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Chinese Aircraft Carrier Suddenly Increased Specifications


Aug 9, 2008
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Originally, the aircraft carrier under construction in Shanghai was designed to be a 65,000 ton conventional-powered carrier.

There now has been rumors (as reported by Korean media and Japanese Kyodo) that the carrier is now being built into a 90,000 ton nuclear-powered carrier (not "9 million" tons).

The aircraft carrier in Shanghai has completed keel-laying in 2010.

I'm not talking about the Varyag.

The carrier will carry two types of combat jets: the J-15 and the twin-engine J-10C

Sudden increase of Chinese aircraft carrier specifications: 9 million tons of large-class nuclear-powered

China to build aircraft carriers outside the rumors on Wednesday suddenly "upgrade."The day of publication of the "Korean Nation" claims that China is not only common in the construction of aircraft carriers, and "ready to build nuclear-powered aircraft carrier."The news immediately by the Japanese Kyodo News and other media quoted. In the outside world all the speculation about China's military capabilities, China has built aircraft carrier when it has been the biggest points of interest, but "nuclear-powered aircraft carrier" was not seen in the past, but only rarely. Build aircraft carriers for the Chinese National Defense spokesman Huang Qiang had authority statement: "China has the ability to manufacture aircraft carriers, but exactly when manufacturing has not yet set." National Defense Zhang Yunchuan also responded positively to this: China is studying the construction of aircraft carriers, based on their manufacture, "we do not there is an old aircraft carrier", all preparatory work in progress. In addition to the Chinese authorities did not release more information, and all of the specific timetable, the aircraft carrier the size of the media seem to be based on hearsay evidence through informal channels.

2020, the nuclear aircraft carrier?

South Korea, "Korean people" reported that South Korea as a "master the Chinese military," the sources disclosed to the media: the construction of 48,000 tons of Chinese-class conventionally powered aircraft carrier at the same time, is building a displacement of the newest nuclear-powered aircraft carrier close to the U.S. "Ronald Reagan" was more than 9-ton super-large nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, and will complete the construction tasks in 2020.

Korean media reported that China's nuclear-powered aircraft carrier will not be completed before the Soviet Union's "Ulyanovsk-level" nuclear-powered aircraft carrier as a template, designed and built by China itself. In addition, the report also "expand" the research in China: China is pushing forward air defense destroyers, anti-submarine research and development of the construction of destroyer, aircraft carrier as the center of efforts to promote the formation of the fighting fleet.

Korean media even in China this story to find out the reasons for construction of a nuclear aircraft carrier - "break the US-Japan naval blockade." The article said that China has been discussing the need to build aircraft carriers. In the United States and Japan control of U.S. forces in Japan Islands - Ryukyu Islands - Taiwan - Philippines constitute the first island chain, and built by the submarine sound detection network, anti-submarine patrol aircraft, anti-submarine destroyer and submarine-strong anti-submarine system, once the Chinese nuclear submarine Cross past the first island chain, will be tracking the U.S. submarine and anti-submarine aircraft. If a nuclear war, before the Chinese nuclear submarine missile launch is likely to be destroyed. Article has declared the nose has eyes, for these reasons, the "aircraft carrier with Theory" in China got the upper hand.

Many rumors about the Chinese military

"Han Nation," the news came out, the day quickly by the Japanese Kyodo news agency in Singapore, "Lianhe Zaobao" and other media quoted, attracted quite a lot of attention.

Recent rumors of Chinese military power, such as "China's submarine coincidence the U.S. aircraft carrier", "Chinese ground-based laser shot blind U.S. satellites", "Chinese J-10 aircraft performance comparable to the U.S. F16". Earlier this month, ONI has the latest report, said that China is conducting nuclear submarines equipped with long-range ballistic missile tests, which will enable potential Chinese nuclear submarine in the sea extend the time, "offers China a modern, powerful sea-based nuclear deterrent . " Now there is China plans to create large-scale nuclear-powered aircraft carrier in 2020 the news. These rumors in the areas of everything from space to the sky and then to the sea, from missiles to submarines, aircraft carriers and then, together with the Chinese military Anyway, the topic generally reported in Western China account for a considerable proportion of virtually increase the image of China's "military colors."

American politicians about China's military when the military, although in different caliber, but on the whole, they talk too much on this topic. U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates recently in various occasions expressed concerns on China's military buildup, the new National Intelligence Director Mike McConnell said that "China is now the threat is not only the future will be a threat." Joint Chiefs of Staff Peter Pace, the U.S. Embassy press conference on China's military has looked very assured. When talking about China's military threat, he said: "I think the so-called threat has two parts: First, capacity, and second intention. United States and China have a strong military capability. The two countries did not attack each other's intentions. So we is not a threat to each other. "The next day, visited the People's Liberation Army in the facility, Pace said his views on deepening visit, the Chinese military is" world class ". However, the new U.S. Pacific Command Timothy Keating said: "China as a military power, still far to catch up with the United States, the Pentagon will conduct military exercises with the Chinese people, find out their intentions, tactics and strategies. They provide a limited field of battle efficiency, but on the overall position, they want the U.S. there is still a long way to go rather. "

This one will say a threat to China's military power, said the Chinese military for a "negligible." Followed by a loss over the world.

Not quote a reason China: A Chinese military expert said that the reason so many rumors that the Chinese military, there are three main reasons. First, there are a lot of people do not understand the Chinese military, and the rapid development of China as a rising power, everything about it can cause people's interest, not to mention the military, no one will talk about China's military attention, so the rumors about the Chinese military will have "high fever." Second, some random comments random mass of China's military, out of their own political needs. Need to cater to their anti-China camp or lead to internal conflicts abroad, put China as very large teeth, to China as a target; not the topic of China, put the Chinese say vulnerable. Third, there are some people on China's development and modernization of national defense dislike. They emit a variety of rumors, create the "China threat theory" and undermine China's international image, so to contain China's development.
why does China need a nuclear powered carrier?

to test its anti carrier missle :rofl:

Obviously not

but a nuclear carrier can remain sea borne for ages without needed a refuel..and not to mention the precious space saved which is otherwise used for fuel oil storage!
China is preparing for 2012 just like in the movie.
BTW, the aircraft carrier won't be launched in 2015. It will be launched in 2020.
Let me guess, you jacked this from some chinese BBS?

Not "BBS". It's an article from defense news site, and the author claims he got the info from Japanese and Korean news.
First time in history of ship building the displcement doubles after keel laying...

Is it a joke ??? Either the News is absurd, or the ship was 90K tonne.. And nuclear powered from the beginning... Which is highly unlikely as its their first attempt ever....
Will Varyag be deployed before that at the very least?
Varyag won't be deployed. It will be built either into a permanent training platform, a museum, or a floating casino. And I'm not joking about the casino part. There's news articles written on it.

When China bought the Varyag, it agreed that the Varyag would not be turned into a combat ship.
First time in history of ship building the displcement doubles after keel laying...

Is it a joke ??? Either the News is absurd, or the ship was 90K tonne.. And nuclear powered from the beginning... Which is highly unlikely as its their first attempt ever....

It's not that they changed the specs after the keel laying. It's that they didn't know that it was a 90,000-tonne carrier at the start.
Varyag won't be deployed. It will be built either into a permanent training platform, a museum, or a floating casino. And I'm not joking about the casino part. There's news articles written on it.

When China bought the Varyag, it agreed that the Varyag would not be turned into a combat ship.

You are saying that the varyag will only be used for testing technology? Like what they do to testing J-xx technology on J-10b and J-11b only that varyag will then not be comissioned as a fleet ship?
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