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China's Uighur situation: can Pakistan help?


Jul 31, 2009
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ni ha

They should not, they should be wise not to undermine that trust, and I believe the Chinese government has adequate measures to prevent it. no Uighurs, but the HUI. Although I also have a cautious approach to it.Until now Saudi Arabia is only limited to the impact of religion, they also invest a lot of money to improve local people's lives. It is sardines.

I mean, Saudi Arabia has influence from years ago.

I'm sorry, my friend, you still do not understand China's policy of regional ethnic autonomy, both Xinjiang and Tibet have been very extensive rights of autonomy, certainly no army, the other whether it is self-governance or the central government funds are very Okay, so there are some problems in other areas, not in this, unfortunately, the West still has some impact on promotion.

From what I understand Xinjiang's ratio of Han-UIghur population has changed dramatically over recent decades. The Uighurs are concerned about that.

Again, this is something that other countries have dealt with, so there is precedent about what works better than others. The territorial issue is obviously an internal matter between Chinese government and Uighur leaders.

About the religion and cultural aspects, both the Uighur and Hui practise a variant of Sufi Islam, from what I understand, so Pakistan should be in a good position to mediate.

I fear that if you bring in Saudi Arabia, the Uighurs will move from the Sufi version to the more hardline Wahhabi version of Islam. But as long as the Chinese are keeping an eye on things...
This is not a religion issue. They have halal cafeterias and write in arabic script. They are the only turkish people in the world to still write with the arabic script like their ancestors did. In no other non-muslim majority country in the world are there halal only cafeterias.

This is a CIA issue.
:coffee: Of course, as long as the East Turkistan give up separatism, any questions can be negotiated.
:pop: Yes, that is not a religious issue, it is a national question.
In fact, most Xinjiang-Han people is Muslim.
In India, there are any number of Halal cafes.

I think there is no country in the world that gives as much religious freedom to all Muslim sects as India.
Muslims in india are not allowed to slaughter cows on Eid day.

Just like you won't want pork to be served in an Islamic country!

It is the spirit of mutual tolerance. I see nothing wrong in this.

However, not allowing religious places of minorities (like is many Islamic countries) would be wrong. So would be not allowing religious freedom to other Islamic sects (again common to many Islamic countries).
:coffee: Each China-university has a Muslim canteens. Every city(Municipal level) has mosque.
Just like you won't want pork to be served in an Islamic country!

It is the spirit of mutual tolerance. I see nothing wrong in this.

However, not allowing religious places of minorities (like is many Islamic countries) would be wrong. So would be not allowing religious freedom to other Islamic sects (again common to many Islamic countries).

1) india claims to be the world's largest democratic, and secular country.

2) Most Muslim countires do allow places of worship for non-Muslim minorities.

3) Pakistan Is not secular, we are an Islamic republic. We dont claim to be the world's largest Democracy like your india does.
:pop: Most Chinese people are atheists. Our history has never seen "Holy war." So we have the greatest tolerance for all religions. But we cann't accommodate the separatists.
since you are in an islamiic country, you'd probably not know that secularism means mutual toletance for all religions.

I'm pretty sure Islam does not mandate slaughter of cows only. You can also slaughter goats to satisfy your religious obligations without hurting anyone else's sentiments.
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