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China's vice president wants to control students Independent thinking

India is not a democracy. Only the top elite 7% even have access to internet. The military, government bureaucrats and the Gandhi family with the help of Brahmins and the caste system maintain an iron grip on the country.

India is an insult of democracy. Indian democracy is just an negative example in China. When the anti-democracy guys in China want to prove that democracy is bad, they usally take india as the negative axample to show how bad democracy is
India is an insult of democracy. Indian democracy is just an negative example in China. When the anti-democracy guys in China want to prove that democracy is bad, they usally take india as the negative axample to show how bad democracy is

did they allow you to even spell the word democracy....isn't that censored ?
One chinese posts, other thank his comment. Looks like Communist regime has hire some Internet warrior.. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
From what you posted, I am sure Chinese should have IQ superiority to Indians

In last 6 pages chinese members are beating around the bush, Talk bout Poverty, Talked about slums, talked bout democracy.

But no one talk about subject which is
"China's vice president wants to control students Independent thinking" or
"China's vice president wants to make there kids hardcore communists"
For most people in China, learning more about socialism would be helpful to them. We could improve our society through better socialist education for students, which is what XJP is driving at. Good to see that XJP is making major changes in cultural policies.

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