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China's Urumqi Bans Burqas

This is a definitely enlightened thinking, Edison. And I agree that the Provincial Government should also enact gracious policies such as home loans, business loans, educational scholarship to universities (for children). These community building plans could definitely offset the negative reaction to the Burqa ban.

Why should they??
They are a communist government.
And indian muslims is the affair of pakistan and china??
Also i did not even tag u:what:

You forget Mumbai explosion; you forget Indian muslims are definitely the same with Pakistani muslims in any aspect, blood, languages and culture; you forget China have 20 million muslims and India have 120 million.

Good job, man. Even in anti-terrorism agenda, you can't find any similar interests with China. I don't care. China and Pakistan have established cooperation in anti-terrorism, the similar cooperation with centre Asian nations, Russia.
Than you don't know Muslims this will never compensate for Burqa ban

I believe that in 1-2 decades time, the Uigyurs in Xinjiang will integrate with China's more secular society. It is only inevitable.

Good...National law and constitution is the uppermost religion. :tup:


Why should they??
They are a communist government.

They (CPC) have applied such policies for Tibetans in Tibet. They actually have a policy that favors the Minorities over Han majority, if you actually review their policies.
I believe that in 1-2 decades time, the Uigyurs in Xinjiang will integrate with China's more secular society. It is only inevitable.

Not going to happen and these policies will result in more hate and more anger and more law and order problem and if continued by this policy than only attacks will increase.
No. The Muslims that live in Japan abide by Japanese Law and are Model Citizens.

Extremism is nill among Muslims in Japan.
I read something about the government making it next to impossible for muslims to migrate to Japan. True ?
This is a definitely enlightened thinking, Edison. And I agree that the Provincial Government should also enact gracious policies such as home loans, business loans, educational scholarship to universities (for children). These community building plans could definitely offset the negative reaction to the Burqa ban.

Yes, you're right.

Thanks for the advice, they are very useful if put into practice like educational scholarship, or free compulsory education to children. China is an authorization state, provincial government need to satisfy the central government, but they lack a wider scope of handling this problem, they want to see good results immediately and this is not gonna happen.

@Zarvan I agree to make them part of the society. The problem is they are still too isolated from the mainstream, my only impression about them is dancing or singing, but seldom to see them in real life doing normal things in other province except Xinjiang, although they've been granted more privileges than Han. I am welcome to see them to be an indispensable part of our society, but some of them refuse to receive any education, they just cut themselve from a good job or a good social status, the door is open, it's their choices. I believe most Chinese are not against Muslims to come in to the mainstream life.
I believe that in 1-2 decades time, the Uigyurs in Xinjiang will integrate with China's more secular society. It is only inevitable.
It's good think what you say.
But my concerns is that they can be easily radicalize by opportunity seekers to disturb the China in future.
They (CPC) have applied such policies for Tibetans in Tibet. They actually have a policy that favors the Minorities over Han majority, if you actually review their policies.

Their policy is simply..allow mas migration of hans to these areas to balance these people out.
And its actually a very good policy and works too.
I read something about the government making it next to impossible for muslims to migrate to Japan. True ?

Immigration is very stringent overall. But the Muslims who do come to Japan are well educated, very respectful, knowledgeable of Japanese culture, and hard working. We bring in the best of the best.
Muslims never integrate with other religions when they are in good numbers.Its a documented fact.
What can u do when they don't want to go to a school and prefer a madrassa which they will unless u ban those things.

Yes, I am just curious that why they don't want to go to school.

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