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Chinese ace software competition: But why Indian coders are getting hired?

White man companies prefer Indians because

  • Indians are smarter

    Votes: 25 43.9%
  • Indians practice racism, kicking everyone out of jobs

    Votes: 11 19.3%
  • Fear of Chinese industrial espionage, while Indians are not capable of reverse engineering

    Votes: 14 24.6%
  • Indians talk better

    Votes: 24 42.1%

  • Total voters
Well, when most posts in this thread are retarded, it's no big deal if a bigger retarded post was posted. It's not that a really enlightening discussion is happening here. Chinese are insulting Indians, Indians are insulting Chinese. And you are the retard trying to post something other than insults while no one cares :lol:

When i was an undergraduate student, many of my TA were Indians.

They gave me a lot of feedback for my projects, and generously graded my assignments and projects.

I am a guy with conscience, and i don't wanna be heartless and insult the Indian IT people.

I don't care if the Indian coders failed to beat their Chinese counterpart in a competitive match, but they are still some top tier programmers in the world, and i don't think any PDF members are legitimate to insult them, since none of us are in their league, we are just a bunch of amateurs.
Most of the Indians I posted did some legit stuff like make pentium procesors and invent the USB, co -found a company like Sun microsystems etc. A dumb chinese could only dream of achieving something like this.

whichever indian you think made the pentium processor, get that fellow to talk to the indian government for its "india microprocessor program"... that project started in 2009, to realize a india-designed processor, is lying idle 5 years later, ( Why a made-in-India chip remains chimeric - Livemint ).

let us not embarrass ourselves.
Of course, ONLY Indians can solve all world problems. They had flying Ferraris which would fly inter-galaxy on water. A million miles per one gallon of H2O (Water). And there were IPADS and IPHONES and Cancer and Aid were cured by taking two "Vedic" pills twice a day in the Vedic times 6000 years ago. I can't believe this is the crap you are now teaching you children in school about fake Indian supremacy!!!!

Tell me what your compatriots can do.No,not Americans-Pakistanis.
The day Indian government declares PISA as an entrance examination for Engineering or Medical, there won't be any Chinese on the list.

LMAO.....so it has more to do with the zombie mindset of the south asians? He is doing that, so i must also do that type?

When i was abroad studying undergraduate engineering, i would always meet Chinese students, but very few of them would ever show the interest in applying for jobs. Most of them were content with the fact that they will go back home and work there. Same with the Koreans and those from Taiwan.
On the other hand, every Pakistani, Indian, Bangla etc would be worried if they have to apply for job, will they get it? Will they get the work visa? etc
No, if there's anyone known for stealing and Cheating, it's the chinese. Recently, 8000 Chinese students got kicked out o various US universities for cheating, plagiarism etc. 90% of Chinese research papers come off as plagiarized. Chinese are world leaders in reverse engineering and stealing. They are incapable of any innovation. The only thing I'll ever dream of stealing from a china man is the recipe of kung pao chicken. There's nothing more to steal.

That's my favorite dish too. Do you know the secret ingredient in it??

oyster sauce.

If Indians had the capability to do industrial espionage or reverse engineering you world do it. Even US does it against Germany and Japan. India still don't have the capability to reverse engineer to cut R&D costs and time to close the technological gap.

Every country that has the capability will use every advantage it has to be more powerful than its competitors.

There is no such thing as 'fair' in this world. The strong survive and the weak perish.

China has done an excellent job in localising critical technologies by whatever means necessary (reverse engineering, buying, innovating) and going a long way towards technological security.

China has its equivalent for most Western technologies which India doesn't. India still pays high prices to import these technologies and you still rely 100% on Western technology.

The only thing that matters is that China is closing the technological gap with the West.

Chinese cyber warfare forces would absolutely annihilate India if India ever gets into a war with China.

A confident nation does not have to resort to all the things you have mentioned.
I'm a REAL engineer and not a software 'engineer' or a computer 'scientist', and yet, as a hobby, I can code better than 100 of you combined! :D

Note: Technically, only Electronics Engineers have the right to be called Computer Engineers.... who actually understand the architecture and maths behind them machines, called COMPUTERS....... :p:

Oh Please, you cant code for shit compared to the greatest coder to grace this forum, aka, me. :D

I am a software engineer, i engineer softwares. Time for you nerds to book it. NERD.


REAL engineer. Mechanic kisi thaaan da :chilli:
Pseudocode means its not real , it's not compilable and only only a loose representation of the actual flow. You can't use this as a coding example using IDA to post dis assembled programs / pseudo code in some ways confirms what the OP stated

Er.....when did I deny the same?
Permit me to add another point. If people such as Lux and others who share his mentality think that South Asians are incapable, then why is it that South Asians have a considerable presence in the US Medical Industry? Go to any major hospital system in the United States, and you will see South Asian Medical Residents , or Attending Physicians in any floor. Be it Psychiatry, Internal Medicine, Surgery, Podiatry, Pediatrics et al.


I guess they're smart enough to pass the USMLE (United States Medical Licensing Exams) Steps 1, 2 (CK, CS) and 3.


But that's because the white man gave us those jobs...

1. chinese are humble whereas indians are boastful and big-mouthed. usually it's the latter who got hired

2. indians 'dark skins are more visible for "diversity hire"

3. indians are way more clannish: when a company head is an indian, you'll usually find he will most likely hire indians

4. company heads don't want super-competitive chinese since they sometimes fear that their positions would be threatened by them in the future.

5. media stereotypical propaganda in which indians are mostly "hard-working, honest super geeks with glasses".
When a Chines people talk about cheating...man it is height of hypocracy and joke...The basis fundamental of Chines technology starts with everything being copied and cheating the technology from other developed nations...You can name it as reverse engineering or whatever sounds good to you...That is why when any ones goes for shopping anything in electronics the 1st think is in mind, is it from Chines firm or Japan or Korean...So everyone understands who does the cheating from whom...

We do not reverse engineering because we never tried with it as we are good in service sector...Every nation has its own strengths and weakness..You can very well say that we are good to listen to White masters...Even i do not mind working for my White masters if he compensated me with my expected salary and provide me dignity in my work...I will prefer this work rather than stealing the technology from my master then being levelled as stealing the technology from all firms where i have worked.. So these are the choices that people from nation has to choose from...And i choose the 1st one rather being told as stealer or cheater from my from master..

None of those names you mentioned were innovated by Indians, sure they assisted but others were the main innovators while Indians bragged and took the credit.....as usual.

Just like your Mars mission was not an 'Indian' mission because it was a joint mission with NASA using their deep space tracking technologies. Anyone can use NASA technology and claim they did it. Remove NASA's direct help and India won't even know which direction Mars is located.

Indians always do 5% of the work and take 100% of the credit for the achievement of others. It's a disgusting Indian trait which is why Indians can brag and kiss their way into top positions at Western companies.

Reverse engineering requires a lot of technical knowledge which Indians lack.

Reverse engineering allows a country to cut R&D costs and time to close technological gaps.

China has mastered a very difficult art known as reverse engineering which Indians are too incompetent to do. Indians are not capable of innovating which means the only option is for you to beg and import.

If Indians had talent, they would reverse engineer Western technologies and build their technological base and localise all the technology. But the lack of Indian intellectual capacity limits India's progress.

This is why India will never be able to surpass China.
I'm a REAL engineer and not a software 'engineer' or a computer 'scientist', and yet, as a hobby, I can code better than 100 of you combined! :D

Note: Technically, only Electronics Engineers have the right to be called Computer Engineers.... who actually understand the architecture and maths behind them machines, called COMPUTERS....... :p:

lol engineers are glorified tradesmen. Come into Sciences and we will tell you what's up!
I didn't segregate anyone but my feel is that southern indian states are easier to do with when compared with north.

I agree with you...People from South have very tech minded attitude so they grasp the technology very easily and they are very humple and less show off kind of people...
For any competition preparation is key. Maybe Indians don't prepare for competitions like this or pisa

like they do for Spelling bees

White man can complain all they want but white man get 20 hours a day work from Indians and they are very obedient, never get angry no matter how much work you keep giving them...white man have learn to make Indian workers do all the work and the white manager take all the credits. Thy love Indian workers.

1. chinese are humble whereas indians are boastful and big-mouthed. usually it's the latter who got hired

2. indians 'dark skins are more visible for "diversity hire"

3. indians are way more clannish: when a company head is an indian, you'll usually find he will most likely hire indians

4. company heads don't want super-competitive chinese since they sometimes fear that their positions would be threatened by them in the future.

5. media stereotypical propaganda in which indians are mostly "hard-working, honest super geeks with glasses".

Excellent points.

When a Chines people talk about cheating...man it is height of hypocracy and joke...The basis fundamental of Chines technology starts with everything being copied and cheating the technology from other developed nations...You can name it as reverse engineering or whatever sounds good to you...That is why when any ones goes for shopping anything in electronics the 1st think is in mind, is it from Chines firm or Japan or Korean...So everyone understands who does the cheating from whom...

We do not reverse engineering because we never tried with it as we are good in service sector...Every nation has its own strengths and weakness..You can very well say that we are good to listen to White masters...Even i do not mind working for my White masters if he compensated me with my expected salary and provide me dignity in my work...I will prefer this work rather than stealing the technology from my master then being levelled as stealing the technology from all firms where i have worked.. So these are the choices that people from nation has to choose from...And i choose the 1st one rather being told as stealer or cheater from my from master..

And yet Indians buy Chinese brands :lol:
Indians are too incompetent to reverse engineer. Reserve engineering is a difficult thing to do.
Chinese are Russian frequently top all STEMI competition. Below are IT Oylmpic 2014 gold medalist. There are at least 11 or probably 13 Chinese (the Thai could be Chinese). There are only 2 Indians.

This is just one competition and I will show more.

Some thing are not very right. Indians keep getting reputation as good programmer on one hand, meanwhile, there are massive White man engineer complaining the quality of Indian engineers' work. Also Indians are overwhelmingly over-represented in favor of all other tribe.

Many high profile work developed by Indians are showcase of engineering failure.

I hope to listen to opinions.

IOI 2014: Results

View attachment 227932
There is no racism involved, the Chinese demand their own keyboard which costs more than their annual CTC. What would you do if you were hiring.
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