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China's Urumqi Bans Burqas

you will find out really fast. That is a country born by religious belief .

Hey, so was Israel. Israel does not equal Judaism, though, does it?

I think you need China because of evil Hindu India as you want to liberate kashmir because it is Muslims majority area.You are against Israel because it is acting against Palestine which is Muslims majority region your whole existence is religion based how long can you keep it up with China it will be an Interesting thing to see

You do not need to be Muslim to support Palestine, or Kashmir.
ahahahhahahah.....though your comments seems to be well meaning, im afraid you dont really understand whats the real issue here. You think these muslims/islamist extremists commiting suicide bombings/stabbings civilians etc is because they are poor/not developed enough etc?:lol: If you think that way, then im afraid you dont get the point bro.

Its has nothing to do with development/living standards/infrastructure or whatever developmental projects you have in mind.lool If it was the case, then believe me, we wuldnt have had suicide bombers in the west/U.S etc since we are the most advanced/developed region in this world, but still we still have ilsamic extremists in our soil as well, just because they havent been able to strike us like they have done with Russia and China on a recurrent basis, doesn't means its because of developement or whatever, its just because our intelligence services are more technologically advanced and have more resources/expreience in delaing with these extremists/jihadists before they strike/carry out their evil plans. If our intelligence agents/services werent up to par, then believe me we would be having dozens of bombings/killings every years:agree:. So it has nothing to do with development/freedom/democracy or whatever. The reasons for this lies soemwhere else i.e Religious intolerance, brainwashing, indoctrination, hate preachers by some Imams/clerics/mosques etc. No amount of development will stop those youths who have already been lied to and brainswashed into believing fighting/killing infidels is doing Allah a favour and being a matyr once you die killing these infidels.:rofl: So you have to cut the root of this menace, not the branches.:cheers:

Isil obsessed mother jailed for encouraging jihad online - Telegraph

I'm afriand that I have to agree with you on this. Many of my countrymen will say terrorism will go away once Xinjiang is developed and once Uighyurs become more wealthier. I'm to say they are wrong because you can see it from real life examples. Look at the muslims in western Europe. Even the poorest muslims have a very high standard of living and they still want to enact Sharia Law and turn their host countries into a "Muslim state."

When china was poor during Mao's time, there were no bombings by terrorists, and why is that? Mao's reign was more iron fisted and these Turkish shithead definitely fear a good bullet to the head. Now they are not so afraid because my beloved party have shown too soft of a heart. a bullet to the head is not even an option for execution now. It's all lethal injection.

But I think we will use a more iron fist approach because we tried to play nice but it is not working. However banning the burqa, a non Muslim dress code is the right thing to do.
Hey, so was Israel. Israel does not equal Judaism, though, does it?

You do not need to be Muslim to support Palestine, or Kashmir.

talk about Pakistan. Can you dis agree with the fact that Pakistan is born due to religious beliefs and its whole agenda is protection of Islam

Are we againsting ISLAM ?

Neither are we but they call us anti Muslim and they will call you that too though you will work only to protect your integrity but they will just not understand it
My friend,
I am sorry but we have million lives to save.Be practical and ask yourselves,what will be your decision if you were in our place:What Turkey will do if it was surrounded by hostile India,US at the back and Afghanistan which has never accepted Pakistan in the first place-nobody can understand except us that how much we have and are still struggling as well as competing in this region for our survival and existance.It is easy to say that we have sell our souls and difficult to sustain and encounter challenges. I ask you that Israel is right in the middle and surrounded by Arab countries. Why on earth they didn't destroyed her in the first place?
Being a nuclear technology is not enough-you must be backed up by powerful allies.My friend,we are in no position to choose.Allah knows the best. May God help us!

My friend:

You may misunderstand the policy and the ID flag turkey guy also mislead it. China govt is not banning the Islamic head scarves. China Xinjiang govt is banning the black all body covered head/ face scarves and wearing it in the public areas. Because the all body covered clothes is not Chinese Muslims tradition. For hundreds of years, Chinese Muslims women and girls wear the colorful dress and scarves which some guy post above in the thread.

I can't say the all body covered black clothes wearing has direct connection with terrorism. No data so far express the connections. What we do is protecting Chinese muslims' tradition and protect all of muslims' human right and equality. Most of them like to wear the colorful beautiful traditional Islamic clothes, which is called Etleskonglek. The traditional hat called "turpa" which is a kind of quadrangle colorful one. Copy, paste and google "艾特莱斯裙子" if you can't type mandarin.
My friend:

You may misunderstand the policy and the ID flag turkey guy also mislead it. China govt is not banning the Islamic head scarves. China Xinjiang govt is banning the black all body covered head/ face scarves and wearing it in the public areas. Because the all body covered clothes is not Chinese Muslims tradition. For hundreds of years, Chinese Muslims women and girls wear the colorful dress and scarves which some guy post above in the thread.

I can't say the all body covered black clothes wearing has direct connection with terrorism. No data so far express the connections. What we do is protecting Chinese muslims' tradition and protect all of muslims' human right and equality. Most of them like to wear the colorful beautiful traditional Islamic clothes, which is called Etleskonglek. The traditional hat called "turpa" which is a kind of quadrangle colorful one. Copy, paste and google "艾特莱斯裙子" if you can't type mandarin.
Brother you don't need to worry, read my rest posts. I understand and hope that peace shall prevail throughout China.
Not everyone wear burqa but when ban is imposed, it struck sentiment of freedom and sensitivity of overall population. Looks like Chinese govt lost on that fact. It would be foolish to think burqa is the reason for trouble China faced in Xinjiang, when in fact pent up discontent that was capitalized by external influence. Thinking that EU can do it why not China is another foolish move.

Fact is China can not have dream of silk road and follow policy repressive policy. It is obvious that people who like China to fail in its effort for silk road and tapping into central Asian energy source, are instigating trouble and forcing Chinese policy of squeeze. Only to exploit broad discontent of Muslims later to destroy Chinese effort for energy and silk road. China should study and learn fast about how games were played by US and Europe in middle east and who are these IS. One thing for sure, beside west india will be actively looking to exploit such discontent under some fake "Islamic" entity and try to destroy Chinese strategic relation with other countries in the region.

If China really wants to solve the problem for good then it should not look for quick and short term fix. Rather China should follow policy of engagement even when rouge elements are active. Slowly and surely rouge elements without moral support will cease to exist. China can take help from its friendly Muslim countries engaging and creating a wining environment for all. But it is up to China which way it wants to go.
well can't say if you do or not(though i know of Many chinese mebers here who do, and bash any news from Vietnam:D), since i haven't followed/seen your comments much about Vietnamese threads on here. Can other Vietnamese members on here, tell me if he is part of other Chinese always badmouthing Vietnam on here?:enjoy: @BoQ77 , @NiceGuy, @EastSea , @Carlosa etc?:cheers:
Big country badmouth to small country means that big country is too weak to use forces to submit small country .

Hj, I just backed from long ban :cry:
Big country badmouth to small country means that big country is too weak to use forces to submit small country .

Hj, I just backed from long ban :cry:

Ahahahah... Welcome my man. Been wondering where the hell you were(since couldn't see you in Japanese, Indian and most of all China threads.lool
Good to know you are OK. Looking forward to read your rather concise though funny comments. I enjoy your way if saying things, don't know why.

And.......please don't forget .........:pop:

I'm afriand that I have to agree with you on this. Many of my countrymen will say terrorism will go away once Xinjiang is developed and once Uighyurs become more wealthier. I'm to say they are wrong because you can see it from real life examples. Look at the muslims in western Europe. Even the poorest muslims have a very high standard of living and they still want to enact Sharia Law and turn their host countries into a "Muslim state."

When china was poor during Mao's time, there were no bombings by terrorists, and why is that? Mao's reign was more iron fisted and these Turkish shithead definitely fear a good bullet to the head. Now they are not so afraid because my beloved party have shown too soft of a heart. a bullet to the head is not even an option for execution now. It's all lethal injection.

But I think we will use a more iron fist approach because we tried to play nice but it is not working. However banning the burqa, a non Muslim dress code is the right thing to do.

All muslims in the west do not want western countries to become shariah states. Even for those that like shariah, there is a difference between liking shariah and enforcing it in the countries where they live. In these democracies, everybody is free to campaign to change society to their values. It's normal.

As for banning the 'burqa', you're essentially pouring petrol onto a fire. Let the muslims decide what is islamic dress code.
This is internal matter of People's republic of China. Political islam should not be tolerated and should be dealt with an iron fist.
All muslims in the west do not want western countries to become shariah states. Even for those that like shariah, there is a difference between liking shariah and enforcing it in the countries where they live. In these democracies, everybody is free to campaign to change society to their values. It's normal.

As for banning the 'burqa', you're essentially pouring petrol onto a fire. Let the muslims decide what is islamic dress code.

That is China's internal matter. Those who don't like it can leave to Saudi or Pakistan .
That is China's internal matter. Those who don't like it can leave to Saudi or Pakistan .
Islam defeated Buddhism in mid-asia,south-asia,malasia-indonesia,xinJiang-China,etc
What's your's religion,indian guy?Thanks for british or you would have been a muslim lost your variety.
Islam defeated Buddhism in mid-asia,south-asia,malasia-indonesia,xinJiang-China,etc
What's your's religion,indian guy?Thanks for british or you would have been a muslim lost your variety.

Wrong. Sikhism stopped the tide of Islam in India. If it was not for British ,Sikhs under Ranjeet singh would have conquered india.

This situation greatly alarmed the British, as the Sikh empire was the largest and closest threat to the British rule in India. The Sikh kingdom was also one of great wealth, and no doubt the British coveted that wealth. Consequently, the British began expanding their own forces and moving them to regions closer to the

Battle of Aliwal: “Never was victory more complete…” | The American Legion's BurnPit
Totally agree. The problem will be automatically solved if China becomes developed in next 20-30 years, all the social members equally enjoy plenty of education, medical and unemployment compensation resources like the West. Even now China can't provide enough scholarship or education to all Han Chinese, not to mention the minorities. China is developing and gathering huge amount of fiscal revenue every year, but the spending on people's livelihood is still too low, the supply of public service is in short, the social development is going on but at a not very high level. This is the root cause.

But is that 100% correct statement? You can ask Europeans, Americans? A few years back some Muslim clerics in populated muslim regions in Canada wanted to have Sharia law as part of Canadian law , but luckily was shot down. But that doesn't mean the issue won't come up again when their population gain more than the local population.

Economics and education can only help to a point but ultimately as long as outdated religious customs are not abolished, ie. burqua, etc, than that extremist element will always be present.

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