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Chinese dissident in US embassy: Hu Jia

wondering why CPC thinks chinese people are too naive to think for themselves and must be policed like cattle

Buddy, indeed, the ordinary people ARE naive and gullible, and are manipulate-able, especially those un- or under-educated.

There was a real story told by a Chinese student who did research in India about India culture/democracy in a rural area. He was invited by his Indian classmate of a high caste. When the Chinese visited low caste family, the India classmate’s mother must ask her servants to wash his feet with salt, and change his clothes, and force him to take a kind of bath. And he noticed that if a village head that is always high caste requests vote for a person, the ordinary people of low caste dared not disobey.

That is democracy in format but feudalism in reality.

If you remember India is still a agricultural country, that explains why 60+ years later, a then richer India lags behind a then poorer China in almost every aspect, including human rights.

I haven’t finished his long and detailed story due to time constraint. It is really firsthand experience by a young Chinese student in a real India.

BTW, similar to India, rural China has lot of uneducated, naïve, gullible and lawless officials and ordinary.

My question is why a Powerful country like China is afraid of harmless people like 80 year old Dalai Lama or a Blind Chen ?

In fact, China is afraid of becoming a democatic India, or perhaps worse, like democratic the Philippines.

Read this: Addressing U.S.-China Strategic Distrust
It seems you may have ran off from china but did not leave the famous Chinese IQ or lack of behind. What the hell does illegal immigration have to do with democratic rights ? That is an law and order issue for the US. The ones from india that come here, come here not because they are running away from a tyrannical govt like in your case.

If you had Indian or anyone's democracy then

you would have free press
you would have right to own property ( not lease it from the govt)
you would have independent judiciary
you would have labor laws
you have right to protest
right to have duo process in court and not 500,000 languish in jails without any charges
right not o have your organs sold off by your govt
right " read diverse opinions"
right to religion
and 100 things that matter


If you had democracy in china , your fellow Chinese would be able to post like you seditious talks about their own country ( of residence in your case) while not fearing being thrown into labor camp , left for dead.

So running away form tyranny = running away from Indian democracy? nice one!

If you had Indian or anyone's democracy then

you would have free press that lies all over the place and nobody says otherwise or only lying otherwise
you would have right to go starvation and be illiterate
you would have independent judiciary that only serve the high caste
you would have labor laws that abuse children
you have right to protest and be killed by bullets or sticks.
right to have duo process in court and not 500,000 languish in jails without any charges and eventually tortured to death
right not o have your organs sold off by your govt but by Indian mafia
right " read diverse opinions" which does not include fair-treatment
right to religion but no right to be not discriminated
and 100 things that matter and surely lead to bad and ill fate

Worse, one'd have your IQ.

If my stomach were empty and I were illiterate, I could only be manipulated by other powerful ones. No exception as we are all human beings, unless Indians are no human…

If China had such democracy, it would be worse than India, as China never governed by British as whole...
Buddy, indeed, the ordinary people ARE naive and gullible, and are manipulate-able, especially those un- or under-educated.

There was a real story told by a Chinese student who did research in India about India culture/democracy in a rural area. He was invited by his Indian classmate of a high caste. When the Chinese visited low caste family, the India classmate’s mother must ask her servants to wash his feet with salt, and change his clothes, and force him to take a kind of bath. And he noticed that if a village head that is always high caste requests vote for a person, the ordinary people of low caste dared not disobey.

That is democracy in format but feudalism in reality.

If you remember India is still a agricultural country, that explains why 60+ years later, a then richer India lags behind a then poorer China in almost every aspect, including human rights.

I haven’t finished his long and detailed story due to time constraint. It is really firsthand experience by a young Chinese student in a real India.

BTW, similar to India, rural China has lot of uneducated, naïve, gullible and lawless officials and ordinary.

This my fellow Americans and Indians is classic case of how you can take a Chinese out of the ghettos ( or in his case his family came cup in hand to the US) but can't take the ghetto out of them. To him , even with him living in the US, the Chinese mentality of being so subjugated and inferior to resist the govt continues on.

To him " education" is the criteria for a basis of earning human rights. Since that peasant working hard in the field did not get " educated " enough, he should expect his rights be trampled upon, his organs be sold off by the govt or his views lead him to be thrown in jail to languish for years not being produced before the judge.

His example of this " one time in band camp I met a guy who went to India" ( funny how many Chinese come to India in their example :) ) - shows his total lack of getting it.

I had a friend who went to china and reported this

one of the indelible images of China for foreigners is that of the cutie-pie baby wearing the pants with a giant hole on the bottom - known in Chinese "kaidangku" (literally "open-crotch pants"). One might even catch a Chinese toddler relieving himself, right on the street.

then there was appalling racism he saw . Racism against black people may be the strongest form of racism in China.

Many families in China would be horrified if their son or daughter married a black person. Some would even disown them outright.

It can be difficult getting a job teaching English in China if you are black. This is because of the perception of many people in China that only white people are ‘true Americans’ or ‘true English’ people.

Subtle discrimination in China is prevalent. Whether it be the obnoxious ‘hello!’ that gets shouted at your back, the constant staring, or the tendency for many people in China to immediately begin talking about foreigners or stories having to do with foreigners upon seeing them, subtle discrimination or at least ignorance is widespread in China

of course the loud talking , almost screaming at each other it seems and the total lack of respecting public spaces on their cell phones was horrifying.

Classism’ Against Chinese People . You don’t have to be of a different race to be discriminated against in China. People in China often treat those they perceive as belonging to a lower class quite poorly

Racism Against Minorities Within China

Racism doesn’t only extend to foreigners within China – it also extends to its own people. People from Tibet and virtually all Chinese ‘minorities’ are seen as backwards and in need of a helping hand to enter the modern world.

Those from Xinjiang province are often looked down upon as thieves – children are especially vilified, since they are all looked at as thieves. And Xinjiang people are often harrassed by the cops.

OH due time restraints I did not have the time to go into forced abortions or organs sold by the govt for profit and other such horrifying realities of china... and of course the singular obseesi0on of Chinese to compare there almost 4 X more GDP with India. weird but true.
india is amongst the hardest critics against China's democracy and human rights records. Whenever a case like this sprung up in China, indians are so much hyped up on media / forums swarming like bees to a new found honey comb . These are the best time when they can take a break switching on their dementia mode so as to avoid acknowledging their chronic woes in this:

So running away form tyranny = running away from Indian democracy? nice one!

If you had Indian or anyone's democracy then

you would have free press that lies all over the place and nobody says otherwise or only lying otherwise
you would have right to go starvation and be illiterate
you would have independent judiciary that only serve the high caste
you would have labor laws that abuse children
you have right to protest and be killed by bullets or sticks.
right to have duo process in court and not 500,000 languish in jails without any charges and eventually tortured to death
right not o have your organs sold off by your govt but by Indian mafia
right " read diverse opinions" which does not include fair-treatment
right to religion but no right to be not discriminated
and 100 things that matter and surely lead to bad and ill fate

Worse, one'd have your IQ.

If my stomach were empty and I were illiterate, I could only be manipulated by other powerful ones. No exception as we are all human beings, unless Indians are no human…

If China had such democracy, it would be worse than India, as China never governed by British as whole...

This yet another classic case of Chinese intellect. Rights to him is inherently evil JUST NOT the one's he demands and asks for in America. He believes in the 1% rule. If there is 1% chance a right can help some ill doing- we should remove it from the 99%, it helps. We should cite that 1% for the a basis of the right or law to not exist.

The strong brainwashing power that their motherland has over Chinese Americans and as seen on PDF too- is proof positive of the existence of the seditious immigrant population in the US.
Why is the slave speaking for its master? This is a contest between superpowers, nothing to do with third world countries like india.

China ...Superpower....or Super Bully
To be a woman in "democratic" india, she is like these:
whereas in the same survey an "undemocratic" China ranks low @ 23rd:

1, Iceland
Overall score (out of 100): 100.0
Justice: 100.0
Health: 90.5
Education: 96.7
Economics: 88.0
Politics: 92.8

2, Sweden
Overall score (out of 100): 99.2
Justice: 90.8
Health: 94.8
Education: 95.5
Economics: 90.3
Politics: 93.1

3, Canada
Overall score (out of 100): 96.6
Justice: 100.0
Health: 92.7
Education: 92.0
Economics: 91.0
Politics: 66.9

4, Denmark
Overall score (out of 100): 95.3
Justice: 86.1
Health: 94.9
Education: 97.6
Economics: 88.5
Politics: 78.4

5, Finland
Overall score (out of 100): 92.8
Justice: 80.2
Health: 91.4
Education: 91.3
Economics: 86.8
Politics: 100.0

6, Switzerland
Overall score (out of 100): 91.9
Justice: 87.9
Health: 94.4
Education: 97.3
Economics: 82.6
Politics: 74.6

7, Norway
Overall score (out of 100): 91.3
Justice: 79.3
Health: 100.0
Education: 74.0
Economics: 93.5
Politics: 93.9

8, United States of America
Overall score (out of 100): 89.8
Justice: 82.9
Health: 92.8
Education: 97.3
Economics: 83.9
Politics: 68.6

9, Australia
Overall score (out of 100): 88.2
Justice: 80.7
Health: 93.3
Education: 93.9
Economics: 85.3
Politics: 65.1

10, Netherlands
Overall score (out of 100): 87.7
Justice: 74.0
Health: 95.0
Education: 99.0
Economics: 83.0
Politics: 68.4

11, New Zealand
Overall score (out of 100): 87.2
Justice: 72.0
Health: 87.5
Education: 93.3
Economics: 87.5
Politics: 78.2

12, France
Overall score (out of 100): 87.2
Justice: 100.0
Health: 94.7
Education: 95.0
Economics: 72.3
Politics: 62.0

13, Luxembourg
Overall score (out of 100): 87.1
Justice: 100.0
Health: 90.8
Education: 95.0
Economics: 75.5
Politics: 56.2

14, Portugal
Overall score (out of 100): 86.8
Justice: 100.0
Health: 92.7
Education: 90.4
Economics: 74.0
Politics: 67.6

15, Republic of Macedonia
Overall score (out of 100): 86.4
Justice: 83.5
Health: 92.1
Education: 95.4
Economics: 83.4
Politics: 51.2

16, Republic of Moldova
Overall score (out of 100): 86.3
Justice: 88.7
Health: 91.5
Education: 95.9
Economics: 80.3
Politics: 53.1

17, Philippines
Overall score (out of 100): 86.3
Justice: 88.4
Health: 57.0
Education: 92.2
Economics: 89.1
Politics: 85.6

18, Belgium
Overall score (out of 100): 85.2
Justice: 73.1
Health: 96.5
Education: 92.5
Economics: 79.6
Politics: 78.2

19, United Kingdom
Overall score (out of 100): 85.0
Justice: 79.5
Health: 91.7
Education: 95.9
Economics: 81.6
Politics: 57.0

20, Romania
Overall score (out of 100): 85.0
Justice: 92.3
Health: 90.2
Education: 94.9
Economics: 79.1
Politics: 45.5

21, Albania
Overall score (out of 100): 84.6
Justice: 84.8
Health: 99.3
Education: 99.0
Economics: 82.4
Politics: 21.4

22, Ireland
Overall score (out of 100): 84.5
Justice: 89.8
Health: 86.2
Education: 93.1
Economics: 81.0
Politics: 51.0

23, China
Overall score (out of 100): 84.4
Justice: 92.2
Health: 99.2
Education: 100.0
Economics: 73.2
Politics: 36.7

who provided the stats for china? your govt. that is caught lying about stats?

It gave itself 100 on education and laughable 92.2 on Justice ?
. is that why you guys run off to the US to study with embezzled funds

Is this same govt who said you had no SARS
The govt that said only few thousand died in the earthquakes while 100,000 died
the same govt that said no 30 million died of starvation only a few hundreds
The same govt that censors anything that it finds bad for it's image?
the same govt throws 500,000 citizens in jail with no charges and have never seen a day in court? that's the one with 92.2 on judicary?

it is that govt. whose stats you want to compare vs open free societies?
who provided the stats for china? your govt. that is caught lying about stats?

It gave itself 100 on education and laughable 92.2 on Justice ?
. is that why you guys run off to the US to study with embezzled funds

Is this same govt who said you had no SARS
The govt that said only few thousand died in the earthquakes while 100,000 died
the same govt that said no 30 million died of starvation only a few hundreds
The same govt that censors anything that it finds bad for it's image?
the same govt that 500,000 citizens in jail with no charges and have never seen a day in court? that's the one with 92.2 on judicary?

it is that govt. whose stats you want to compare vs open free societies?

go on with your delusions of a poor brutal "democratic" hardlining country. We don't know what is "honour" killings. We don't know about women being dead or disfigured by fire or acid; we don;t know about our women being afraid of getting brutally molested after 8 pm ...:rofl::rofl:
Can Canada and Mexico get together to contain USA if they wanted to? :)

LOL at the inferior Westerners shake at China's superpower coercion!

Inferior? LOL the planes, tanks, helocopters you use were all devised by the west.
The men behind the nuclear equations were western men. Your lot has never been creative. Even communism is aa western ideology.

Anyways Canada and mexico are not equal to US GDP. Japan is on par with yours.

That makes all the difference. Where your lot cant produce a decent Aricraft engine, or car engine for that metter. Japan has some of the largest vehicle manufactuers in the world.

Japan tops you in every HDI ranking. And we all know how the US had to save your backsides from the Japanese menace in WW2.

LOL @ Soviet propped up regime chinese.
This my fellow Americans and Indians is classic case of how you can take a Chinese out of the ghettos ( or in his case his family came cup in hand to the US) but can't take the ghetto out of them. To him , even with him living in the US, the Chinese mentality of being so subjugated and inferior to resist the govt continues on.

To him " education" is the criteria for a basis of earning human rights. Since that peasant working hard in the field did not get " educated " enough, he should expect his rights be trampled upon, his organs be sold off by the govt or his views lead him to be thrown in jail to languish for years not being produced before the judge.

His example of this " one time in band camp I met a guy who went to India" ( funny how many Chinese come to India in their example :) ) - shows his total lack of getting it.

I had a friend who went to china and reported this

one of the indelible images of China for foreigners is that of the cutie-pie baby wearing the pants with a giant hole on the bottom - known in Chinese "kaidangku" (literally "open-crotch pants"). One might even catch a Chinese toddler relieving himself, right on the street.

then there was appalling racism he saw . Racism against black people may be the strongest form of racism in China.

Many families in China would be horrified if their son or daughter married a black person. Some would even disown them outright.

It can be difficult getting a job teaching English in China if you are black. This is because of the perception of many people in China that only white people are ‘true Americans’ or ‘true English’ people.

Subtle discrimination in China is prevalent. Whether it be the obnoxious ‘hello!’ that gets shouted at your back, the constant staring, or the tendency for many people in China to immediately begin talking about foreigners or stories having to do with foreigners upon seeing them, subtle discrimination or at least ignorance is widespread in China

of course the loud talking , almost screaming at each other it seems and the total lack of respecting public spaces on their cell phones was horrifying.

Classism’ Against Chinese People . You don’t have to be of a different race to be discriminated against in China. People in China often treat those they perceive as belonging to a lower class quite poorly

Racism Against Minorities Within China

Racism doesn’t only extend to foreigners within China – it also extends to its own people. People from Tibet and virtually all Chinese ‘minorities’ are seen as backwards and in need of a helping hand to enter the modern world.

Those from Xinjiang province are often looked down upon as thieves – children are especially vilified, since they are all looked at as thieves. And Xinjiang people are often harrassed by the cops.

OH due time restraints I did not have the time to go into forced abortions or organs sold by the govt for profit and other such horrifying realities of china... and of course the singular obseesi0on of Chinese to compare there almost 4 X more GDP with India. weird but true.

We all can see how you are at your wits’ end when you laughably bring “kaidangku” into the debate!

It also reveals thoroughly your morbid mentality and abysmal mindset, in addition to your rancorous envy of China (in terms of GDP). :lol:

Your rambling ran you out of time and it only gave two points: inappropriate behaviors in public (such as dressing and defecating in open) and various discriminations. In both points, your democratic India indisputably earns a world championship. Let’s see how.

1) Kaidangku is a tradition of dressing for babies or toddlers for, among others, easier releasing of wastes. It also partly due to that people can’t afford proper diaper. In fact, it is mostly vanished in cities these years as the people get more educated hygienically and richer materially.

In fact, I never laughed at pictures posted on websits by those who travel in India. Many of India body and girls are simply naked and dressed with nothing. And by looking at their age, some are close to teens.

LOL! You brought up defecating in open? It is well-known worldwide that India is the king of pooing in public.

This is a picture of your democratic street:

As of today, Half of India still defecates in the open - Times Of India

Have you peed and take a look of yourself from the pee-mirror?

2) Discrimination is a human nature but can be mitigated through education. China has discriminations in many areas: age discrimination, gender discrimination, regional discrimination, racial discrimination,… etc. Nonetheless, all those discriminations look pale in front of democratic India. Statistics from third party reveal all of these.

In democratic India, it not only tops all those discriminations. Added to the piles of disgrace is indigenous India invented discrimination based on caste.

All these are well documented. Please take a look at the mirror:
Gender discrimination in India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Caste discrimination against India's 'untouchables' is an international issue

The Other Side of Racism in India | Diary of a White Indian Housewife

'India Is Racist, And Happy About It' | Diepiriye Kuku

Let me summarize this: every point you listed to attack China turns out against yourself; and further, your democratic India is actually worse off in each and every of it. Does your IQ explain that or something really evil in you?

This yet another classic case of Chinese intellect. Rights to him is inherently evil JUST NOT the one's he demands and asks for in America. He believes in the 1% rule. If there is 1% chance a right can help some ill doing- we should remove it from the 99%, it helps. We should cite that 1% for the a basis of the right or law to not exist.

The strong brainwashing power that their motherland has over Chinese Americans and as seen on PDF too- is proof positive of the existence of the seditious immigrant population in the US.

There is always only 1% in rule, regardless of the system. I couldn’t believe you are so hopelessly illiterate on this! Damn it!

The point is how to make sure if some or all of the 1% doesn’t work they can be replaced by another better 1%.

“doesn’t work” in one person’s eye is actually “works well” in other persons’ eye. For instance, Chinese system doesn’t work in your eye, but it’s fine in many other people’s eye, and vice versa for your system.

Obviously Indian democracy has 30% of your parliament members who are criminal suspects, and your family dynasty 1% rule the whole India since its independence. As I said, this is not democracy, it is feudalism.

China suffered from Mao’s dictatorship, though Mao personally was a wise politician and genius military leader. Fortunate in some aspect, strong person politics ceases to exist for long time. And the Chinese leaders are rotating on regular basis. Again, China also has huge amount of feudalism there, but much better than your system.

Another point is how the ordinary people’s cry can be heard by the 1%, AND for the 1% to effectively address the problems in a fair and timely manner. Without the AND clause, it’s still useless.

Obviously Indian type of democracy fails this as well, as Dalits are still suffering and infrastructure is crippling, much less to mention your horrible business-hostile environment. In China, CPC leaders are scared to death if ordinary people make some noise, either on land grabbing, toxic food or human rights. That is precisely why the local officials tried to suppress Mr. Chen, and high level leaders get involved in the case. In fact, being a CPC leader in China is a high risk profession, in contrast to your high comfort dynasty position.

How do we conclude so far Chinese system is better than Indian democracy? It is not via big mouth, rather it is the results. Independently gathered results tell the difference: since their independence at roughly the same time, a then richer India becomes now poorer and a poorer China becomes richer, in education, material, life expectancy, human rights… It tells only one thing: China mustn’t take Indian (or western) type of democracy. China must go (or grope if you like) its way out. As ordinary citizens, we care not a bit about what the heck is the system, we only care about: can people get educated? Get Job to raise their families and avoid starvation? Can live healthily and longer? Then come next requirements: Do people have chance to develop and use their talent? Do people get fair treatment? All sorts of freedom under the conditions that other people’s freedom is not encroached?

Again, I’m telling you: wise people are scarce and fools are abundant. This is a fact. Event when 100% people get PhD in their respective area, still wise people are scarce and fools are abundant, because wisemen and fools are relatively speaking. Fortunate case such as in China is that 1% wise in rule, unfortunate case such as in India is that 1% fools in rule.

Got it?

In general, educated are wiser than un-educated. That’s why there are more fools from your side than from Chinese side. It is a relative term.
You seem to love whippinh out fantasies and conspiracy theories of "the west" taking over the world etc. it's all rubbish and has nothing to do with democracy.

You are either very naive or dishonest, I can't say which. Ever heard of the "Project for the New American Century"? And "Full Spectrum Dominance"?

The West has already taken over much of the world. Hopefully we will see a reversal of this process in the decades ahead to create more justice and equality in the world.

Democracy is unavoidable. Every single country in the world will have democracy eventually. Look what has happened in the Middle East.

The problem is that the West doesn't want democracy in other nations. They despise independent governments that don't bow to them. Have you forgotten how many times the West has overthrown democratic governments in other countries in the past 50 years? Do you remember what happened to Iran in the fifties for example? And more recently, Hamas? The "free" people of Palestine voted for Hamas. The West immediately started a propaganda campaign of demonization and hatred.

People simply don't want to live under a system that doesn't allow them freedom to speak and think. People want to choose who their leaders are.

People in other countries also don't want to be dictated and oppressed by the West. They don't want their natural resources stolen and their people massacred by foreign invaders. They don't want CIA operations in their countries. They don't want western overthrowing of popular movements and so on.
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