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Chinese anti-veil 'beauty' campaign sows ugly tensions

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Dec 14, 2010
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KASHGAR: A Chinese government worker in the ancient Silk Road oasis of Kashgar beckons two women to her streetside stand and logs their details under the gaze of a surveillance camera. Their offence: wearing veils.

The “Project Beauty” campaign aims to discourage women from covering their faces in an attempt to improve security. But critics warn the effort could sow resentment and backfire instead.

“We need to hold onto our traditions and they should understand that,” said a 25-year-old woman who has been registered twice. Offenders were made to watch a film about the joys of exposing their faces, she added, speaking behind a white crocheted covering. “The movie doesn’t change a lot of people’s minds,” she said, like others declining to be named.

Xinjiang, a vast area bordering Pakistan and Central Asia in China’s far west, beyond the furthest reaches of the Great Wall, has followed Islam for centuries. It came under Chinese control most recently during the Qing dynasty in the late 1800s.

For years it has seen sporadic unrest by Uighurs which rights groups say is driven by cultural oppression and intrusive security measures but China attributes to extremist religion, terrorism and separatism. Authorities’ concerns intensified after a deadly attack in Beijing’s Tiananmen Square last month which police blamed on Uighurs. Kashgar residents say veil restrictions sparked at least one deadly conflict this year near the city, where 90 percent of the area’s 3.3 million residents are Uighur.

“For the Chinese government the casual process is: extremists ask for independence, ask for separatism, then that’s why they set very strict limits on Uighurs’ religious activities,” said Shan Wei, a political scientist at the National University of Singapore. “For the Uighurs’ part, it’s: ‘OK, I wasn’t involved in any political movements, I’m not a separatist at all, but you set so many stupid restrictions on my daily religious activities that I hate you’,” he added, pointing out that China’s other Muslim minorities did not face such rules.

Women in Kashgar sport a range of coverings, from bright scarves draped stylishly over hairdos that leave their necks exposed, to sombre Saudi-style black fabric cloaking all but their eyes.Policies to stop them covering their faces, and to a lesser extent their hair, are not publicised. City authorities declined to comment and Xinjiang officials could not be reached.

But “Project Beauty” stands could be seen around the city, and a tailor said campaign staff had instructed him not to make the full-length robes often worn with face coverings. Other residents said that to enter government offices, banks or courts, women had to remove their veils and men shave their beards.

In Hotan, another predominantly Uighur city 500 kilometres to the east, at least one hospital received government forms to report back on veiled patients. A Xinjiang government web portal featuring Project Beauty did not mention banning veils but listed its goals as promoting local beauty products and other goods, and encouraging women to be “practitioners of modern culture”.

The Xinjiang Daily, run by the ruling Communist Party, warned of the potential dangers of Islamic dress in a July opinion piece. “Some people with ulterior motives are distorting religious teachings” and “inciting young people to do jihad”, it said, adding that black robes induced depression and scared babies.

The ruling party has sought periodically to stamp out veiling since taking power in 1949, first launching an atheism drive and banning the headgear altogether in the 1960s and 70s, said Gardner Bovingdon, a Xinjiang expert at Indiana University Bloomington. Restrictions relaxed in the 1980s as China opened up, but tightened again in the following decade after religiously tinged protests broke out. A worker at a Project Beauty checkpoint cited “security” as a motive for the campaign.

Some Uighurs endorsed the authorities’ precautions, saying thieves or suicide bombers might exploit the outfits to hide packages and their identity. A Uighur metalworker complained that women taught from youth to wear veils found it hard to change, and that other Chinese Muslim men grew beards but only Uighurs were labelled terrorists.

Some women took a pragmatic view. A 35-year-old bakery owner with a gauzy orange scarf wrapped around a bun said the need to remove her veil in government buildings did not overly bother her. Women were becoming less strict about wearing veils in any case, she said.

But others remove their face covers before approaching Project Beauty checkpoints to avoid trouble, said a 19-year-old woman from a jade-selling family.The “Beauty” people were everywhere, she said.

Chinese anti-veil ‘beauty’ campaign sows ugly tensions – The Express Tribune
As far as I know, wearing veils has nothing to do with Islam.

They only said "dress moderately". And what moderately means, is based on the country they live in.

Anyway, Uyghurs should show their faces. Many of them are very beautiful, like her:

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Their tradition is not to wear veils. People simply forgot their real tradition when they got converted. For some reason, there are more and more Muslims who are wearing those full cover veils.

It's rather sad that people chose fundamentalist religious practices from Arab countries over their own traditions, and then talk about tradition, lol.
As far as I know, wearing veils has nothing to do with Islam.

They only said "dress moderately". And what moderately means, is based on the country they live in.

Anyway, Uyghurs should show their faces. Many of them are very beautiful, like her:


Agreed ! Now just imagine encasing such Beauty in a Black Shapeless Sack !
Then we'd need to cover all the beautiful things in Nature such as flowers in tarpaulins.
Are they speaking of full veil? If so, it is in their right. Muslims need to respect foreign countries laws no matter what. Today, any criminal can take advantage of the veil for criminal purposes and it's strictly a security matter. If you can't cope with that then it would be better for you to return to your original nation.

This is coming from a Muslim. I have cousins who wear the full veil and I'm not against in fact encourage it in Muslim countries.

As for foreign nations try to understand their concerns and you need to respect the law.
need more comments on this thread :D
@ Indian members for a moment have you guys thought that what China is doing and has been doing is perfectly right - they have sternly put down any kind of extremism, they don't allow trouble making immigrants into their country while we have millions now with valid Government issued documents, they don't let terrorist breeding grounds to fester and take them down immediately while we wallow in the same extremism cr@p and our politicians use the same people for vote bank politics and to create communal tensions.

I can imagine what would have happened to people like Owaisi if he had said all that cr@p about Chinese in China.
Are they speaking of full veil? If so, it is in their right. Muslims need to respect foreign countries laws no matter what. Today, any criminal can take advantage of the veil for criminal purposes and it's strictly a security matter. If you can't cope with that then it would be better for you to return to your original nation.This is coming from a Muslim. I have cousins who wear the full veil and I'm not against in fact encourage it in Muslim countries.As for foreign nations try to understand their concerns and you need to respect the law.
Truly said brother. Criminals may use it and innocent Muslims will have to suffer from suspicion etc. especially in these times when people are more emotional and fast to come to judgement.
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