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China's Urumqi Bans Burqas

Wahhabism is terrible, but this rampant ban on burqa, Ramadan fasting, beard, etc. for all Muslims goes against their right of personal preference and freedom and also against their right to practice their religion, that is oppression by any standard.

It is also a fact that Chinese government has even gone after the lawyers who provided legal assistance to the Xinjiang Muslims accused of terrorism, there are cases of even lawyers dieing in custody. Such things are very unfortunate.
If we do not do the things you just mentioned. There's nothing left we could do to fight against Wahhabi. Islam got problem. Muslims got problem. Few people say that but it's true. Look what Muslims did all over the world. Somethings gotta to be done to change this. If what we did hurts you, I'm not going to say sorry because you hurt others first.
China should adopt a more humanized policy that comforms to the requirement of oppress extreme terrorists while do not affect common Muslim's right, since this ban has already been announced, it does harm the feelings of Muslims, I suggest the government compensate and comfort them from somewhere else, like preferential education rights, relieve tax burden on Uyghur business or encourage Uyghur to pass the Civil Servants Exam to be officials, to give them more access to integrate with the mainstream of China society. You cannot be always too harsh on them and too weak to allow anything they ask for, just find a break-even point where both parties co-exist peacefully.

Moderation is a noble aim, but for the sake of society, some things must not be tolerated. For example, I think we can agree that it's not reasonable to expect that a "moderate amount of corruption" should be expected. The expectation should be that corruption is kept to a minimum. So too, there can be no tolerance for extremism. The full-body covering, and yes, even face-covering itself, symbolizes a level of oppression of women that should not be tolerated. That's the idealistic part. This is the security component:


That poor American teacher who was murdered by this monster in Abu Dhabi never knew what hit her; the people nearby were not able to identify the perpetrator. In fact, I'm shocked that the murderer was even found, and impressed at the police work. But the full-body cover is a true security threat, and cannot be allowed.

Other than that, I agree, that the state should strive for accommodation in order to reduce tensions. This is China's internal matter, true, but if cultural practices don't represent a threat to the state, they should be allowed to continue internal to the community. Are you aware of any innocuous practices being banned even without the security justification?
Its China internal matter let them deal with it.Also such thing are happening in EU as well so why so much barking when it comes to China?These are just tactics to decrease china reputation.

why are you so innocent??
Banning burqas is complately something political and something being carried out with anti-islamic purposes, noone can say its not. France did the same thing before.

But I would agree with them if it was "Covering faces in public is forbidden." and not "wearing burqas in public is forbidden."
Moderation is a noble aim, but for the sake of society, some things must not be tolerated. For example, I think we can agree that it's not reasonable to expect that a "moderate amount of corruption" should be expected. The expectation should be that corruption is kept to a minimum. So too, there can be no tolerance for extremism.

Good point, just like the corruption, whether it's about $1 million or $ 1,000, it doesn't matter, they are all the same. If we differentiate the two, the corruption will find excuse to exist. Same to the extremists, they can't be tolerated at all, this is a matter of principle, no negotiation allowed. The debate here is how to separate common uygurs from extremists, because they can't all be extremists, it's a tough issue. Anyway I think China has to move on with strict restrictions

That poor American teacher who was murdered by this monster in Abu Dhabi never knew what hit her; the people nearby were not able to identify the perpetrator. In fact, I'm shocked that the murderer was even found, and impressed at the police work. But the full-body cover is a true security threat, and cannot be allowed.

Sad story, poor teacher. Anything could hide there under such clothes, while sadly we can't see until it's too late. It's same like what the terrorists in China railways station has done.
Not only China, but all countries, incl. Islamic ones, should ban this burqa dress. I understand some women wear it out of their own will and interpretation, but there are too many security risks and it's highly exaggerated (even if you take islam into account), it's more likely this is an influence from the traditions of Arabs. Wouldn't a simple hijab, like the majority of muslim women wear, suffice?
And I was expecting this level of ignorance from you you proved yourself loyal student of Abu Juhal O Mr before Islam there was no concept of Hijab in Arabs in fact many of them including women used to do Tawaf of Kabah completely naked there were women who used to have relationship with more than 1 man even 5 to 6 many times and these were not prostitutes and those who use to dress modestly never covered head or face and most wore half sleeves it was Islam who gave the order of Hijab including covering face I have many proofs you just run away @Cheetah786 I just tell orders of ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW I give a dam about you


There is no such an order by Allah for women to cover their heads or faces. He just wants women and men (not only women) to dress properly. Also Allah mentions the women's clothing in only one verse, while he mentions some specific things many times in different verses. If he really wanted to teach women how to dress, he would mention it in a detailed way.
What an unwise idea from the Chinese government that clearly is only going to backfire and legitimise their oppression. What they should do is improve infrastructure, education facilities and job prospects that way it will show the benefit of being with China. Fighting extremism should not involve restricting people from their religion. (Not talking about the burqa which the banning of is totally understandable but more the general freedom to practice religion.)
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Dear god, can you imagine the storm on here if the Indian Govt had even mooted such measures?

Again demonstrates the hypocrisy of certain Pakistani members on here- they'll voice their concerns for the safety of minorities in India and their right to express their faith but when it comes to their "big brother" who makes it state policy to repress such religious identity there is a deafening silence on here from the Pakistani members....

Where is Horus? Where are all those who started a thread on "Modi the terrorist" on the day he was elected?

China is biggest enemy of Islam. Our Pakistani friends will realize this one day. Unfortunately there are still Pakistani friends who are two feet deep in theirs. How would pakistani feel if this was done on their people?
The sad part is Pakistan will will sell itself and compromise its sovereignty just to align itself with these larger powers, it did so with the US for decades and is now doing the same with China.....
China is biggest enemy of Islam. Our Pakistani friends will realize this one day. Unfortunately there are still Pakistani friends who are two feet deep in theirs. How would pakistani feel if this was done on their people?
Are you talking about Pakistan as the people or as the state? And relations with China and Turkey are pretty decent if it wasn't I doubt they would have been talk of selling HQ -9 to Turkey.
Dear god, can you imagine the storm on here if the Indian Govt had even mooted such measures?

Again demonstrates the hypocrisy of certain Pakistani members on here- they'll voice their concerns for the safety of minorities in India and their right to express their faith but when it comes to their "big brother" who makes it state policy to repress such religious identity there is a deafening silence on here from the Pakistani members....
Do you have anything new to add or are you going to repeat something that has been said at least 20 times on this thread?
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Are you talking about Pakistan as the people or as the state? And relations with China and Turkey are pretty decent if it wasn't I doubt they would have been talk of selling HQ -9 to Turkey.

Do you have anything new to add or are you going to repeat something that has been said at least 20 times on this thread?
Turkey continuously critizes China on their fascist behaviour. I never saw Pakistan do this. China told Turkey to stop because China wants to commit these crimes while nobody speaks up.
China is biggest enemy of Islam. Our Pakistani friends will realize this one day. Unfortunately there are still Pakistani friends who are two feet deep in theirs. How would pakistani feel if this was done on their people?
Weren't head scarfs banned in Turkish public institutions too a few years ago??
Lets not bring religion into this !
Pakistan-China relationship has a long time tested history just like our relationship with Turkey

This thread shows what damage one idiot mullah can do!
Time to clean this country up if we don't want to go back to the stoneage!
For your information. China will publish anti-terrorism law soon. Which will prohibit any kids from any religion education. You must know what's gonna happen in the future. And you can do nothing about this.
although i support the Burqa ban, but isnt this a bit too much? i mean keep the religious teachers under Govt control, fix what they are teaching, get the syllabus certified from some Normal Muslim Scholar, what thinks you?

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