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China's Urumqi Bans Burqas

Why always stir up CHina and Pak relationship in this very forum, what is your purpose?? I strongly protest your way of insinuating and framing up CHina!!!! @Horus
It's not about Burqa, its about the terrorist using Burqa( a non-traditional for Uygher women) as desguise to kill innocent people and escape. There is lifes!!!!!!! This is one of the most pissed off day in PDF. What heppen to people?

Do you try to say it is that CHina could help you against India that is the only reason that we are friends?? Are you for serious? If India vanish in tommorrow, you gonna send army along the border to press on CHina on the Burqa problem? Are you realy a Pakistani? hell with it.
I don't want our Pakistani brothers to cut off their relationship with China. I never claimed that. I just want them to not stay sillent when crimes are committed on their uighur muslim brothers under the excuse of "counter-terrorism". Turkey regularly speaks up against China and their state terror. I never saw any news of Pakistani authorities speaking up. China is a country that regularly puts his nose in the affairs of others. Why shouldn't other countries not be allowed to express simple criticism.
I don't want our Pakistani brothers to cut off their relationship with China. I never claimed that. I just want them to not stay sillent when crimes are committed on their uighur muslim brothers under the excuse of "terrorism". Turkey regularly speaks up against China. I never saw any news of Pakistani authorities speaking up. China is a country that regularly puts his nose in the affairs of others. Why shouldn't other countries not be allowed to express simple criticism.
What are those crime. You saw it by yourself, or you just hear somewhere?

I've been working in Xingjiang for three years many years ago, they are benevolent people until the extremist inluence them. 99% of Uygher people are good people, we love them. The food, the cultre, the, tradition. To be honest, have you ever been to XIngjiang, why you so convinced that they live in hell? seeing is believing. Iwon't comment how Tukic treat Kurds boefre i see it.

To me ,the only friend of CHina is Pakistan. I don't care Turkey at all.

We judge country on its benovolence and characteristic, not based on its religion.

Even if Pakistan is a Christian country, we will love them as well.
What are those crime. You saw it by yourself, or you just hear somewhere?

I've been working in Xingjiang for three years many years ago, they are benevolent people until the extremist inluence them. 99% of Uygher people are good people, we love them. The food, the cultre, the, tradition. To be honest, have you ever been to XIngjiang, why you so convinced that they live in hell? seeing is believing. Iwon't comment how Tukic treat Kurds boefre i see it.
So what are you saying? Turks are crazy and don't know anything when criticizing China?

China Rebukes Turkey Over Uighur Refugees

More than 300 families have fled to Turkey because of Chinese state terrorism. Luckily Thailand has given these people to us otherwise they would be all tortured and killed.

Everybody who stays sillent in the face of these crimes are just as guilty imho. If these people are running away from communist criminals and you keep your door closed. I don't have anything to say. The least you can do is speak up and the human thing is to give them shelter.
So what are you saying? Turks are crazy and don't know anything when criticizing China?

China Rebukes Turkey Over Uighur Refugees

More than 300 families have fled to Turkey because of Chinese state terrorism. Luckily Thailand has given these people to us otherwise they would be all tortured and killed.Kurds and support the seperation activity of the Kurds in China????? ask your self and get your mind straight.

So what are you saying? Turks are crazy and don't know anything when criticizing China?

China Rebukes Turkey Over Uighur Refugees

More than 300 families have fled to Turkey because of Chinese state terrorism. Luckily Thailand has given these people to us otherwise they would be all tortured and killed.

Everybody who stays sillent in the face of these crimes are just as guilty imho. If these people are running away from communist criminals and you keep your door closed. I don't have anything to say. The least you can do is speak up and the human thing is to give them shelter.
I.m done with you , you are totally ignorant and arrogant.
What are those crime. You saw it by yourself, or you just hear somewhere?
Leave this crap alone. He wants Pakistan to be against China for other Muslims benefit. Yet Turkey itself has no plan to quit NATO for the sake of other Muslims. What have Turkey done when the ISIS attacked Kurd village close to Turkey border? They deployed their troops on Turkey side and just stood there watching.
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What are those crime. You saw it by yourself, or you just hear somewhere?

I've been working in Xingjiang for three years many years ago, they are benevolent people until the extremist inluence them. 99% of Uygher people are good people, we love them. The food, the cultre, the, tradition. To be honest, have you ever been to XIngjiang, why you so convinced that they live in hell? seeing is believing. Iwon't comment how Tukic treat Kurds boefre i see it.

To me ,the only friend of CHina is Pakistan. I don't care Turkey at all.

We judge country on its benovolence and characteristic, not based on its religion.

Even if Pakistan is a Christian country, we will love them as well.

Islam actually can cooperate in a Confucian society, and it has thrived for centuries in a dualist approach. The success of Hui Muslims in China as well as the success of Muslims in Japan is testament to this. @wanglaokan , i know that you've worked in Xinjiang , I think you would like this article written by Dr. Sachiko Murata, Ph.D. This paper focuses on the Confucian Islam and the virtues observed. Do enjoy!


Leave this crap alone. He wants Pakistan to be against China for other Muslims benefit. Yet Turkey itself has no plan to quit NATO for the sake of other Muslims. What Turkey did when the ISIS attacked Kurd village close to Turkey border? The deployed their troops on Turkey side and just stood there watching.
Hypocrisy at the most

double standard

They even protest USA when USA sends some pathetic rifle to Kurds to fight ISIS.
Turks don't even want this burqa in Turkey, even though most Turks are muslims. Burqa is an alien dress style, it makes me sad to see Turkish, Uyghur or other Turkic women with this burqa. I agree with China on this rule.

Very interesting input, Sir. If I may also add some important points for those who say that the Burqa is specifically mentioned in the Holy Quran.

First of all it depends upon who you ask. There is disagreement in Islamic circles as to what extent Quran advocates the wearing of the burqa. However, The Quran does not specifically mention the burqa or tell women to wear such extremely confining clothes. Instead, it instructs men and women to dress and behave modestly in society (24:31), which the Ulama or “Scholars” do agree upon. Modern day Muslims base their authority regarding the burqa on the hadith or collected traditions of life in the days of prophet Muhammad. It is important to note here that these “collected traditions” have no place in Islam.

For women: Cover your chest (24:31); Lengthen your garments (33:59) and for both sexes; The BEST garment is righteousness and modest conduct (7:26).

It is a crime that so many men who have coaxed, or pressured, or demanded that their women wear the burqa, or that their daughters wear a hijab prematurely, are most probably unable or unwilling to read the Quran and uphold its tenants, being totally dependent on the interpretations incorrectly preached to them by immoderate clerics and cultural exhortations not based on pure religion. The problem with so many clerics in powerful positions within many Islamic communities around the globe, is that these religious leaders do not allow for intellectual freedom, or personal interpretation when it comes to matters of self assessed modesty and female dressing because of the narrowness in which they view women’s supposedly intemperate sexuality and the lack of self-control in men.

Surely in this day and age, human beings can be trusted to walk down the street, safe in the knowledge that a glimpse of hair will not cause a riot. A veil worn in any form should be a personal and independent choice, free of social pressure. A shroud should not be used to effectively excise a woman from the society in which they live and the possibilities of the freedoms we should all enjoy.

2:256 There shall be no compulsion in religion: the right way is now distinct from the wrong way. Anyone who denounces the devil and believes in God has grasped the strongest bond; one that never breaks. God is Hearer, Omniscient.

So what are you saying? Turks are crazy and don't know anything when criticizing China?

China Rebukes Turkey Over Uighur Refugees

More than 300 families have fled to Turkey because of Chinese state terrorism. Luckily Thailand has given these people to us otherwise they would be all tortured and killed.

Everybody who stays sillent in the face of these crimes are just as guilty imho. If these people are running away from communist criminals and you keep your door closed. I don't have anything to say. The least you can do is speak up and the human thing is to give them shelter.

Crime? Murdering of PKK members and butchering them in the name of terrorist. If you think those Ugihur terrorist are refugees then China shall offer PKK support by supplying arms and refugee. You see the hyporcrisy of you extreme Turkish. Suporting ISIS and Ugihur terrorist while butchering Kurdish people. No wonder, EU don't like you and do not wish you to join them. Pretty much Turkey is on their own.

Sorry for comeback of Ottoman. Turkey will alway stay that small. :lol:
Crime? Murdering of PKK members and butchering them in the name of terrorist. If you think those Ugihur terrorist are refugees then China shall offer PKK support by supplying arms and refugee. You see the hyporcrisy of you extreme Turkish. Suporting ISIS and Ugihur terrorist while butchering Kurdish people. No wonder, EU don't like you and do not wish you to join them. Pretty much Turkey is on their own.

Sorry for comeback of Ottoman. Turkey will alway stay that small. :lol:
Right. China has a sophisticated and efficient industry system. China can arm a large, modern army in very short time. I mean if China wants to.

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