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Chinese bricks failed vikramaditya

You're absolutely correct! In order to produce the best sh!t you have to manufacture them in the open air environment out door. It seems you have some good technical knowledge in this area so is it safe to say you're experienced in this field? :tup:

It seems you are even more knowledgeable than him! :cheesy:

On topic:

So we loosed months may be years, yet we are back to square 1, using asbestos. Hope this proves to be a valuable experience for IAC.
stupid hindus...you can blame a lot of things on others: if your company goes bankrupt, your boss can blame your laziness or lack of economic vision of the state instead of his own ineptitude; if you fail to get yourself a son, you can blame the evil demons residing in your wife's womb or the shabby quality of indian medicine instead of your own infertility.

but when a state suffers a lapse in its national security and military matters, it will have no one else to blame: it is in the nature of a sovereign state that it be responsible for its own security; it is in the definition of national security that each nation depends on itself to provide for it. unlike an average indian business, the indian state must account for its own failures; unlike an average indian male, the indian state must account for its own impotence - in this world, the state assumes a status of such moral superiority and political supremacy that it alone stands responsible for everything and can depend on nothing other than the state itself, particularly on matters of national security. because if there were another state - or even another entity - responsible for its security, then that entity shall be its master and it would cease to be a sovereign state; if chinese bricks failed india on its biggest and most ostensible white elephant of a military project, then i suggest chinese brickmakers should be crowned the indian union ministers of the piss-poor union.

india failed itself and is making an even bigger joke out of itself and its national dignity by trying to pin the blame on another country.
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