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Chinese Aero Engine information thread

Could this engine shortly appeard in the CAIC Paris Air Show film be the WS-15? It looks really short in length and having 32 fan blades(at 0:46).


This engine has 32 fan blades


AL-31F and FWS-10 has 37 and 28 fan blades respectively
Motor Sich is moving to Chongqing China now,
estimated that there will be more than 2000 Ukrain experts working in Chongqing in the near futrue

According to Ukraine embassy in Beijing on June 6, 2017 website news, June 2, Ukraine's ambassador to China, Mr JiaoMing visit to chongqing, and chongqing leadership talks and visited chongqing tianjiao aviation industry base base (chongqing).JiaoMing ambassador said in talks with the chongqing leadership, the government of Ukraine for aviation engine project attaches great importance to bilateral cooperation, hope to continue to support in chongqing, make tianjiao project model of bilateral cooperation.Ukraine's state news agency and Ukraine other domestic media also reported the event.

chongqing aero engine base was established in 2015, Ukraine embassy official took part in foundation ceremony , this is the ambassador Jiao Ming second time visit , the ambassador came here again and was shocked by the sight.

Mr. JiaoMing praised engine base construction progress, said the construction progress beyond his imagination, such simply unthinkable in Ukraine.

On June 20th and 21st, the department of consular affairs deputy Liu Xu and chongqing vice mayor gui-ping liu met with Ukrainian officials related affairs.

Both sides negotiate a visa in China, the Ukrainian lengthen visa and consular protection problem, especially in chongqing.

chongqing base:



on zhuhai Air show, the joint company displayed several kind of aero engine:

other :

The article released some information never heard before;
Bilateral joint development of large wide-body passenger aircraft engine!
On May 31, in an interview with science and technology daily, Beijing tianjiao aviation industry investment co., LTD., innovation, vice President of the institute, the national "one thousand project" expert Wang Guangqiu.Of a new generation of aviation engine AI - 38 (China tianjiao airlines with Ukraine motor sich company based on D - 18 t engine).

CJ - 2000 and AI-38 thrust at about 30-34 tons.And AI - 38 derived type belongs to the new big bypass ratio engine, the prototype D - 18 t is famous for serving Ann - 225 and Ann - 124 two type conveyer for 22 years of "heart". AI-38 has three rotor structure, with high efficiency, small volume, light weight, etc.The latest news, bilateral joint engine manufacturing base in chongqing municipality has started to install test bed.

5月31日,在接受科技日报记者采访时,北京天骄航空产业投资有限公司创新研究院副院长、国家“千人计划”专家王光秋。 中乌新一代航空发动机AI-38(中国天骄航空与乌克兰进步设计局、乌克兰马达西奇公司联合体共同在乌克兰D-18T发动机基础上研制开发)。CJ-2000和AI-38的推力约在30—34吨左右。 而中乌联合研制的AI-38属于衍生型新型大涵道比发动机,其原型机D-18T则是名震遐迩、已服役安-225及安-124两个型号运输机22年的“动力心脏”。乌克兰开发的大型涡扇发动机与罗罗公司的遄达系列发动机具有相同的三转子结构,具有效率高、体积小、重量轻等特点。最新消息,位于重庆的中乌联合发动机制造基地已开始安装试车台。


There is not one single piece of evidence that J-20 is using WS-15, huh?







First time officially confirmed that Motor Sich has been purchased by Chongqin Government
China establishes first aero engine institute
(People's Daily Online) 17:05, August 29, 2017


China established its first aero engine institute in Nanchang, Jiangxi province, on Monday, in an effort to boost the country’s aero-engine industry, as well as wean itself from foreign suppliers.

The institute, which was jointly created by China’s leading aero tech giant Aero Engine Corporation of China (AECC) and Nanchang Hangkong University, aims to train high-end talents and carry out scientific research on engine-making.

“Aero engines are the gems of modern industrial manufacturing. They are often used to gauge a country’s comprehensive national power and technological capabilities. The establishment of China’s first aero engine institute is a fruit of cooperation between enterprises and universities, which will inject China’s engine industry with vitality,” Guo Zhongjie, Party chief of Nanchang Hangkong University, told Chinanews.cn.

China is gearing up to realize its dream of “taking off” by boosting a global aviation power. It goes all out with the state will and nationwide strength, targeting to have its own aircraft with home-made aero-engine.

According to Xinhua, China plans to catch up or surpass their western peers in 20 years. The plan outlined three phases for development: fill a vacancy, catch up, and then become equals.

A Chinese private enterprise has successfully purified the rare metal rhenium to manufacture the single crystal blade, which is crucial for the production of aircraft engines, CCTV.com reported on Sept. 3.

The rare metal was purified after a year and a half effort by Chengdu Aerospace Superalloy Technology Co. Ltd. in cooperation with the Hunan Research Institute for Nonferrous Metals.

The company discovered a mine with about 176 tons of rhenium in Shaanxi province in 2010, accounting for 7 percent of the world’s total reserves of the metal.


A report released by the U.S. Geological Survey shows that the explored reserve of rhenium in the earth’s crust is only about 2,500 tons, even less than that of rare elements. The price for each gram is 200 to 300 RMB (about $31 to 46), which makes it as expensive as platinum.

The metal is the main material for producing the single crystal blade, which is crucial for manufacturing aircraft engines, and the technology directly affects the performance of the engine.

Zhang Zheng, chairman of the company, put together a professional team through the country’s talent recruitment program.

Verified results show that the single crystal blade met Europe and U.S quality standards in terms of tensile properties and endurance performance at high temperatures.


The success makes the company China’s first to achieve mass production of the single crystal blade for manufacturing aircraft engines.

Aircraft engines, as one of the most complicated mechanical systems, should be able to work under high temperatures, high pressures, high rotation speeds, and high load; and be high power, light weight, long lasting, and highly reliable.

China has been faced with a hurdle of self-developing aircraft engines, because the U.S. and some Western countries have blocked certain exports such as rhenium to China for many years.
The success makes the company China’s first to achieve mass production of the single crystal blade for manufacturing aircraft engines. Verified results show that the single crystal blade met Europe and U.S quality standards in terms of tensile properties and endurance performance at high temperatures.
Oh! This is tremendous, it's on now!
China has been faced with a hurdle of self-developing aircraft engines, because the U.S. and some Western countries have blocked certain exports such as rhenium to China for many years.
Lol at the hatin' US and its flunkies -- China just can't be stopped. Even if they block their exports, Chile produces most of the world's rhenium. Even if they could get Chile to halt exports -- which they can't, Chile is a sovereign country -- Kazakhstan produces plenty.

Keep thinking you can stop China. Your every export control makes China stronger and more self-reliant. More controls, please.

A Chinese private enterprise has successfully purified the rare metal rhenium to manufacture the single crystal blade, which is crucial for the production of aircraft engines, CCTV.com reported on Sept. 3.

The rare metal was purified after a year and a half effort by Chengdu Aerospace Superalloy Technology Co. Ltd. in cooperation with the Hunan Research Institute for Nonferrous Metals.

The company discovered a mine with about 176 tons of rhenium in Shaanxi province in 2010, accounting for 7 percent of the world’s total reserves of the metal.


A report released by the U.S. Geological Survey shows that the explored reserve of rhenium in the earth’s crust is only about 2,500 tons, even less than that of rare elements. The price for each gram is 200 to 300 RMB (about $31 to 46), which makes it as expensive as platinum.

The metal is the main material for producing the single crystal blade, which is crucial for manufacturing aircraft engines, and the technology directly affects the performance of the engine.

Zhang Zheng, chairman of the company, put together a professional team through the country’s talent recruitment program.

Verified results show that the single crystal blade met Europe and U.S quality standards in terms of tensile properties and endurance performance at high temperatures.


The success makes the company China’s first to achieve mass production of the single crystal blade for manufacturing aircraft engines.

Aircraft engines, as one of the most complicated mechanical systems, should be able to work under high temperatures, high pressures, high rotation speeds, and high load; and be high power, light weight, long lasting, and highly reliable.

China has been faced with a hurdle of self-developing aircraft engines, because the U.S. and some Western countries have blocked certain exports such as rhenium to China for many years.
This is a huge achievement, Congrats.

China has been faced with a hurdle of self-developing aircraft engines, because the U.S. and some Western countries have blocked certain exports such as rhenium to China for many years.

WTF, these westerners complain to WTO that China set restriction of selling rare earth but they block rhenium export to China...and China did nothing.:angry:
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