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China's Urumqi Bans Burqas

To be honest I have not studied this in full detail. I would have to read more into it and the psychology of extremist thought before I can give an honest answer.
Good...you do that...who knows you may enlight me on this topic too.:angel:

China's relationship with Pakistan and China's treatment with Muslims are two different concepts.China in not Pakistan's friend because Pakistan is a Muslim country and vice versa. Our strategic,geopolitical and cross border interest are same and none of us can imagine to bring about any negative change because we are surrounded by same competitors. Our opponents are same,our goals are same and we intend to make defensive shield and to help each other by support at every level.
We resist such false decisions taken by Chinese regime because we are afraid that such attempts will only increase problems rather than resolving them.
National interest before the Religion?

If China does it, Pakistani has no problem with it...

When France did it, PDF became anti France.
That's bitter truth my friend.
The main issue with the minorities such as the Tibetans, Uighyurs is the relatively low educational rate , literacy rate when compared to the average rates in China. As you know, Edison, lack of education and lack of exposure to the national harmony greatly leads to high susceptibility to adopt extremist thought.

This is the reason why educational programs is important. Scholarship for Uighyur high school children to colleges will ensure they are exposed to the opportunities in conforming to Chinese society. Opportunities for them such as fields in Medicine, Nursing, Engineering, Psychology, Education, HRM, Research will provide the future generation and their children with a more positive outlook in life.

And i agree with you that the CPC should implement a more utilitarian view that gradual development focused on education and exposure will definitely reduce instance of extremism.

Anyways, China is a secular society, so they don't impose any religion on any of the minorities, including the Tibetans and Uighyurs. So , the better.

Totally agree. The problem will be automatically solved if China becomes developed in next 20-30 years, all the social members equally enjoy plenty of education, medical and unemployment compensation resources like the West. Even now China can't provide enough scholarship or education to all Han Chinese, not to mention the minorities. China is developing and gathering huge amount of fiscal revenue every year, but the spending on people's livelihood is still too low, the supply of public service is in short, the social development is going on but at a not very high level. This is the root cause.
Totally agree. The problem will be automatically solved if China becomes developed in next 20-30 years, all the social members equally enjoy plenty of education, medical and unemployment compensation resources like the West. Even now China can't provide enough scholarship or education to all Han Chinese, not to mention the minorities. China is developing and gathering huge amount of fiscal revenue every year, but the spending on people's livelihood is still too low, the supply of public service is in short, the social development is going on but at a not very high level. This is the root cause.

One has to have faith that the CPC Leadership will do what is necessary for the citizenry. And I agree that the Government should do more to invest more on education and internal development (not just the structures itself, but on personnel development). China's greatest resource is its people. In each of the 400 million Chinese youth is the potential to be the next Jack Ma, Bill Gates, Shigeru Miyamoto, Steve Jobs. That's whats going to propel China into the envy of the world.

In time, my friend. In time.
Banning the Burqa ? Yeah I agree with that.

I'm fine with France or any other nation banning the Burqa as well; we even apprehended a bunch of terrorists during the Lal Masjid Operation trying to escape while wearing Burqas. So it is indeed a potential security threat.

Totally agree. The problem will be automatically solved if China becomes developed in next 20-30 years, all the social members equally enjoy plenty of education, medical and unemployment compensation resources like the West. Even now China can't provide enough scholarship or education to all Han Chinese, not to mention the minorities. China is developing and gathering huge amount of fiscal revenue every year, but the spending on people's livelihood is still too low, the supply of public service is in short, the social development is going on but at a not very high level. This is the root cause.
All things that you mention is already being enjoyed by them in Western countries but still we can see lot of them are willing to throw away what they have to join ISIS...I want you to deeply analyse the fact....all you said can make a significant effect but not commendable.
Stronger? I didn't see any advanced war machine was built by Muslims. Your concept of "stronger" in my eyes is actually "madder". Mad men can never defeat rational people.
I think this is a misunderstanding we make. Mad people can defeat rational people if they devote their energy in attaining an objective.
For example take 9/11 handlers. They are mad people with fanatical mindset and extremism. But still they were successful and attained their objective. They took the americans by surprise. One can never underestimate the ability of a person, specially a fanatic.

About extremism, i guess people in mid east live with a vengeance with the west and everything western. That is not totally motivated by religion, there is a political aspect as well.
No bro. 9/11 didn't defeat US. On the contrary, it brought huge disaster to Muslims themselves.
when compared with ultimate objective yes you may be right. (because we are yet to see the end)...but they have ability to do maximum damage and should never be taken for granted
you think i don't fu**ing know that they are different when not under religion influence.
My question to you is, does that mean they are not just suitable to leave around others when they are under religion influence?
U didn't get my point any more, the Uigur believed Islam for hundred years and colorful cloth still their girl & woman's traditional dress, but recent years when BeiJing loosen Religion Controls foreign Wahhabi into XinJiang and change it.

I said Religion Influence, it's which idea of Religion is suitable for Uigur ppl. Obviously Chinese won't support any Wahhabi in China XinJiang, now local governments r dealing with it with BeiJing support.

Of course, China also knew who sent it to XinJiang behind these foreign Religion Influence.
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All things that you mention is already being enjoyed by them in Western countries but still we can see lot of them are willing to throw away what they have to join ISIS...I want you to deeply analyse the fact....all you said can make a significant effect but not commendable.

Almost forgot France did the same thing.
U didn't get my point any more, the Uigur believed Islam for hundred years and colorful cloth still their girl & woman's traditional dress, but recent years when BeiJing loosen Religion Controls foreign Wahhabi into XinJiang and change it.

I said Religion Influence, it's which idea of Religion is suitable for Uigur ppl. Obviously Chinese won't support any Wahhabi in China XinJiang, now local governments r dealing with it with BeiJing support.

Of course, China also knew who sent it to XinJiang behind these foreign Religion Influence.
who is that?
Well, @Zarvan has always been very upfront about it, higher-deeper friendship is fine, but he won't tolerate the oppression and persecution of poor hapless Xinjiang Muslims by China, at least he is not a hypocrite like most of his compatriots who become deaf & dumb and blind when it comes to China's rampant maltreatment of Xinjiang Muslims. :)
Save it. Do you really believe that these Xinjiang Muslims are so innocent? Wahhabi is a very aggressive ideology. Wherever it goes, terrorism ups. We must get rid of this virus from China territory.

who is that?
Oil dollar of course.
PK is not equal to ISlAM, vice versa . Keep that in your mind .

you will find out really fast. That is a country born by religious belief . They claim to be protector Of Islam do you think they will leave you alone.They will try to bite you as soon as you try to go against Islam
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Save it. Do you really believe that these Xinjiang Muslims are so innocent? Wahhabi is a very aggressive ideology. Wherever it goes, terrorism ups. We must get rid of this virus from China territory.

Wahhabism is terrible, but this rampant ban on burqa, Ramadan fasting, beard, etc. for all Muslims goes against their right of personal preference and freedom and also against their right to practice their religion, that is oppression by any standard.

It is also a fact that Chinese government has even gone after the lawyers who provided legal assistance to the Xinjiang Muslims accused of terrorism, there are cases of even lawyers dieing in custody. Such things are very unfortunate.
China's relationship with Pakistan and China's treatment with Muslims are two different concepts.China in not Pakistan's friend because Pakistan is a Muslim country and vice versa. Our strategic,geopolitical and cross border interest are same and none of us can imagine to bring about any negative change because we are surrounded by same competitors. Our opponents are same,our goals are same and we intend to make defensive shield and to help each other by support at every level.
We resist such false decisions taken by Chinese regime because we are afraid that such attempts will only increase problems rather than resolving them.

I think you need China because of evil Hindu India as you want to liberate kashmir because it is Muslims majority area.You are against Israel because it is acting against Palestine which is Muslims majority region your whole existence is religion based how long can you keep it up with China it will be an Interesting thing to see

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