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China's Urumqi Bans Burqas


This is what I mean before. So "banning burqa" is something done against Islam, not for security reasons, its just keeping the sheath for their action, an effort to legitimize it. Probably they will ban different things related with Islam in the future and finally they will ban Islam.

If the main purpose was security reasons, the law should be "covering-hiding faces in public is forbidden."
How much you get paid by CIA to stir up here? Ban Islam? Never gonna happen. How you gonna ban a religion practiced by 25% of the population on this planet ? I think CCP is not some nuts. Ban Burqa is for national security concern, terrorists will utilize it to not to be recognized. Turkey is just one of the many Islamic country, you can't represent Islam on your own. Saudi is saying nothing against China, why you?
your thinking go too far.
We have Muslim people as Vietnamese nationality.
We have Muslim neighbors in ASEAN.
We think we could live well with them, their religion practices.

Nope bro, i beg to disagree. My thinking isnt going far at all(it never does.lool). Case in point, if this law had happened say in the U.S/Japan or France(like it has for over a year now) i'm 100% sure you wouldn't be saying the same things you just say on here.:D;)

However, as i said earlier, its not just you though, You are just one of hundreds members on here who indulge in the same usual rhetoric against a country they consider a 'rival/ennemy'/have disputes with. So dont worry my good friend, you are not alone, far from it, even Chinese members on here indulge in same bad mouthing about anything related to Vietnam whether good or bad, So i can't blame you that much. .:cheers:
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How much you get paid by CIA to stir up here? Ban Islam? Never gonna happen. How you gonna ban a religion practiced by 25% of the population on this planet ? I think CCP is not some nuts. Ban Burqa is for national security concern, terrorists will utilize it to not to be recognized. Turkey is just one of the many Islamic country, you can't represent Islam on your own. Saudi is saying nothing against China, why you?

This application looks like to ban drinking beer while driving. So if the purpose was security reason, they should ban drinking alcoholic beverages while driving.
This application looks like to ban drinking beer while driving. So if the purpose was security reason, they should ban drinking alcoholic beverages while driving.
Drinking alcoholic while driving will be put in jail in China.

Nope bro, i beg to disagree. My thinkingisnt going far at all(it never does.lool). Case in point, if this law had happened say in the U.S/Japan or France(like it has for over a year now) im 100% sure you wouldnt be saying the same things you just say on here.:D;)
However, as i said earlier, its nit just you though, You are just one of hundreds members on here who indulge in the same usual rhetoric against a country they consider a 'rival/ennemy'/have disputes with. So dont worry my godd friend, you are not alone, far from it, even Chinese members on here indulge in same bad mouthing about anything relkated to Vietnam whether good or bad, So i can't blame you that much. .:cheers:
No, I don't hate Vietnam.
Drinking alcoholic while driving will be put in jail in China.

No, I don't hate Vietnam.

well can't say if you do or not(though i know of Many chinese mebers here who do, and bash any news from Vietnam:D), since i haven't followed/seen your comments much about Vietnamese threads on here. Can other Vietnamese members on here, tell me if he is part of other Chinese always badmouthing Vietnam on here?:enjoy: @BoQ77 , @NiceGuy, @EastSea , @Carlosa etc?:cheers:
Capital of China's Xinjiang to Ban Burqas in Public: Report

BEIJING | DEC 11, 2014

Authorities in the capital of the mainly Muslim Uighur homeland of Xinjiang voted to ban the wearing of burqas in public, media said today, as China confronts unrest with tough measures that critics have labelled discriminatory.

Hundreds have died in ethnic clashes across the restive far western region in recent months, with Beijing vowing to "strike hard" against violence.

The local legislature of Urumqi yesterday "considered and adopted 'Regulations for the banning of wearing of burqas in public areas in Urumqi'", the Sina web news portal said.

The measure will next go to the regional legislature to "examine and then to implement it", the report added.

China has previously launched drives to discourage women from covering their faces, and security officials often log details of those wearing burqas, an Islamic garment that covers the eyes as well as the whole face and body.

A "Project Beauty" campaign in the predominantly Uighur city of Kashgar saw a publicity offensive encouraging women not to wear traditional Islamic clothing.

Authorities in another Xinjiang city, Karamay, in August banned people wearing hijabs, niqabs, burqas, or clothing with the Islamic star and crescent symbol from local buses.

Rights groups say that harsh police treatment of Uighurs and campaigns against some religious practices has stoked violence.

Beijing has blamed "separatists" from Xinjiang for a wave of deadly incidents in and beyond the region, which have been labelled "terrorism" by Beijing.

Several hundred people have died this year, and Xinjiang witnessed its bloodiest incident since 2009 when 37 civilians and 59 "terrorists" were killed in an attack on a police station and government offices in Shache county, also known as Yarkand, in July.

Five years ago, rioting involving Uighurs and members of China's Han majority left around 200 people dead in Urumqi.

China defends its policies in Xinjiang, arguing that it has boosted economic development in the area and that it upholds minority and religious rights in a country with 56 recognised ethnic groups.


Capital of China's Xinjiang to Ban Burqas in Public: Report
China's Urumqi Bans Burqas

Capital of China's Xinjiang to ban burqas in public: report | Daily Mail Online

I can chalange you that all defenders of Muslim rights and champions who see muslims bullied on every small issues in India will find nothing wrong and will come out to defend this.
well can't say if you do or not(though i know of Many chinese mebers here who do, and bash any news from Vietnam:D), since i haven't followed/seen your comments much about Vietnamese threads on here. Can other Vietnamese members on here, tell me if he is part of other Chinese always badmouthing Vietnam on here?:enjoy: @BoQ77 , @NiceGuy, @EastSea , @Carlosa etc?:cheers:

I can't remember about any postings from him, I don't think I have experience with him, so I can't really say.
well can't say if you do or not(though i know of Many chinese mebers here who do, and bash any news from Vietnam:D), since i haven't followed/seen your comments much about Vietnamese threads on here. Can other Vietnamese members on here, tell me if he is part of other Chinese always badmouthing Vietnam on here?:enjoy: @BoQ77 , @NiceGuy, @EastSea , @Carlosa etc?:cheers:

You are right, most of Chinese member here on PDF are extra-nationalists brainwashed by CPC, they believe that when Imperialists go home, China will be boss of Asia. such chinese guys are arrogant, bad mouth.
well can't say if you do or not(though i know of Many chinese mebers here who do, and bash any news from Vietnam:D), since i haven't followed/seen your comments much about Vietnamese threads on here. Can other Vietnamese members on here, tell me if he is part of other Chinese always badmouthing Vietnam on here?:enjoy: @BoQ77 , @NiceGuy, @EastSea , @Carlosa etc?:cheers:

wanglaokan is a reasonable member. he listens to your opinion and know what is good or bad.
wanglaokan is a reasonable member. he listens to your opinion and know what is good or bad.

Ok i see. I apologise to my friend Wanglaokan then. I didn't know he was not part of the anti-Vietnam Chinese Brigade on here(though i didnt say he was one anyway). Good to see there are still some sane members on this forum(guess i will have to add him to my valuable friends list here then.:cheers:). @wanglaokan Its good to see you are a sane memeber on here, with whom one can have a meaningful conversation with. You are welcome bro. looking forward to exchange points of view with you my man.:cheers::-)

You are right, most of Chinese member here on PDF are extra-nationalists brainwashed by CPC, they believe that when Imperialists go home, China will be boss of Asia. such chinese guys are arrogant, bad mouth.

Well most might be extra nationalistic, but then again most members on ehre are to be honest.lool Moreover you say i quote: 'They are extra-extra-nationalists brainwashed by CPC'?:o: That's strange to meo_O. Since Vietnam is one of the only country in Asia to still be labeled 'communist' as well, same as the CPC by our media everytime trhey refer to Vietnam.lol So if anything i didn't expect a vietnamese to be the one to label communist brainwashed party into this discussion, since others accuse Vietnams communist party of being basically the same(looking up to) as their bigger brother in the north. So it might be as if you were looking into a Mirror while criticizing it my man.:D Other 'democratic' countries in the region can still make that staement and it will be understandable.:happy:

Anyway coming to topic, i dont think you should indulge in tit for tat response, and do what some chinese members do on topics related to vietnam. Just because they bash/troll you, doesnt means you have to do the same. Thats why you dont see me trolling/always bad mouthing a country just because they might have said something bad about my country, i ahve long moved past that level.:enjoy: So badmouthing a country for no good reason(and later admitting it)makes you no better than them(maybe even worse). Its only by avoiding playing the low game others play, will you be respected and make others(even your worse ennemies/anti vietnam members) listen to you and be more reasonable/introspect,. Not by indulging in the same rhetoric you yourself criticize. I have said that several times on here, but seems to fall on deaf ears always.:(:cray:

Why always stir up CHina and Pak relationship in this very forum, what is your purpose?? I strongly protest your way of insinuating and framing up CHina!!!! @Horus
It's not about Burqa, its about the terrorist using Burqa( a non-traditional for Uygher women) as desguise to kill innocent people and escape. There is lifes!!!!!!! This is one of the most pissed off day in PDF. What heppen to people?

Do you try to say it is that CHina could help you against India that is the only reason that we are friends?? Are you for serious? If India vanish in tommorrow, you gonna send army along the border to press on CHina on the Burqa problem? Are you realy a Pakistani? hell with it.
My friend,
No! not at all,never!!

I am seriously disappointed to see that my above statement is completely misunderstood. I can't imagine to stand against china in the first place. My friend,a lot things are similar between Pakistani nation and that of Chinese nation-we are not backstabbers!
Try to understand my statement. Our relationship is independent of Indian exsistance.I don't care what others say but what Chinese says matters to me the most. I haven't responded to any Indian comment but I do care about Turks and Chinese posters.A turkish poster called my nation "soul-less" and I tried to encounter his offense.Therefore I considered it essential to shed some light over importance of our relationship and just highlighted an advantage.Chinese people are dear to us and we have same feelings as you people do.
Do you know what is the most amazing aspect of our relationship?
I tell you,this world does not look Pakistan as just a country-they look at us as Islamic country. When Pakistan launched her first nuclear bomb,this so called neutral BBC called it as Islamic bomb rather than nuclear. So world has completely failed to understand that how on earth could "Islamic republic" of Pakistan could ever enjoy deeper then oceans relationship with China?
...and do you know the answer? Well you have just answered it yourself! it is "love" and "honesty" which make us feel comfortable and secure.
But world has completely failed to understand this.So,we must address to world in their language that is "profit and loss" relationship.Read my post again and try to understand my words.
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My friend,
No! not at all,never!!

I am seriously disappointed to see that my above statement is completely misunderstood. I can't imagine to stand against china in the first place. My friend,a lot things are similar between Pakistani nation and that of Chinese nation-we are not backstabbers!
Try to understand my statement. Our relationship is independent of Indian exsistance.I don't care what others say but what Chinese says matters to me the most. I haven't responded to any Indian comment but I do care about Turks and Chinese posters.A turkish poster called my nation "soul-less" and I tried to encounter his offense.Therefore I considered it essential to shed some light over importance of our relationship and just highlighted an advantage.Chinese people are dear to us and we have same feelings as you people do.
Do you know what is the most amazing aspect of our relationship?
I tell you,this world does not look Pakistan as just a country-they look at us as Islamic country. When Pakistan launched her first nuclear bomb,this so called neutral BBC called it as Islamic bomb rather than nuclear. So world has completely failed to understand that how on earth could "Islamic republic" of Pakistan could ever enjoy deeper then oceans relationship with China?
...and do you know the answer? Well you have just answered it yourself! it is "love" and "honesty" which make us feel comfortable and secure.
But world has completely failed to understand this.So,we must address to world in their language that is "profit and loss" relationship.Read my post again and try to understand my words.
i can understand your feeling, don't have to worry my brother.
you will find out really fast. That is a country born by religious belief . They claim to be protector Of Islam do you think they will leave you alone.They will try to bite you as soon as you try to go against Islam
Are we againsting ISLAM ?

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