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Chinese army says Indian soldiers crossed border; stopped Chinese road construction

Surgical strike in China.

am I mistaken that you wish for a war?

Its the opposite, chinese warning India stay of US relationship. Chinese actions will simply push India towards US.
whichever way India wish to go, USA or UK or ..... it's Indian's choose, no one is forcing Indian to make that decision!

hmmm now I'm imagining the picture of theDonald whispering to Xi "hey man...can you maybe rattle the Indians cage a bit so we can tie them in on some big money arms deal hey hey know what I mean?..."
:rofl::rofl::rofl: It is possible!! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

If that was the case we would welcome that wholeheartedly... Its about time India stopped being a pansy and become assertive on her borders!
Be careful what you wish, it might come true!! when it comes true, you know what is going to happen?
Surgical strike in China.

Let's discuss first, you can continue the "forward policy", but the consequences... Please don't say it's our 'sneak attack on India'.

Think about it, stop living in 1962
Repeat it!!
The Chinese did not take the war of 1962 as one thing. Even young Chinese rarely know that. Check out the arms inventory in India, the news of the last few years.
Let's discuss first, you can continue the "forward policy", but the consequences... Please don't say it's our 'sneak attack on India'.

Repeat it!!
The Chinese did not take the war of 1962 as one thing. Even young Chinese rarely know that. Check out the arms inventory in India, the news of the last few years.

Just remember one thing war is not going to break out anytime soon if ever that will happen... We are modernising and ensuring we have the tools to keep you at bay...

Currently you on a high with your aggressive mindset about dominating the geopolitical arena both on an economic\military front. So that parity will be bridged, the outset of this is, armchair generals like yourself harping on about your capabilities on PDF for local domestic consumption.
Just remember one thing war is not going to break out anytime soon if ever that will happen... We are modernising and ensuring we have the tools to keep you at bay...

Currently you on a high with your aggressive mindset about dominating the geopolitical arena both on an economic\military front. So that parity will be bridged, the outset of this is, armchair generals like yourself harping on about your capabilities on PDF for local domestic consumption.
I don't think the "dominating" is the word to use with regarding of China in economic, it is more like helping world economic to develop further. As for military wise, I think USA is still dominating the world arena without a doubt. It will be very stupid to challenge USA now!
India has lost nearly 2,000 square kilometers to PLA encroachments over the last decade.

Countering China’s High-Altitude Land Grab

NEW DELHI — Bite by kilometer-size bite, China is eating away at India’s Himalayan borderlands. For decades, Asia’s two giants have fought a bulletless war for territory along their high-altitude border. Recently, though, China has become more assertive, underscoring the need for a new Indian containment strategy.

On average, China launches one stealth incursion into India every 24 hours. Kiren Rijiju, India’s Minister of State for Home Affairs, says the People’s Liberation Army is actively intruding into vacant border space with the objective of occupying it. And according to a former top official with India’s Intelligence Bureau, India has lost nearly 2,000 square kilometers to PLA encroachments over the last decade.

The strategy underlying China’s actions is more remarkable than their scope. On land, like at sea, China uses civilian resources – herders, farmers, and grazers – as the tip of the spear. Once civilians settle on contested land, army troops gain control of the disputed area, paving the way for the establishment of more permanent encampments or observation posts. Similarly, in the South China Sea, China’s naval forces follow fishermen to carve out space for the reclamation of rocks or reefs. In both theaters, China has deployed no missiles, drones, or bullets to advance its objectives.

China’s non-violent terrestrial aggression has garnered less opposition than its blue-water ambition, which has been challenged by the United States and under international law (albeit with little effect). Indian leaders have at times even seemed to condone China’s actions. During a recent panel discussion in Russia, for example, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that although China and India are at odds over borders, it was remarkable that “in the last 40 years, not a single bullet has been fired because of [it].” The Chinese foreign ministry responded by praising Modi’s “positive remarks.”

Moreover, Modi’s predecessor, Manmohan Singh, used to claim that, in their 5,000-year history, India and China fought only one war, in 1962. What this rose-tinted history failed to acknowledge was that China and India became neighbors only after China annexed the buffer Tibet in 1951.

Given India’s accommodating rhetoric, it is easy to view the country as a paper tiger. While Modi has used the phrase “inch toward miles” as the motto of India-China cooperation, the PLA has continued its cynical territorial aggrandizement by translating that slogan into incremental advance. After spending so many years on the defensive, India must retake the narrative.

The first order of business is to abandon the platitudes. Modi’s calls for border peace and tranquility might be sincere, but his tone has made India look like a meek enabler.

China’s fast-growing trade surplus with India, which has doubled to almost $60 billion on Modi’s watch, has increased Chinese President Xi Jinping’s territorial assertiveness. The absence of clarity about the frontier – China reneged on a 2001 promise to exchange maps with India – serves as cover for the PLA’s aggression, with China denying all incursions and claiming that its troops are operating on “Chinese land.” But, by acquiescing on bilateral trade – the dumping of Chinese-made steel on the Indian market is just one of many examples – India has inadvertently helped foot the bill for the PLA’s encirclement strategy.

China’s financial regional leverage has grown dramatically in the past decade, as it has become almost all Asian economies’ largest trade and investment partner. In turn, many of the region’s developing countries have moved toward China on matters of regional security and transport connectivity. But, as Modi himself has stressed, there remains plenty of room for India to engage in Asia’s economic development. A more regionally integrated Indian economy would, by default, serve as a counterweight to China’s territorial expansion.

India should also beef up its border security forces to become a more formidable barrier to the PLA. India’s under-resourced Indo-Tibetan Border Police, under the command of the home ministry, is little more than a doorman. Training and equipping these units properly, and placing them under the command of the army, would signal to China that the days of an open door are over.

If the tables were turned, and Indian forces were attempting to chip away at Chinese territory, the PLA would surely respond with more than words. But in many cases, Indian border police patrolling the area don’t even carry weapons. With such a docile response, China has been able to do as it pleases along India’s northern frontier. China’s support of the Pakistani military, whose forces often fire at Indian troops along the disputed Kashmir frontier, should be viewed in this light.

The PLA began honing its “salami tactics” in the Himalayas in the 1950s, when it sliced off the Switzerland-size Aksai Chin plateau. Later, China inflicted a humiliating defeat on India in the 1962 border war, securing peace, as a state mouthpiece crowed in 2012, on its own terms. Today, China pursues a “cabbage” approach to borders, cutting off access to an adversary’s previously controlled territory and gradually surrounding it with multiple civilian and security layers.

Against this backdrop, the true sign of Himalayan peace will not be the holstering of guns, but rather the end of border incursions. India’s accommodating approach has failed to deter China. To halt further encroachments, India will need to bare its own teeth.
Just remember one thing war is not going to break out anytime soon if ever that will happen... We are modernising and ensuring we have the tools to keep you at bay...

Currently you on a high with your aggressive mindset about dominating the geopolitical arena both on an economic\military front. So that parity will be bridged, the outset of this is, armchair generals like yourself harping on about your capabilities on PDF for local domestic consumption.
There's only one thing that I'm curious about. You say you realize modernization, but I want to know if you realize mechanization?

What we need to know is —— India even needs self-propelled guns to import from S. korea.

Hope you don't know about Yeonpyeong island in 2010.
2000 skm lost so far. More to come, Modi or no Modi. While bhakts are busy praying for Modi's long life.


You seem thrilled about that, it's pathetic, to say the least. This is a testament to expansionist mindset the Chinese have. I have been long saying on this forum many times that China is nothing but a resource hungry, aggressor, with an insatiable habit of taking what's not theirs.

You have no morals or ethic's when it comes to respecting other countries sovereignty nor intellectual properties. there will be repercussions to your actions one way or anther - we are not sitting idle.
India has lost nearly 2,000 square kilometers to PLA encroachments over the last decade.

Countering China’s High-Altitude Land Grab

NEW DELHI — Bite by kilometer-size bite, China is eating away at India’s Himalayan borderlands. For decades, Asia’s two giants have fought a bulletless war for territory along their high-altitude border. Recently, though, China has become more assertive, underscoring the need for a new Indian containment strategy.

On average, China launches one stealth incursion into India every 24 hours. Kiren Rijiju, India’s Minister of State for Home Affairs, says the People’s Liberation Army is actively intruding into vacant border space with the objective of occupying it. And according to a former top official with India’s Intelligence Bureau, India has lost nearly 2,000 square kilometers to PLA encroachments over the last decade.

The strategy underlying China’s actions is more remarkable than their scope. On land, like at sea, China uses civilian resources – herders, farmers, and grazers – as the tip of the spear. Once civilians settle on contested land, army troops gain control of the disputed area, paving the way for the establishment of more permanent encampments or observation posts. Similarly, in the South China Sea, China’s naval forces follow fishermen to carve out space for the reclamation of rocks or reefs. In both theaters, China has deployed no missiles, drones, or bullets to advance its objectives.

China’s non-violent terrestrial aggression has garnered less opposition than its blue-water ambition, which has been challenged by the United States and under international law (albeit with little effect). Indian leaders have at times even seemed to condone China’s actions. During a recent panel discussion in Russia, for example, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that although China and India are at odds over borders, it was remarkable that “in the last 40 years, not a single bullet has been fired because of [it].” The Chinese foreign ministry responded by praising Modi’s “positive remarks.”

Moreover, Modi’s predecessor, Manmohan Singh, used to claim that, in their 5,000-year history, India and China fought only one war, in 1962. What this rose-tinted history failed to acknowledge was that China and India became neighbors only after China annexed the buffer Tibet in 1951.

Given India’s accommodating rhetoric, it is easy to view the country as a paper tiger. While Modi has used the phrase “inch toward miles” as the motto of India-China cooperation, the PLA has continued its cynical territorial aggrandizement by translating that slogan into incremental advance. After spending so many years on the defensive, India must retake the narrative.

The first order of business is to abandon the platitudes. Modi’s calls for border peace and tranquility might be sincere, but his tone has made India look like a meek enabler.

China’s fast-growing trade surplus with India, which has doubled to almost $60 billion on Modi’s watch, has increased Chinese President Xi Jinping’s territorial assertiveness. The absence of clarity about the frontier – China reneged on a 2001 promise to exchange maps with India – serves as cover for the PLA’s aggression, with China denying all incursions and claiming that its troops are operating on “Chinese land.” But, by acquiescing on bilateral trade – the dumping of Chinese-made steel on the Indian market is just one of many examples – India has inadvertently helped foot the bill for the PLA’s encirclement strategy.

China’s financial regional leverage has grown dramatically in the past decade, as it has become almost all Asian economies’ largest trade and investment partner. In turn, many of the region’s developing countries have moved toward China on matters of regional security and transport connectivity. But, as Modi himself has stressed, there remains plenty of room for India to engage in Asia’s economic development. A more regionally integrated Indian economy would, by default, serve as a counterweight to China’s territorial expansion.

India should also beef up its border security forces to become a more formidable barrier to the PLA. India’s under-resourced Indo-Tibetan Border Police, under the command of the home ministry, is little more than a doorman. Training and equipping these units properly, and placing them under the command of the army, would signal to China that the days of an open door are over.

If the tables were turned, and Indian forces were attempting to chip away at Chinese territory, the PLA would surely respond with more than words. But in many cases, Indian border police patrolling the area don’t even carry weapons. With such a docile response, China has been able to do as it pleases along India’s northern frontier. China’s support of the Pakistani military, whose forces often fire at Indian troops along the disputed Kashmir frontier, should be viewed in this light.

The PLA began honing its “salami tactics” in the Himalayas in the 1950s, when it sliced off the Switzerland-size Aksai Chin plateau. Later, China inflicted a humiliating defeat on India in the 1962 border war, securing peace, as a state mouthpiece crowed in 2012, on its own terms. Today, China pursues a “cabbage” approach to borders, cutting off access to an adversary’s previously controlled territory and gradually surrounding it with multiple civilian and security layers.

Against this backdrop, the true sign of Himalayan peace will not be the holstering of guns, but rather the end of border incursions. India’s accommodating approach has failed to deter China. To halt further encroachments, India will need to bare its own teeth.
Talk is cheap, please show on a map, where did the China take the 2000 KM square!!
actually, I read many news reports (from China) also saying the same thing about India took China's land.
nowaday, everything is mapped by GPS or similar, satellite pictures is available if you want to purchase it, that can clearly shows where is border. so in my humble opinion, the news is FAKE!
Talk is cheap, please show on a map, where did the China take the 2000 KM square!!
actually, I read many news reports (from China) also saying the same thing about India took China's land.
nowaday, everything is mapped by GPS or similar, satellite pictures is available if you want to purchase it, that can clearly shows where is border. so in my humble opinion, the news is FAKE!

well, it's from Indian mouth and indian source,FAKE or not, I don't care !
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