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Chinese Destroyer Breaks Down in Indian Ocean, Say Military Observers

Guys stay on topic.

Ten days ago, we have relayed a source according to which the destroyer 173 Changsha , of Type 052D , would have broken down in the Indian Ocean , but could not confirm the information, for lack of institutional communications.

The only thing that is still certain today is that the 174Hefei destroyer of the same class actually replaced it, to participate in the Sino-Russian naval exercise "Joint Sea 2017".

Destroyer 173 Changsha , frigate 571 Yuncheng of Type 054A and tanker-tanker 964 Luomahu of Type 903A constituted the Chinese fleet which left the port of Sanya on Sunday 18 June . But soon this first "disappeared" of official communications and it is his sistership 174Hefei that continues to lead the other two ships to the joint exercise in St. Petersburg and Kaliningrad.

Currently the three buildings of the "new" Chinese fleet have already reached the North Sea. They were accompanied by the Dutch frigate HNLMS Van Amstel onMonday in their crossing and heading for the Baltic Sea.

Only there is still no news on the track of the 173Changsha , a ship of nearly 7,000 tons full load and one of the most advanced destroyers of the Chinese Navy.

While some Taiwanese media are applauding the possible damage to the Chinese destroyer, as an element to reassure themselves and to serve as evidence of the mediocrity of the quality "Made in China", another medium of the island has just evoked a Another possibility which seems equally plausible.

According to the Up Media newspaper quoting a source from the Taiwanese army (?) , Destroyer 173 Changshawas on June 18 from China for the Baltic Sea. But for some unknown reason the ship would never have left the South China Sea and would have turned back towards the Fiery Cross reef to return to the Zhejiang naval base, Vessel is affected, by sailing at a speed of "22 knots".

This speed of the ship thus seems to rule out any serious damage to the propulsion system as claimed by another Chinese source, quoted in our article of 8 July.

The same Taiwanese source assumes that this early return would be linked to the disciplinary investigations that are currently underway in the Chinese army, and that one or more Chinese destroyer or flotilla officials would be involved, forcing the Chinese navy To repatriate the whole ship and have it replaced by another of the same class.

On the basis of official communications, notably that of the supply of the Baltic Sea fleet in the Gulf of Adenfrom Sanya, the Chinese fleet is under the command of Vice Admiral YU Man Jiang (俞 满江) , Also deputy commander of the Southern Fleet. He is assisted by Vice Admiral FU Xiao Dong (傅晓东), Deputy Commissioner of the Southern Fleet Party and former Chief Judge of the Military Court of the Chinese Army, and LI Hui Flotilla Chief of Staff李辉).

The Hefei 174 Type 052D destroyer, in a real fire drill

In the July 8 issue of the Chinese Army newspaper, where the 174 Hefei destroyer is now the flagship of the flotilla (and no longer the 173 Changsha ), YU and LI have both been mentioned.

FU Xiao Dong was not mentioned in the article, but it appeared in another recent article of China News dating 6 days ago , and it is known that he is also on board Of the destroyer 174 Hefei .

In other words, none of the top three officials of the Chinese fleet is concerned by what the Taiwanese media is talking about.

Whichever person would have forced Changsha to turn around in the middle of a mission, the ship could have deposited it on the Fiery Cross Reef, which has a 3,000-meter runway, An airplane brings it back to the mainland.

Any less than the captain of the ship that is involved, and implies by default any crew?

Anyway, without any statement from the Chinese navy, everything can be considered rumor today, whether it is the hypothesis of the destroyer of the destroyer in the Indian Ocean or this new eventuality of disciplinary investigations .

So either a serious breakdown , most probably control related or more seriously a discipline matter like mutiny , which forced the destroyer to abandon it's mission.
I can confirm this news as being valid within the intelligence community. We have tracked this ship, as we have track all CCP ships.

One of China’s most advanced navy destroyers may have suffered a serious technical problem and broke down while passing through the Indian Ocean, according to sources. The warship was originally part of the task force fleet dispatched earlier in June to participate in the upcoming joint exercise with Russia.

Since 2013 China and Russia have been holding the annual “Joint Sea” naval exercise, and the 2017 Join Sea is scheduled to be held in the Baltic Sea in late July. Such long range deployment on the part of China was not only intended to showcase the far seas capability of its rapidly growing People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN), but also serves to strengthen the alignment between China and Russia.

Xinhua news agency, the official mouthpiece of the Beijing regime, published a news release on June 18 detailing the composition of the task force fleet departing from the PLAN naval base in Sanya, Hainan that day which included a Type 052D destroyer Changsha, a Type 054A frigate Yungchen, and a Type 903 replenishment ship Luomahu.

On July 8 however, a story published by the PLA’s official newspaper said that only the frigate Yungchen reached the Gulf of Aden and was resupplied there by the Chinese anti-piracy fleet in the area. No word was given as to the whereabouts of the destroyer Changsha and the replenishment ship Luomahu that were in the original task force. Instead, the story listed Hefei, another Type 052D destroyer as having joined the task force that will continue onward to the Baltic.

Similar deployments from the past years indicate that PLAN fleet usually took just two weeks, or 14 days to reach the Gulf of Aden if departing from Hainan and passing through the Indian Ocean. The July 8 story would mean that the sail this year took 18 days, or 4 days longer than usual.

French military watcher website East Pendulum reported that the destroyer Changsha might have suffered a serious technical breakdown while passing through the Indian Ocean. The report cited an anonymous user’s post on a Chinese military forum as the source, who claimed that a breakdown in the destroyer’s propulsion system deprived it of all of its power and the ship was essentially “floating.”

According to the same source, the breakdown took place “before June 26,” one week after the task force departed from the naval base in Sanya. This would put the fleet’s approximate location at the time of the breakdown as somewhere in the Indian Ocean.

The breakdown would also explain why the replenishment ship Luomahu did not reach the Gulf of Aden, since the task force commander or the PLAN leadership likely ordered the support ship to stay with the crippled destroyer.

It is currently unknown whether the Changsha had overcome the breakdown and return to the base in Sanya, or if it is still floating in the Indian Ocean awaiting repair or towing.

The Changsha is one of the many advanced Type 052D destroyers China had built and put into service in recent years. Chinese media often boasted the power and the technical advances of the Type 052D design and claimed that it can rival the U.S. Aegis destroyers.

Changsha’s breakdown, if confirmed, might cast doubt on the reliability of the Type 052D destroyer and Chinese warships in general. The Type 052D is powered by two sets of combined gas turbine and diesel engines, which also means that the breakdown had to be extremely serious for the ship to abandon its original mission.

Despite this, the fact that PLAN was able to quickly dispatch another Type 052D Hefei to join the task force and continue its original mission is in itself an indication of the growing scale of China’s overseas naval effort, according to James Goldrick at the Lowy Institute.

In addition, China has worked to acquire bases in many critical ports in the Indian Ocean that experts have described as a maritime “Silk Road.” Changsha’s breakdown could further justify the PLAN navy ambition to consolidate and expand such a network, according to the French website East Pendulum.


All three Chinese ships has passed through Öresund, the strait between Sweden and Denmark
according to the largest Swedish newspapers.
They should have arrived in Kaliningrad Friday.
i have a better one......

PLAAN navy destroyer was sank when indian navy officer farted
the incident happen in international waters, according to anonymous intelligence report
indian navy officer who farted said" i cant believe chinese navy destroyer will sink with my fart"
This sums it up for anyone who has not yet read it.... Let me be the source of some news also on this military forum... The destroyer was attacked by a flock of wild pigeons which stopped it. The supply ship was held back to tug back the broken ship after a pigeon struck it with its beak.
o strictly reject ISI involvement in any such incident. IT could be monkeys.
This sums it up for anyone who has not yet read it.... Let me be the source of some news also on this military forum... The destroyer was attacked by a flock of wild pigeons which stopped it. The supply ship was held back to tug back the broken ship after a pigeon struck it with its beak.
o strictly reject ISI involvement in any such incident. IT could be monkeys.
Where are the Indian Superior observatory satellites when you need em?
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