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China's Urumqi Bans Burqas

Weren't head scarfs banned in Turkish public institutions too a few years ago??
Lets not bring religion into this !
Pakistan-China relationship has a long time tested history just like our relationship with Turkey

This thread shows what damage one idiot mullah can do!
Time to clean this country up if we don't want to go back to the stoneage!
Head scarves weren't banned few years ago. They aren't banned at the moment or will be in the future. Don't try to minimalize China's anti-Islam tendencies. Sad Pakistan is selling their soul to the devil for some benefits.
Turkey continuously critizes China on their fascist behaviour. I never saw Pakistan do this. China told Turkey to stop because China wants to commit these crimes while nobody speaks up.
Don’t you think it’s an odd way to support them by buying weapons from China? China is an important ally to Pakistan that helped us in the past and who’s investing generously to Pakistan even with the present security issue (thankfully improving by the operation zarb e azb) that we are facing. We wouldn't expect you to hurt your relation with a close ally (USA as an example) for the sake of Pakistan, so you should not expect it from us and if Pakistan is talking about the Xinjiang issue then it’s behind closed doors like most of our dialogue with China.
Head scarves weren't banned few years ago. They aren't banned at the moment or will be in the future. Don't try to minimalize China's anti-Islam tendencies. Sad Pakistan is selling their soul to the devil
not saying the ban was bad or something your country your rules
but there was a ban got lifted in 2010
A history of the headscarf ban in Turkey

as for Pakistan i think Pakistan has been over zealous when it comes to supporting Islamic causes in the past
may be its time for Sultan Erdogan to put the foot down
first step would be cut all trade/diplomatic relations with the "Evil" Chinese
Yeah do that than talk
China is inviting more and more trouble by doing these actions and now it seem soon entire Muslims focus is going to shift to China because of there actions so better Muslim religious leaders talk to Chinese governments specially Imam e Kaba and Imam e Masjid e Nabwi and warn China they are inviting Muslim wrath on themselves and they have a massive local population already quite pissed of I mean Muslims, so better they stop doing these and Pakistani government also needs to make Chinese understand this.
it's our internal affairs, we do it for certain reason. Burqa is not traditional wearing of Uyger women. The ISIS begins eroding Xinjiang. we have to nail the bud at the first beginning. you seems overreacting to this man. we don't have special treatment for Muslim in a China, one will be punished for endanger national security no matter what religion he or she has. we will not compromise our national security to make Muslim happy.
Well, it is a fact that Burqa was a security risk in the past, there are many exsamples of it.
Besides Burqa is not obligatory, there are other ways to dress in sense of Islamic dress code, they never told us in mosque that women must cover their face, its a stupid invention with no use.
Well, it is a fact that Burqa was a security risk in the past, there are many exsamples of it.
Besides Burqa is not obligatory, there are other ways to dress in sense of Islamic dress code, they never told us in mosque that women must cover their face, its a stupid invention with no use.
Burqa could be used by terrorist to cover themselves, we will never allow it to spread in Xinjiang. China is not a Muslim state, all we concern is national security comes first. lots of Uyhgers join ISIS in Syria, they shall be banished in no time.
Burqa could be used by terrorist to cover themselves, we will never allow it to spread in Xinjiang. China is not a Muslim state, all we concern is national security comes first. lots of Uyhgers join ISIS in Syria, they shall be banished in no time.
Turks don't even want this burqa in Turkey, even though most Turks are muslims. Burqa is an alien dress style, it makes me sad to see Turkish, Uyghur or other Turkic women with this burqa. I agree with China on this rule.
Turks don't even want this burqa in Turkey, even though most Turks are muslims. Burqa is an alien dress style, it makes me sad to see Turkish, Uyghur or other Turkic women with this burqa. I agree with China on this rule.
Middle East terrorist group like Al Qaeda
and ISIS start to penetrate Zing kiang and exert influence on Uyghers by implanting extremism to the young people. it's like a endless poisonous 。
Burqa could be used by terrorist to cover themselves, we will never allow it to spread in Xinjiang. China is not a Muslim state, all we concern is national security comes first. lots of Uyhgers join ISIS in Syria, they shall be banished in no time.

It has been; when our military conducted an operation against the Laal Masjid their Leader ran disguised in a Burqa and if news is to be believed when the Military was conducting operations in the Tribal Area and letting the families settled over there leave for elsewhere to avoid collateral damage some terrorists were caught disguised in Burqas getting away with the civilians.
Head scarves weren't banned few years ago. They aren't banned at the moment or will be in the future. Don't try to minimalize China's anti-Islam tendencies. Sad Pakistan is selling their soul to the devil for some benefits.
My friend,
I am sorry but we have million lives to save.Be practical and ask yourselves,what will be your decision if you were in our place:What Turkey will do if it was surrounded by hostile India,US at the back and Afghanistan which has never accepted Pakistan in the first place-nobody can understand except us that how much we have and are still struggling as well as competing in this region for our survival and existance.It is easy to say that we have sell our souls and difficult to sustain and encounter challenges. I ask you that Israel is right in the middle and surrounded by Arab countries. Why on earth they didn't destroyed her in the first place?
Being a nuclear technology is not enough-you must be backed up by powerful allies.My friend,we are in no position to choose.Allah knows the best. May God help us!
Terrorists do like to hide in Burqas so I understand countries banning it. Besides it is a cringe worthy piece of cloth, that being said a lot of woman do actually want to wear it so technically banning it is against their freedom.
My friend,
I am sorry but we have million lives to save.Be practical and ask yourselves,what will be your decision if you were in our place:What Turkey will do if it was surrounded by hostile India,US at the back and Afghanistan which has never accepted Pakistan in the first place-nobody can understand except us that how much we have and are still struggling as well as competing in this region for our survival and existance.It is easy to say that we have sell our souls and difficult to sustain and encounter challenges. I ask you that Israel is right in the middle and surrounded by Arab countries. Why on earth they didn't destroyed her in the first place?
Being a nuclear technology is not enough-you must be backed up by powerful allies.My friend,we are in no position to choose.Allah knows the best. May God help us!
Ask Yourself.....as in asking a singular person

If it WERE....most suitable one here

Have Key Sath third form Ati Hey always:p:

didnt Destroy....first form after didnt/did

My friend,
I am sorry but we have million lives to save.Be practical and ask yourselves,what will be your decision if you were in our place:What Turkey will do if it was surrounded by hostile India,US at the back and Afghanistan which has never accepted Pakistan in the first place-nobody can understand except us that how much we have and are still struggling as well as competing in this region for our survival and existance.It is easy to say that we have sell our souls and difficult to sustain and encounter challenges. I ask you that Israel is right in the middle and surrounded by Arab countries. Why on earth they didn't destroyed her in the first place?
Being a nuclear technology is not enough-you must be backed up by powerful allies.My friend,we are in no position to choose.Allah knows the best. May God help us!
Can't you see atawolf is trying his best to stir up China and Pakistan? Chinese don't hate Muslim, that's why we love Pakistani so much. My friend, you should understand China is always with Pakistan in the last 60 years because we build relationship on sincerity and mutual respect. Have you ever been to Xingjiang my brothers? The people there is very benevolent and nice, now the extremist want to erode them with terrorist ideology. Please understand our predicament, if you can.
Can't you see atawolf is trying his best to stir up China and Pakistan? Chinese don't hate Muslim, that's why we love Pakistani so much. My friend, you should understand China is always with Pakistan in the last 60 years because we build relationship on sincerity and mutual respect. Have you ever been to Xingjiang my brothers? The people there is very benevolent and nice, now the extremist want to erode them with terrorist ideology. Please understand our predicament, if you can.

Exactly. :tup:
Head scarves weren't banned few years ago. They aren't banned at the moment or will be in the future. Don't try to minimalize China's anti-Islam tendencies. Sad Pakistan is selling their soul to the devil for some benefits.
Why always stir up CHina and Pak relationship in this very forum, what is your purpose?? I strongly protest your way of insinuating and framing up CHina!!!! @Horus
It's not about Burqa, its about the terrorist using Burqa( a non-traditional for Uygher women) as desguise to kill innocent people and escape. There is lifes!!!!!!! This is one of the most pissed off day in PDF. What heppen to people?

My friend,
I am sorry but we have million lives to save.Be practical and ask yourselves,what will be your decision if you were in our place:What Turkey will do if it was surrounded by hostile India,US at the back and Afghanistan which has never accepted Pakistan in the first place-nobody can understand except us that how much we have and are still struggling as well as competing in this region for our survival and existance.It is easy to say that we have sell our souls and difficult to sustain and encounter challenges. I ask you that Israel is right in the middle and surrounded by Arab countries. Why on earth they didn't destroyed her in the first place?
Being a nuclear technology is not enough-you must be backed up by powerful allies.My friend,we are in no position to choose.Allah knows the best. May God help us!
Do you try to say it is that CHina could help you against India that is the only reason that we are friends?? Are you for serious? If India vanish in tommorrow, you gonna send army along the border to press on CHina on the Burqa problem? Are you realy a Pakistani? hell with it.

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