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China's Uighurs fight for rights

Dear LN,

It is very refreshing to notice that, when you ask for facts, you failed to quote the very fact of facts in my writing. Hopefully you only unintentionally skipped it. It could also be that the moment they scanned the text, your visual nerves selectively blocked it in a subconscious way. In an attempt to avoid the mishap from happening this time, let me boldface the text: “I perhaps tried to let you know that China is a country that was in a worse shape than India some 30-40 years ago. With the efforts of the Chinese people and their leadership, it is now better in general (such as that UN HDI reveals). This may also be partly due to its unique, somehow controversial political system.”

UN HDI mentioned above is a comprehensive measurement of a country’s overall human development. UN releases the fact as follows:

HDI rank (smaller number indicates higher human development)

81 China
128 India

This is probably one of many reasons why the Chinese think their system is working, because many of them are probably result-oriented, practical people. Just as Deng Xiaoping, a controversial Chinese leader, said, as long as a cat can catch mouse, why should we care it’s black or white?

I wouldn’t be surprised to hear from you that UN is manipulated by CPC, so is UN HDI, because China is one of the five permanent members of UNSC.

The following is your homework assignment #2.


UN HDI composes five human development indices:

1) The human development index (HDI)
The HDI is a summary measure of human development. It measures the average achievements in a country in three basic dimensions of human development:
• A long and healthy life, as measured by life expectancy at birth.
• Knowledge, as measured by the adult literacy rate (with two-thirds weight) and the combined primary, secondary and tertiary gross enrolment ratio (with one-third weight).
• A decent standard of living, as measured by GDP per capita (PPP US$).

2) The human poverty index for developing countries (HPI-1)
While the HDI measures average achievement, the HPI-1 measures deprivations in the three basic dimensions of human development captured in the HDI:

• A long and healthy life - vulnerability to death at a relatively early age, as measured by the probability at birth of not surviving to age 40.
• Knowledge - exclusion from the world of reading and communications, as measured by the adult illiteracy rate.
• A decent standard of living - lack of access to overall economic provisioning, as measured by the percentage of the population not using improved water sources and the percentage of children under five who are underweight.

3) The human poverty index for selected OECD countries (HPI-2)
The HPI-2 measures deprivation in the same dimension as the HPI-1 and also captures social exclusion. Thus it reflects deprivations in four dimensions:

• A long and healthy life - vulnerability to death at a relatively early age, as measured by the probability at birth of not surviving to age 60.
• Knowledge - exclusion from the world of reading and communications, as measured by the percentage of adults (aged 16-65) lacking functional literacy skills.
• A decent standard of living - as measured by the percentage of people living below the income poverty line (50% of the median disposable household income).
• Social exclusion - as measured by the rate of long-term unemployment (12 months or more).

4) The gender-related development index (GDI)
While the HDI measures average achievement, the GDI adjusts the average achievement to reflect the inequalities between men and women in the following dimensions:
• A long and healthy life, as measured by life expectancy at birth.
• Knowledge, as measured by the adult literacy rate and the combined primary, secondary and tertiary gross enrolment ratio.
• A decent standard of living, as measured by estimated earned income (PPP US$).

5) The gender empowerment measure (GEM)
Focusing on women’s opportunities rather than their capabilities, the GEM captures gender inequality in three key areas:
• Political participation and decision-making power, as measured by women’s and men’s percentage shares of parliamentary seats.
• Economic participation and decision-making power, as measured by two indicators— women’s and men’s percentage shares of positions as legislators, senior officials and managers and women’s and men’s percentage shares of professional and technical positions.
• Power over economic resources, as measured by women’s and men’s estimated earned income (PPP US$).
Just an afterward comment: China's HDI seems to stay at 81 for 2006 and 2007/2008; India's HDI is lowered from 126 for 2006 to 128 for 2007/2008.

I fully believe that Indian wise-men will face the fact, fend off resistance of fact-denial, and find a solution. There is still a formidable amount of tasks to be accomplished by both countries.
East Turkistan (Xinjiang) terrorist groups has their own dilemma.
If they become American Minion, they will anger Osama bin Laden and Al-Qaeda.
If they join Al-Qaeda, they will be an enemy of USA.
So, one way they can do is to join India, like Tibetan government-in-exile.
Chinese Suffered and Died is Millions thanks your Chinese Communist Party
They were killed in Millions during Mao's Cultural Revolution .
Poverty and Under noueishment is as prevelant as in India
Extreme Poverty to Death of Miners (Chinese National Anthem) - AOL Video
Life and Death in China - TIME

its just that Chinese dont allow anyone to write the truth

You maybe joking,can you read Mandarin?If you can't,how can you know what Chinese newspapers wrote?
Chinese newspaoers write everything,do you know who tell the slave workers in Shanxi province,it's Chinese newspapers,then CCP know this thing,ended it.And internet become a important role
80% of Indians under 2 USD a day,35% of Chinese same.We know we are very poor,but if you want to say death,you are wrong.We say today,not yesterday.
We all know in 1960s,many Chinese died,that's a sad srory of us,but these things never happened again
Dear Gpit

I think you havent understood the main topic of discussion and repeating the same Rant . No one is denying the fact that China is developing and so is India

The question was - Can you justify crushing the basic Human right by showing them the lollipop of faster economical growth .

The answer is No .

Remember USSR and Eastern European Communist Countries - they achieved the tag of Super Power by ignoring the basic fundamental rights of its citizens ..
and what Happened ??

HDI measures the average achievements in a country in three basic dimensions of human development:
• A long and healthy life, as measured by life expectancy at birth.
• Knowledge, as measured by the adult literacy rate (with two-thirds weight) and the combined primary, secondary and tertiary gross enrolment ratio (with one-third weight).
• A decent standard of living, as measured by GDP per capita (PPP US$).

As Amrtya Sen Himself Called it as Vulgar Measure - Because of its Limitations
The index was developed in 1990 by Indian Nobel prize winner Amartya Sen and Pakistani economist Mahbub ul Haq, with help from Gustav Ranisof Yale University and Lord
Meghnad Desai of the London School of Economics

Secondly the data for this report is taken from Government it self (we all know the level of Honesty in Communist China )
You maybe joking,can you read Mandarin?If you can't,how can you know what Chinese newspapers wrote?
Chinese newspaoers write everything,do you know who tell the slave workers in Shanxi province,it's Chinese newspapers,then CCP know this thing,ended it.And internet become a important role
80% of Indians under 2 USD a day,35% of Chinese same.We know we are very poor,but if you want to say death,you are wrong.We say today,not yesterday.
We all know in 1960s,many Chinese died,that's a sad srory of us,but these things never happened again

china has Newapaper ??? u r joking ...
News Paper means independence - freedom of Expression ,
Right of Healthy Criticism .
Communist China has only mouth pieces
Dear Great Communist
I called you communist because your ignorence makes you one hell of a great communist .
Reason - you think if you cant read you cant vote -??
come out of your well and come to India and See .. ppl who cant read or write are still aware about there right and fight for it .
so they are better then so called educated slaves in your communist China .

Secondly , its seems that China is a nation which has failed to develop a balanced system of governance or rather moral dictaor , communist has never allowed you to think and see any other alternative .

Educated slaves?People in China want to enjoy more rights,you don't know it,because you are anti-Chinese ,you think everything in China are bad.In 1989,many"educated slaves" were died to fought rights,CCP did many evil things,I don't deny it.But now they can make us richer,ang they can't give up their power,so we should let them in power,anyway,democracy will come in future.
Educated slaves?People in China want to enjoy more rights,you don't know it,because you are anti-Chinese ,you think everything in China are bad.In 1989,many"educated slaves" were died to fought rights,CCP did many evil things,I don't deny it.But now they can make us richer,ang they can't give up their power,so we should let them in power,anyway,democracy will come in future.

People in China want to enjoy more rights,wow why dont you enlighten me .

No we are not Anti China
We have immense respect for that country and its People
you mistake healthy criticism as sign of enmity and that is lack of maturity
No we are not Anti China
We have immense respect for that country and its People
you mistake healthy criticism as sign of enmity and that is lack of maturity

Call us educated slaves is healthy criticism ,what are you smoking?We know what problems we have very well,we can solve these problems
But why you indians can't accept my healthy criticism ,you don't have these problems?
Sheng Shicai (Chinese: 盛世才; pinyin: Shèng Shìcái; Wade-Giles: Sheng Shih-ts'ai) (1897 - 1970) was a Chinese warlord who ruled Xinjiang from April 12, 1933 to August 29, 1944.

A Manchu born in Kaiyuan, Liaoning Province, he was first sent to Xinjiang to work for Governor Jin Shuren. He repressed the Kumul Uprising with support from the Soviet Union, but in exchange made several agreements with the USSR that gave it virtual control over the Sinkiang province. At Josef Stalin's request, Sheng joined the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU) in August,1938 and received Party Card No.1859118 directly from Molotov during his secret visit to Moscow. Sinkiang, under Sheng's rule, was thus a part of China in name only, with every major decision of Sheng's regime cleared through the Soviet Consulate in Tihwa [Chinese: 迪化], which today is known as Urumqi. During his years as Governor he was anti-minority (anti-Uyghur and anti-Kazakh), and was known for his pervasive use of torture. In 1942, sensing the Soviet Union's demise, he turned anti-Soviet, expelling Soviet advisors and executing many Han Communists, including Mao Zemin, a brother of Mao Zedong, in hopes of securing the backing of the KMT (Kuomintang - Chinese Nationalist Party) for his continued rule. However, Sheng miscalculated and underestimated the KMT's distrust of him. With no patron, the KMT was able to remove Sheng in August 1944, partly to curry favor with the Soviet Union and stop border clashes that were taking place on the Xinjiang/Outer Mongolia border in the Baitik Bogdo disputable mountain border district, which was rich by mineral resources.

He left Xinjiang to join the Kuomintang's Republic of China government as Minister of Agriculture and Forestry. He fled to Taiwan along with the KMT at the end of the Chinese Civil War in 1949. In 1958, he co-authored Sinkiang: Pawn or Pivot with Allen S. Whiting.
Come on you two, Sahaliyan, no one is gonna read the tomes that you are posting.

And Logic, let it go will ya? All of us are brainwashed to some extent.

Call us educated slaves is healthy criticism ,what are you smoking?We know what problems we have very well,we can solve these problems
But why you indians can't accept my healthy criticism ,you don't have these problems?

Educated Slave - Educated ppl , who even after so much education still accept the dictatorship and try to justify it .
if you call it anything else please let me know .
Yes we all have problems - I never denied it . we Indians have a very healthy Media which express our problem without any fear but it was you who was telling me that India has problems because it is democracy and China dont have any problems because Communist dictatorship solves these problem .
so now you know , problem is the reality of human existence and they will be there in any society and thats why no one can, and shall justify dictatorship . Human rights and freedom of expressions cant be compromised .

HDI measures the average achievements in a country in three basic dimensions of human development:
• A long and healthy life, as measured by life expectancy at birth.
• Knowledge, as measured by the adult literacy rate (with two-thirds weight) and the combined primary, secondary and tertiary gross enrolment ratio (with one-third weight).
• A decent standard of living, as measured by GDP per capita (PPP US$).

As Amrtya Sen Himself Called it as Vulgar Measure - Because of its Limitations
The index was developed in 1990 by Indian Nobel prize winner Amartya Sen and Pakistani economist Mahbub ul Haq, with help from Gustav Ranisof Yale University and Lord
Meghnad Desai of the London School of Economics

Secondly the data for this report is taken from Government it self (we all know the level of Honesty in Communist China )

It is not uncommon for brainwashed to selectively blind himself in reading or remembering, as I already mentioned repeatedly before.

Here is another vivid example to show. Please compare a part quoted above and original comments below where I boldfaced key paragraph:

“HDI is a composite measure of life expectancy, literacy & education, and GDP per capita. The index was developed in 1990 again by Amartya Sen (initially as a spin-off of the capability approach) and Mahbub ul Haq. HDI is mainly used in a development context, to verify progress on key indicators of developing countries. It is used by the World Bank and the UN.

The trade-off that we have sketched above, namely between simplicity and accuracy shows up nicely here. Sen even calls his child a "vulgar measure", since it is a simple average between life expectancy at birth, knowledge (2/3 literacy, 1/3 education) and GDP per capita. The 'vulgar' quote can be explained by the fact that HDI is more suited for developing countries (hence the 2/3 weight on literacy in the knowledge pillar), the weights are totally ad hoc and HDI does not contain many aspects that would be part of well-being. One (not easy to avoid) consequence is that if literacy shoots up but life expectancy goes down there could still be measured progress, but the same numerical result might be obtained if both go up a bit, arguably to be preferred. Yet it has a lot of merits in its simplicity and applicability. Certainly for developing countries it is a more useful way of assessing progress than just GDP per capita. For Europe the HDI is not that useful, since all European countries are in the top group. Also, the challenges that Europe faces are not well picked up by HDI.”

Sincerely hope the great India is fortunately not under control of this type of politicians!

BTW, that's why people often relate literacy with healthy democracy: if the illiterate constituents can easily fooled by politicians, how can the democracy be healthy?

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