india and other neighborhood nations who want to challenge our unstoppable rise!
We threatened to storm the embassy and capture or execute the ambassador and diplomats if USA does not eject him. They know our nukes are ready to annihilate them, so they backed off. Another glorious victory for Supreme Leader Xi and the Chinese superpower.

Next we turn our nuclear crosshairs to india and other neighborhood nations who want to challenge our unstoppable rise!

Dream on. Why threaten when you guys could have done it couple of days ago. What took you guys so long?
We threatened to storm the embassy and capture or execute the ambassador and diplomats if USA does not eject him. They know our nukes are ready to annihilate them, so they backed off. Another glorious victory for Supreme Leader Xi and the Chinese superpower.

Next we turn our nuclear crosshairs to india and other neighborhood nations who want to challenge our unstoppable rise!

"we" meaning you? :rofl: I love when people pretend they speak for their governments.

Most Chinese wouldn't even know what is going on considering the government has censored this story.

A couple of hours ago, Hu Jia left the embassy on his own accord to go to hospital.
If U.S. wants them, U.S. can have them. I do not understand why China is so worried about these two guys. Wei Jingsheng and Wang Dan used to play much more fanfare before. Look at them now. Nobody give a damn what they say any more.

Just let them go.

Chinese rights activist Chen Guangcheng is in the US embassy in Beijing, his friend and fellow dissident Hu Jia said on Monday, in a case that threatens to rile China-US ties.

Hu, who was detained over the weekend for questioning in the affair, also said Chinese security officials

indicated that Chen had met with US ambassador Gary Locke since the activist's dramatic flight from house arrest.

"He is in the embassy," Hu, who had met with Chen after his escape, told AFP when asked whether he could confirm rumours of Chen's whereabouts.

"They asked when Chen Guangcheng met with ambassador Gary Locke," he added.

"So it seems very clear that he has met with the American ambassador. I had no way of answering. I do not know what is going on inside."

"But when I heard this I was very surprised and excited," Hu added.

Chen, a self-taught lawyer, fled house arrest in Shandong province on April 22 with the help of supporters from under the noses of dozens of guards and subsequently recorded a video alleging abuses against him and his family.

Since then, rumours have swirled that Chen had made it to safety in the US embassy, but the embassy and State Department officials in Washington have refused to confirm or deny them.

China will no doubt be extremely upset about the United States harbouring a fierce critic of its government, and the sensitive situation threatens to become a major diplomatic entanglement.

It comes as US secretary of state Hillary Clinton and treasury secretary Timothy Geithner are due in Beijing on Thursday for an annual round of wide-ranging talks on the often-testy China-US relationship.

Chen, 40, won worldwide acclaim for exposing forced sterilisations and late-term abortions under China's "one child" policy, and for using his legal knowledge to help people battle a range of other perceived injustices including land grabs.

He and his family were put under round-the-clock house arrest after he completed a four-year jail sentence in September 2010.

He has said he was being punished for defiantly continuing to speak out and that he and his family members had suffered beatings and other brutal treatment at the hands of local officials in what he has called an illegal house arrest

Chinese dissident in US embassy: Hu Jia - Hindustan Times

WTF. If true, China should force the US ambassador to leave and close the US embassy
My question is why a Powerful country like China is afraid of harmless people like 80 year old Dalai Lama or a Blind Chen ?
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