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China's Xi calls for world without nuclear weapons

Then there is no need for China to worry about Agni 5 test and raise the issue at UN!

it is a part of a game plan, I have mentioned it in my post.

Why would china be with out nuclear weapons when USA is breathing at its borders. You need to understand the context.

Yes but any proposal of complete disarmament of Nuclear weapon is always well come.
It is not practical, they are just doing lip service!

Yes, yes that is the character of china. It is basically a matter of faith. We have a faith in truth and we are taught Satya Mev Jayati. They believe that shrewdness is the way of Triumph.
Nuclear power to keep war in check!? hahaahha that thing keep those with " it" in peace... not the world.


No first use policy!?? lol if the country is loosing a war, don't worry first or last use policy, she will use it, whatever happen she will use it, even if it's destroying the world....

Nations should strive for a world where nuclear weapons are prohibited and where existing stocks are destroyed, Chinese President Xi Jinping said in a speech at the United Nations on Wednesday.

“Nuclear weapons should be completely prohibited and destroyed over time to make the world free of nuclear weapons,” the Chinese president said in Geneva.
Noble idea. But enforces by whom, Mr. Xi ?
If China takes the lead then I guess we will see a world free on nukes in near future.

Many experts think this actually would empower disarmament groups in the US/UK/France who might then demand a worldwide disarmament.

Nuclear weapons will be obsolete within 100 years anyway.

Nuclear Weapons are obsolete now by many military experts.
Many experts think this actually would empower disarmament groups in the US/UK/France who might then demand a worldwide disarmament.

Nuclear Weapons are obsolete now by many military experts.

nuclear weapons as all missile around the world if you can destroy it before it reach you, then you good...
Whatever it's with the use of future" laser" or actual or anti-ballistic/air missile, you can sleep on both your ears...
Lol, China is great example, its really respecting its smaller neighbours in it SCS adventures...

How could China "take control"? Its whole economy is growing just because its ready to dedtroy its environment and slave its people to make our cheap phones. If west would put taxes on stuff produced in China, it would collapse. Not to even mention how China builds ghost cities to keep its "miracle growth rate" up.
Jealous of China's economic growth that you irrelevant country can only dream of? :o:

Nations should strive for a world where nuclear weapons are prohibited and where existing stocks are destroyed, Chinese President Xi Jinping said in a speech at the United Nations on Wednesday.

“Nuclear weapons should be completely prohibited and destroyed over time to make the world free of nuclear weapons,” the Chinese president said in Geneva.

In a lengthy address at the UN's European headquarters alongside with the world body's new chief Antonio Guterres, Xi also made a robust case for a global governance system based on equality among nations.

“We should reject dominance by just one or several countries”, Xi said, adding that “major powers should respect each other's core interests.”

“Big countries should treat smaller countries as equals instead of acting as a hegemon imposing their will on others,” he further said.

In his disarmament call and plea for sovereign equality Xi offered China as a nation “committed to building a world of lasting peace.”

The remarks come at the end of a four-day diplomatic tour across Switzerland that included a landmark address at the ongoing World Economic Forum in Davos.

Some analysts saw his Davos speech on Tuesday as a attempt to grab the mantle of global leadership from the United States, where Donald Trump will be sworn in as the country's 45th president on Friday.

Trump's astonishing rise has raised questions among political elite about Washington's role in the world.

Trump has offered a series of at times contradictory remarks on American nuclear power, saying the country needed to “greatly strengthen and expand its nuclear capacity”, while later indicating he favoured a disarmament deal with Russia.

in my opinion, an up-to-date nuclear weapons arsenal is paramount to keeping the peace. especially between the current superpowers (US, Russia, China, EU)..

right now we're seeing anti-ICBM weapons undergo some more development, so there is a valid and very relevant question : what about the total mix of weapons? do they together as a whole prevent 'conventional conflicts', or do they foster tensions and conventional conflicts?

you indeed have to look at the complete picture (of who has what weapons and munitions for those weapons), because nuclear weapons are not necessarily (like in the 1960s) the pinnacle of weapons-technology...

see also the notification i sent out by email for this issue, at https://defence.pk/threads/chinas-x...ut-nuclear-weapons.473246/page-3#post-9127084
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in my opinion, an up-to-date nuclear weapons arsenal is paramount to keeping the peace. especially between the current superpowers (US, Russia, China, EU)..

I don't know. What if a mad man becomes the president of one of the nations above and uses it. We have one planet.
If we destroy ours, we have no other place to live.
Only way that will happen is if all nukes simultaneously explode.
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: on the balance of military power
Date: Sat, 21 Jan 2017 08:07:27 +0100
From: Rene AJM Veerman <rene@seductiveapps.com>
Reply-To: rene@seductiveapps.com
Organization: SeductiveApps.com
To: VandaagDeDag <tips@vandaagdedag.nu>, CNN <worldnews@cnn.com>, CIA <info@cia.gov>, NSA <nsapao@nsa.gov>, info@whitehouse.gov, Mossad <info@gov.il>, info@groenlinks.nl, christenunie@tweedekamer.nl, sgp@tweedekamer.nl, info@vvd.nl, info@pvv.nl, info@50pluspartij.nl, info@sp.nl, info@pvda.nl, d66@tweedekamer.nl, redactie@3fm.nl, ,"VandaagDeDag" <tips@vandaagdedag.nu>, CNN <worldnews@cnn.com>, CIA <info@cia.gov>, NSA <nsapao@nsa.gov>, info@whitehouse.gov, Mossad <info@gov.il>, info@groenlinks.nl, christenunie@tweedekamer.nl, sgp@tweedekamer.nl, info@vvd.nl, info@pvv.nl, info@50pluspartij.nl, info@sp.nl, info@pvda.nl, d66@tweedekamer.nl, redactie@3fm.nl, info@volkskrant.nl, redactie@volkskrant.nl, info@telegraaf.nl, redactie@telegraaf.nl, info@trouw.nl, redactie@trouw.nl, info@nrc.nl, redactie@nrc.nl, info@parool.nl, redactie@parool.nl, redactie@nieuws.nl, redactie@ad.nl, gastbijdrage@sargasso.nl

This is a very interesting article, President Trump and US leaderships (military, intelligence, massmedia, etc).
I think you should forward this email of mine to all of your thinktank groups..


I don't know. What if a mad man becomes the president of one of the nations above and uses it. We have one planet.
If we destroy ours, we have no other place to live.
cyber technology will probably make sure the guy gets the Hitler-label before it comes to that.
but i've noted your comment as something to compute into my future statements..
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: on the balance of military power
Date: Sat, 21 Jan 2017 08:07:27 +0100
From: Rene AJM Veerman <rene@seductiveapps.com>
Reply-To: rene@seductiveapps.com
Organization: SeductiveApps.com
To: VandaagDeDag <tips@vandaagdedag.nu>, CNN <worldnews@cnn.com>, CIA <info@cia.gov>, NSA <nsapao@nsa.gov>, info@whitehouse.gov, Mossad <info@gov.il>, info@groenlinks.nl, christenunie@tweedekamer.nl, sgp@tweedekamer.nl, info@vvd.nl, info@pvv.nl, info@50pluspartij.nl, info@sp.nl, info@pvda.nl, d66@tweedekamer.nl, redactie@3fm.nl, ,"VandaagDeDag" <tips@vandaagdedag.nu>, CNN <worldnews@cnn.com>, CIA <info@cia.gov>, NSA <nsapao@nsa.gov>, info@whitehouse.gov, Mossad <info@gov.il>, info@groenlinks.nl, christenunie@tweedekamer.nl, sgp@tweedekamer.nl, info@vvd.nl, info@pvv.nl, info@50pluspartij.nl, info@sp.nl, info@pvda.nl, d66@tweedekamer.nl, redactie@3fm.nl, info@volkskrant.nl, redactie@volkskrant.nl, info@telegraaf.nl, redactie@telegraaf.nl, info@trouw.nl, redactie@trouw.nl, info@nrc.nl, redactie@nrc.nl, info@parool.nl, redactie@parool.nl, redactie@nieuws.nl, redactie@ad.nl, gastbijdrage@sargasso.nl

This is a very interesting article, President Trump and US leaderships (military, intelligence, massmedia, etc).
I think you should forward this email of mine to all of your thinktank groups..


cyber technology will probably make sure the guy gets the Hitler-label before it comes to that.
but i've noted your comment as something to compute into my future statements..

I would not bet on that. Trump has become the president of US. He is mercurial and unpredictable. And he has 2500 nukes at his disposal. I support Xi here. Nukes should go.

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