This my fellow Americans and Indians is classic case of how you can take a Chinese out of the ghettos ( or in his case his family came cup in hand to the US) but can't take the ghetto out of them. To him , even with him living in the US, the Chinese mentality of being so subjugated and inferior to resist the govt continues on.
To him " education" is the criteria for a basis of earning human rights. Since that peasant working hard in the field did not get " educated " enough, he should expect his rights be trampled upon, his organs be sold off by the govt or his views lead him to be thrown in jail to languish for years not being produced before the judge.
His example of this " one time in band camp I met a guy who went to India" ( funny how many Chinese come to India in their example
) - shows his total lack of getting it.
I had a friend who went to china and reported this
one of the indelible images of China for foreigners is that of the cutie-pie baby wearing the pants with a giant hole on the bottom - known in Chinese "kaidangku" (literally "open-crotch pants"). One might even catch a Chinese toddler relieving himself, right on the street.
then there was appalling racism he saw . Racism against black people may be the strongest form of racism in China.
Many families in China would be horrified if their son or daughter married a black person. Some would even disown them outright.
It can be difficult getting a job teaching English in China if you are black. This is because of the perception of many people in China that only white people are ‘true Americans’ or ‘true English’ people.
Subtle discrimination in China is prevalent. Whether it be the obnoxious ‘hello!’ that gets shouted at your back, the constant staring, or the tendency for many people in China to immediately begin talking about foreigners or stories having to do with foreigners upon seeing them, subtle discrimination or at least ignorance is widespread in China
of course the loud talking , almost screaming at each other it seems and the total lack of respecting public spaces on their cell phones was horrifying.
Classism’ Against Chinese People . You don’t have to be of a different race to be discriminated against in China. People in China often treat those they perceive as belonging to a lower class quite poorly
Racism Against Minorities Within China
Racism doesn’t only extend to foreigners within China – it also extends to its own people. People from Tibet and virtually all Chinese ‘minorities’ are seen as backwards and in need of a helping hand to enter the modern world.
Those from Xinjiang province are often looked down upon as thieves – children are especially vilified, since they are all looked at as thieves. And Xinjiang people are often harrassed by the cops.
OH due time restraints I did not have the time to go into forced abortions or organs sold by the govt for profit and other such horrifying realities of china... and of course the singular obseesi0on of Chinese to compare there almost 4 X more GDP with India. weird but true.