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WS-13B is better than AL-31F
Got any information regarding the PLA's next generation MBT?
2015-04-28 09:44 中国航空新闻网 通讯员 胡汉哲 我要评论0

中国航空新闻网讯:4月23日,经过重大改进、升级后的某型发动机,由中航工业试飞中心中国试飞员学院试飞员杨百兴、高卫东在试飞中心首飞成功,这标志着我国航空发动机研制水平有了进一步提升 。




WZ10 is on the last step to finalize design
China's indigenous WS-10A turbofan engine is an engineering marvel. It doesn't smoke. This means there is no oil leaking into the engine's combustion chamber. This requires perfect machining of aerospace parts to ensure no oil can leak through an imperfect gap. This requires a 3-micron five-axis CNC machine tool.

Interestingly, recent Russian AL-31 engines are almost smokeless. The older AL-31 engines were very smoky. How do we explain this sudden improvement in Russian Al-31 engines? I postulate that the older model AL-31 engines are still being built with older Russian machine tools. I believe the new almost-smokeless Russian AL-31 engines are being built with Chinese 7 to 35-micron five-axis CNC machine tools.

Russia had to wait until China became a serious industrial power to import restricted micron-level five-axis CNC machine tools. The US prohibits the sale of high-performance five-axis CNC machine tools to Russia and China for military use.

U.S. Precision Machine Tool Industry Is No Longer A Global Competetitive Force | Manufacturing and Technology News

"There are six American companies dedicated to producing five-axis machine tools, and at least 20 in China. Five-axis tools are used for the production of precision components in the aerospace industry...."



China produces a 3-micron five-axis CNC machine tool.

Critical Technology Assessment: Five Axis Simultaneous Control Machine Tools (p. 48)


that's pretty bad. having to deal with crappy russian engines, now you can produce your own :rofl:
let see if the used engines smoke after 5yrs of operation...
let see if the used engines smoke after 5yrs of operation...
I can understand what Martian2 is trying to say but what is your point in your single liner?

A smokeless engine can only means 2 thing - the state-of-art metallurgy resulting in higher operation temperature and precision machining.

RMAF SU-30MKM has been smoking since the day they were inducted in the service.

Now only 5 out of 18 SU-30MKM are only fully operational at any one time, the rest are waiting for spareparts, etc.

I can understand what Martian2 is trying to say but what is your point in your single liner?

A smokeless engine can only means 2 thing - the state-of-art metallurgy resulting in higher operation temperature and precision machining.

RMAF SU-30MKM has been smoking since the day they were inducted in the service.

Now only 5 out of 18 SU-30MKM are only fully operational at any one time, the rest are waiting for spareparts, etc.

A dated article nevertheless relevant to our limited understanding of China Aviation Industries.

Date Posted: 08-Sep-2010

Jane's Defence Weekly

China makes modifications to Russian Salyut AL-31F jet engine

Reuben F Johnson JDW Correspondent - Kiev

Key Points
The PLAAF has developed its own upgrade for the Russian-made Salyut AL-31F jet engine

The development demonstrates that the Chinese have achieved near autonomy in supporting their fighters' Russian-made engines

The Chinese People's Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) has developed its own service life extension modifications for the Russian-made Salyut AL-31F engine, a Moscow-based defence and foreign policy think-tank has reported.

The modifications to the AL-31F/FN P.2 series engine increase its operational limits by more than 65 per cent - from 900 to 1,500 flight hours, according to the privately owned Centre for the Analysis of Strategies and Technologies (CAST).

The AL-31F engine is the powerplant for several types of aircraft in the PLAAF inventory: the Sukhoi Su-27 (which is also licence-produced at the Shenyang Aircraft Works as the J-11), the Su-30MKK and the Chengdu Aerospace Corporation J-10. The AL-31FN is a special derivative of the original AL-31F design that was developed by the Salyut plant in Moscow for a single-engine application to be fitted to the J-10.

The service life modifications were reportedly developed at the PLAAF Overhaul Plant Number 5719. The key to the service life extension is a specific set of improved, Chinese-made components that are part of what is described as a "re-manufacturing kit" that is introduced during the process of a full-scale remanufacturing and overhaul process.

The plant is located near the city of Chengdu in Sichuan province, employs 2,000 personnel and is reported to be a model of innovation within the PLAAF's network of repair plants. During the past several years the facility has initiated 63 different research and development programmes and has been awarded more than 20 state prizes for achievements in technological innovation. In the same time period, the plant's assets have more than doubled from CNY1.1 billion (USD147.2 million) in 2004 to CNY2.9 billion today.

The plant's officials credit the success of their overhaul process to a decision taken in 2004, when some of the first AL-31F engines were presented to the plant by the PLAAF for overhaul. A decision was taken, according to the Chinese news sources originally cited, to completely reorganise the overhaul process. This streamlining of the overhaul disassembly and servicing line resulted in a 27.3 per cent decrease in the time required to complete an overhaul and increased the plant's production capacity by 60 per cent.

This level of improvement in the engine's design demonstrates that the Chinese have achieved near autonomy in the support of these Russian-made engines. Russian specialists who spoke to Jane's state that this is "another example of how the technology sold to the Chinese during the 1990s has now been fully assimilated by them. It is only a matter of time before the engines that China produces will be as good as or better than anything designed here in Russia".


AL-31being manufactured by UFA Engine Production Association (UMPO) AG. This is Russia's largest aero engine development and production companies, with 20,000 employees.

ahh I'm no expert when it comes to engineering, but i did graduate from an aircraft maintenance program.
And i have spent my share of time around airplanes, you can by my DP.

engine smoke isn't entirely based on metallurgy or precision tools to make the parts, its also about understanding the gas path, finding better ways for uniform combustion. A lot of the smoke is just unburnt fuel, and you get that when the nozzles are dirty, interruption in the airflow, fuel not being atomize properly, etc etc

Point being is its a combination of things, and the Chinese are definitely catching up to the west in all departments
Yes. You are absolutely right... I should have added among others.

But the Russian made AL31 is a widely used and proven powerplant.

So does that means that the WS-10X series is better designed than AL-31, omitting my 2 earlier points?

I can understand what Martian2 is trying to say but what is your point in your single liner?

A smokeless engine can only means 2 thing - the state-of-art metallurgy resulting in higher operation temperature and precision machining.

RMAF SU-30MKM has been smoking since the day they were inducted in the service.

Now only 5 out of 18 SU-30MKM are only fully operational at any one time, the rest are waiting for spareparts, etc.
RMAF operates the same identical flanker version as operated by Indian Air Force .
Our MKI does smoke & I have not seen RMAF MKM smoke during flying.
Can you provide picture of it.

The Chinese People's Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) has developed its own service life extension modifications for the Russian-made Salyut AL-31F engine, a Moscow-based defence and foreign policy think-tank has reported.

The modifications to the AL-31F/FN P.2 series engine increase its operational limits by more than 65 per cent - from 900 to 1,500 flight hours, according to the privately owned Centre for the Analysis of Strategies and Technologies (CAST).
AL-31 FP engine life is already 1500 hrs.
AL-31FN is not such old engine then why its only 900 hrs ?

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