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Chinese consortium to launch new airline in Pakistan

I believe only China can do such a thing in Pakistan. It would be hard for the government to sabotage such an airline knowing that China is behind it. Turkish Airlines wanted to do something awhile back, but it was shot down by PIA. But long as the Pakistani consumer benefits, all the better.
In reality, the Chinese are anticipating a lot of $$$$ in return. That is the key motivation here, not the air-travel. Tapping a country with 200 million population that has started to grow and will be growing at one of the fastest rates over the next 15 years, brings tremendous benefit to the Chinese. They want the whole growth pie and don't want to share it with anyone else (other countries). So they will outbid and will invest more to get more out of Pakistan. This is just the beginning.

On other news, NASDAQ wants a 45-50% share of the Pakistani stock market (PSX?). They are ready to pour in$ 30-40 billion for it, which will include partnership share purchase, integration and system designs to work with NASDAQ real time. That really means, over quarter million high paying jobs in Pakistan in IT also to support high speed trading operations on PSX and integrated with NASDAQ. The West is also planning on pouring all together about $ 100 billion in various ventures into Pakistan. From Car manufacturing to Make-Up manufacturing, to Construction, Hospitals, Education to Clothing to IT, etc, etc. Pakistan is indeed at a really good place and time. The current change in the Standards and Poors rating to a solid "B" really means "go invest", when the "B Minus" means "safe to invest". So the investors are being urged to invest in Pakistan.

Just sit back and watch Pakistan as a country take off on the economic ladder worldwide. This is history in making. A nation going from bankrupt and failed state to one of the highest growth countries on the planet. Pretty amazing turn around if you ask me! Thanks[/Q
In total agreement. The sure thing is that influence from the east of us is dying a certain death. Pakistan is definitely heading in a permanently different direction to where we were in the past. Our future and destiny lie there.

External competition is good but not domination. But if different allies of ours are competing against eachother in Pakistan wouldn't that be a good thing in the long run for Pakistani industries and companies?

Yes, the world now is very competitive, if not from China, may be from other country to setup airline business in Pakistan, let's hope Pakistan can uphold this competition from China and become a stronger country as a result!!
Problem with Pakistani companies is that they are slow, like to monopolise and love being in a comfort zone. They strive for nothing. That is why I am glad the Chinese are coming in full force to kick these organisations into shape and annihilate those that are not worthy. If we were doing that since 1947 we would have been like South Korea by now.

It is very natural that a company or an individual become comfortable when there is no external pressure. It is simply our nature. You are right that healthy competition is the most effective way to make them competent and innovative.
This news is not correct, The group only talked about having flights between Hongkong, Beijing to Pakistan.
PIA has a new foreign CEO and he is taking the right steps towards reviving the airline. The PIA premier service was a feather in his cap and proved to the world that PIA could offer first class service to both economy and first class passengers.

the problem is this CEO needs 5 years to pull PIA out of debt and make it a profit making business once again, in the next 5 years i can see them making good strides by acquiring new air crafts and opening up new destinations. But if a China backed new air line pops up with new air crafts and better service then that will eventually mean the final nail in the coffin of PIA as it can not compete with a china back airline with debt PIA has.

in my humble opinion the new chinese invested Airline in the next 3 to 4 years will most likely end PIA. Hence why the government registered a new trademark 'Pakistan airlines' at the start of the year. they know the ending of PIA will mean a chance to start a new airline from scratch
PIA has a new foreign CEO and he is taking the right steps towards reviving the airline. The PIA premier service was a feather in his cap and proved to the world that PIA could offer first class service to both economy and first class passengers.

the problem is this CEO needs 5 years to pull PIA out of debt and make it a profit making business once again, in the next 5 years i can see them making good strides by acquiring new air crafts and opening up new destinations. But if a China backed new air line pops up with new air crafts and better service then that will eventually mean the final nail in the coffin of PIA as it can not compete with a china back airline with debt PIA has.

in my humble opinion the new chinese invested Airline in the next 3 to 4 years will most likely end PIA. Hence why the government registered a new trademark 'Pakistan airlines' at the start of the year. they know the ending of PIA will mean a chance to start a new airline from scratch

Let it end PIA... it's corrupt ways will be it's end. If you can't compete in an open market place you deserve chapter 11.

Only a healthy dose can keep industry efficient and offer the best services... fire all the incomptent corrupt pia officials.
China could never and ever dominate one country and always read such kinds of posts here.China doesn't interfere with politics of other nations and don't try to overcome the regligious difference.Chinese would rather choose to make business with trusted friends peacefully.Who is willing to put a large amount of money into an unfriendly nation?
Some members here is overstating Chinese capacity as well as underestimating Pakistani intelligence.Chinese has already invested billions of dollars to Africa and China dominates Africa?Business is based on the involved parties on the basis of win win and nobody could sacrifice the interests of themselves to make business because this world is openned.The business is on the table negotiable.Don't always talk about conspiracy theory.Or else we should expel all the Japanese,American and all the unfriendly enteprises from China.Foreign investment could bring us competition,technology,employment and innovation.Nobody could control other countries business totally besides you already find a puppet as a leader to meet your request.Obviously Chinese disliks this way.
China may lead Pakistan to path of Economic prosperity just like America led South Korea to the road of development. Pakistanis should fully utilize this God sent Chinese help and avoid making the mistakes like they committed in past when they had every chance to become a developed nation with the help of their Uncle Sam.:enjoy:

Uncle SAM never invested to develop Pakistan, they Invested to protect their own interests..............
And now in CPEC As much as Pakistan is getting benefit, China is getting more in this mutual project.............
PIA has a new foreign CEO and he is taking the right steps towards reviving the airline. The PIA premier service was a feather in his cap and proved to the world that PIA could offer first class service to both economy and first class passengers.

the problem is this CEO needs 5 years to pull PIA out of debt and make it a profit making business once again, in the next 5 years i can see them making good strides by acquiring new air crafts and opening up new destinations. But if a China backed new air line pops up with new air crafts and better service then that will eventually mean the final nail in the coffin of PIA as it can not compete with a china back airline with debt PIA has.

in my humble opinion the new chinese invested Airline in the next 3 to 4 years will most likely end PIA. Hence why the government registered a new trademark 'Pakistan airlines' at the start of the year. they know the ending of PIA will mean a chance to start a new airline from scratch

have just Googled a bit and found PIA has a very proud history with many milestones. According to Wikipedia it was the second Asian airline that fielded jet airplanes. It was the first Asian carrier to fly the lockheed super constellation and also was the first non-communist airline to fly to China. More recently, it was the launch customer of the Boeing 777.

I guess the current difficulty with PIA is partially a result of sluggish global economy that reduced demand. With a fast growing economy due to CPEC, we should see it turn around gradually. be mindful that any new entry would need a few years to build brand recognition and track record, where PIA has considerable strength.
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have just Googled a bit and found PIA has a very proud history with many milestones. According to Wikipedia it was the second Asian airline that fielded jet airplanes. It was the first Asian carrier to fly the lockheed super constellation and also was the first non-communist airline to fly to China. More recently, it was the launch customer of the Boeing 777.

I guess the current difficulty with PIA is partially a result of sluggish global economy that reduced demand. With a fast growing economy due to CPEC, we should see it turn around gradually. be mindful that any new entry would need a few years to build brand recognition and track record, where PIA has considerable strength.

not just that in the 70's PIA was the pioneer of airlines in the middle east, Saudi Arabian airlines and after that the Emirates was kick started after huge help from PIA, including training on board staff and technical staff.

the problem is unless the airline belongs to a huge developed economy country which has alot of air traffic, its very very hard for air lines to compete with with oil rich government backed airlines who get huge subsidies in fuel, hence why they become market leaders, like emirates, eithad, Qatar, SA airlines.

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