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Chinese authorities demolish sanctuary of Wenzhou church

I seldom meet any other Islam cleric other than my neighbour, who is ok. It is China newspaper who keep ranting Wahabi influence and PDF PRC too stupid to blame Christian as USA walk dog.

"Wahabi" is kind of a slur word for Salafi, which comes out of Saudi Arabia, a country that happens to have excellent relations with China.

I didn't understand the second part, can you elaborate the meaning of this statement please "PDF PRC too stupid to blame Christian as USA walk dog".
I do not call all Muslim Islamofascist. Islamofascist is use to distinguish the bad one.

Better worried about Saudi, Pakistan and Afghan influence on Xinjiang Mullahs.

Mullah is a derogatory name for the Iranian Shias, and stop embarassing yourself.
Christians bashing muslims is hilarious. Read the Old Testament sometime. God sanctions killing babies, ethnic cleansing, genocide, killing kids for swearing, and much more..
Yeah, but the modern term of this word is more applied for the Iranian Shias.

There are Iranians in this forum, they would be able to answer about Iran. As far I understand, it simply means cleric, someone who studied Islamic theology. We have Mullah in Bangladesh as well, and sometimes used as last name. We have at least one PDF Bangladeshi member with this last name for example. From the wiki article:

In large parts of the Muslim world, particularly Iran, Azerbaijan,Afghanistan, Eastern Arabia, Turkey and the Balkans, Central Asia, the Horn of Africa and South Asia, it is the name commonly given to local Islamic clerics ormosque leaders.[1]

When you hear of Iranian Mullahcracy and sarcastic terms like that, this I think comes from the fact that the clerics took over and rule Iran since 1979 Khomenei led revolution. So Mullah's literally have been running Iran since 1979 and many people inside and outside of Iran do not like the results of this Mullah led rule.
1 Samuel 15
15 Then Samuel said to Saul, “I was the one the Lord sent to anoint you as king over his people Israel. Now listen to what the Lord says. 2 Here is what the Lord of hosts says: ‘I carefully observed how the Amalekites opposed Israel along the way when Israel came up from Egypt. 3 So go now and strike down the Amalekites. Destroy everything that they have. Don’t spare them. Put them to death—man, woman, child, infant, ox, sheep, camel, and donkey alike.’”
China should remain majority Atheist.

Many of these major religions are used as political tools/weapons by the American Imperialists. Look at South Korea for example.

Religion is a personal matter and state should have no role in deciding personal matters.

Religions where born and have been doing good long before ,i mean very long before people knew there was a continent called america.
1 Samuel 15
15 Then Samuel said to Saul, “I was the one the Lord sent to anoint you as king over his people Israel. Now listen to what the Lord says. 2 Here is what the Lord of hosts says: ‘I carefully observed how the Amalekites opposed Israel along the way when Israel came up from Egypt. 3 So go now and strike down the Amalekites. Destroy everything that they have. Don’t spare them. Put them to death—man, woman, child, infant, ox, sheep, camel, and donkey alike.’”

All Abrahamic religions are bloody at the early phase.

Christianity is used as a political tool by the western regimes.

Islam is used by Saudi regime, Buddhism is used by Indian regime, Marxism was used by USSR regime.
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Religion is a personal matter and state should have no role in deciding personal matters.

Religions where born and have been doing good long before ,i mean very long before people knew there was a continent called america.

Correction, religion SHOULD be a personal matter.

But the powers in the world like to use religion for their own political games. If they want religion to be a personal matter they should stop using it as a political weapon.
Religion is a personal matter and state should have no role in deciding personal matters.

Religions where born and have been doing good long before ,i mean very long before people knew there was a continent called america.

That is kind of wishful thinking, religion from its origin and development has always been connected to empires. I would venture to say that religion is the cohesive glue that were used by empires to unite the subject population with shared vision, values and a way of life.

Historical Jesus was a real person, but he was a Jewish Zealot who opposed Roman empire. When his ideas became popular among Jews and others, they were taken and modified by Roman empire to create Christianity, the religion that united Roman subjects:
Historical Jesus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Zealotry - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Reza Aslan's 'Zealot' Aims to Better Understand Jesus by Understanding His World | PBS NewsHour

So @Chinese-Dragon is correct when he says that the West uses Christianity as their imperial tool, specially in Korea and I am afraid the same is true for Philippines, Africa and South America. Islam also used to be like that, but Islamic empires have disintegrated as it could not adapt and compete with the West. I am sure Chinese empires also had their official system of belief and way of life, such as Taoism, Confucianism, Buddhism and the mixture of all 3 in Neo-confucianism. But Chinese folk religion or shenism was older than these 3.

China should remain majority Atheist.

Many of these major religions are used as political tools/weapons by the American Imperialists. Look at South Korea for example.

More on religion:
War Religion And Empire Transformation International Orders | International relations and international organisations | Cambridge University Press

What are international orders, how are they destroyed, and how can they be defended in the face of violent challenges? Advancing an innovative realist-constructivist account of international order, Andrew Phillips addresses each of these questions in War, Religion and Empire. Phillips argues that international orders rely equally on shared visions of the good and accepted practices of organized violence to cultivate cooperation and manage conflict between political communities. Considering medieval Christendom's collapse and the East Asian Sinosphere's destruction as primary cases, he further argues that international orders are destroyed as a result of legitimation crises punctuated by the disintegration of prevailing social imaginaries, the break-up of empires, and the rise of disruptive military innovations. He concludes by considering contemporary threats to world order, and the responses that must be taken in the coming decades if a broadly liberal international order is to survive.

By eliminating religion and other traditional belief systems, communism can create a temporary utopia, but us humans are genetically prone to fall back to religion it seems. So religion has made a come back in former communist countries. In China, Christians are obviously trying to fill this gap for their strategic gain. Korean Christians control Korea's politics to a large extent, if Christians become majority in China or at least become a substantial minority, because of their organized strength they could topple the existing order.

Mongols conquered a good part of the known world, but their empire disintegrated in a few centuries. On the other hand Roman empire in some form is still here (Vatican and West) and Islam is still here. So this indeed is a glaring strategic black hole for China. China should allow revival of the older indigenous religions while resisting imported religions. Japan did an admirable job of keeping out Christianity, because they were able to organize their religion and state and adapt very quickly (Meiji restoration) after they came in contact with the West. That is one of their secrets of unity, cohesion and strength. Less than 1% Japanese are Christians:
Christianity in Japan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Correction, religion SHOULD be a personal matter.

But the powers in the world like to use religion for their own political games. If they want religion to be a personal matter they should stop using it as a political weapon.
What makes you think world powers are using chinese people following religion as a political weapon.
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