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China's top ten high-tech weapons list

China's Military Industrial complex is progressing very fast. More importantly, China has the capacity to manufacture all the big hardware like planes and frigates at a huge scale. Quantity is taken care of already, quality is also improving rapidly by the day.
What has Canada given the world apart from Maple Trees and Hockey moms in this world ? By the time Canada gets its own launch capability, India would be sending men to the moon. Build a decent launch station first, and then troll back.

Lol, we provided you with your first nuclear reactors and is now supplying you with the much needed Uranium after Australia banned you. Show a little gratitude? Send a man to the moon and we still import Indian girls and use them as prostitutes. I read you guys have an even more severe gender gap than China? Maybe, I can utilize my Canadian life which is worth 39 times more than your Indian life to purchase a few Indian girls which is trafficked through Vancouver every week? I'll impregnate her and repatriate the mother back to India. After all, we don't want your inferior and poverty-inducing genes to contaminate our superior white society. Seriously, you guys contributed more to the world in the two centuries you grew cotton and tea for the Brits.

PS: I troll for fun and have nothing against Indians. Though it's a different story when those who are worth 1/39 of me challenges my standings.
What has Canada given the world apart from Maple Trees and Hockey moms in this world ? By the time Canada gets its own launch capability, India would be sending men to the moon. Build a decent launch station first, and then troll back.

You even have to belittle an industrialized nation to which your country doesn't even close. Just to display your overblown nationalistic ego?

Canada is one of the best countries in the world. It is light years away in technology compared to India.

I am happy to know that not all Indians display your level of arrogance.

I also expected you brag abt HQ-9 or wotever the name is. :devil:

Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones...

Pat attention to the Indian commentators ;)

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s-300 is a russo product. it's success or failure has nothing to do with china's achievements discussed in this thread.

this is why the navy only sent homemade ships to the gulf of aden but not the russian models.
I don't think it's wise to denigrate Canada at India's expense. We have the best social healthcare system in the world, we are more worried about providing luxuries to our citizens than giving things to the world. In India, you have massive poverty and people barely live til their late 60s. As far as sending people to the moon, you should know that Canada is intrinsically a part of many NASA operations and has much more expertise in this field.

Canadian health care works for people who do not have severe sickness. A good health care for healthy people. Any one from Canada who needs lab work come to the US if they have money? If they do not have money, that is the end for them.
Canadian health care works for people who do not have severe sickness. A good health care for healthy people. Any one from Canada who needs lab work come to the US if they have money? If they do not have money, that is the end for them.

What a crock. The Canadian health care system provides universal coverage. The Canadians you're talking about elect to go the US for certain procedure because they consider the wait time too high for certain procedures and because they have the money to do it, not because Canada doesn't cover them.
What a crock. The Canadian health care system provides universal coverage. The Canadians you're talking about elect to go the US for certain procedure because they consider the wait time too high for certain procedures and because they have the money to do it, not because Canada doesn't cover them.

I live in a WA state and I personally had met Canadians while waiting for someone to do a lab work such as MRI. In US, you can get your MRI done usually within a week. In Canada, its 4-6 months. If its a tumor, its the difference between life and death. In Canada, its illegal to pay for health care as they have the single payer system, the big gov. So many Canadians who can afford come to the states to get lab work done. They might also get procedure done here as the wait time for surgery could be months. Which by then the cancer could have spread and kill the patient. The Canadian universal health care is notorious here. That is why anyone with brains would say no to government run universal health care.
I live in a WA state and I personally had met Canadians while waiting for someone to do a lab work such as MRI. In US, you can get your MRI done usually within a week. In Canada, its 4-6 months. If its a tumor, its the difference between life and death. In Canada, its illegal to pay for health care as they have the single payer system, the big gov. So many Canadians who can afford come to the states to get lab work done. They might also get procedure done here as the wait time for surgery could be months. Which by then the cancer could have spread and kill the patient. The Canadian universal health care is notorious here. That is why anyone with brains would say no to government run universal health care.
Still...There is universal coverage. There is nothing that said coverage has to be while the person is alive.
I "cleared up" two of your pictures. Enjoy.


China's Type 052C Lanzhou-class destroyer with phased-array radars


China's J-10 Vigorous Dragon air-superiority fighter
For those that haven't seen these pictures, here are more candidates for China's top ten high-tech weapons list.


Type 99 Main Battle Tank


WZ-10 Attack Helicopter


J-10 Air Superiority Fighter


KJ-200 AEW&C (i.e. Airborne Early Warning & Control)


KJ-2000 AWACS (i.e. Airborne Warning and Control System)


Type 054A Jiangkai II Frigate


Type 093 Shang-class Nuclear Attack Submarine (SSN)


Type 094 Jin-class Nuclear Ballistic Missile Submarine (SSBN)
Do I hear cries of "Show me more!"?


Type 039 Song-class Diesel-electric Attack Submarine


Anti-Ship Ballistic Missile (ASBM)


DF-11A Conventional Short-Range Ballistic Missile (SRBM)


CJ-10 Land Attack Cruise Missile (LACM)


DF-31A Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM)


Mid-course Ground Based Interceptor (GBI) [a highly-modified system based on HQ-9 seen here]


Everyone's favorite: The premier J-20 Mighty Dragon stealth fighter
Nice comback. You should've been there when I trolled them on their exploding rockets. I made them cry hard about SLV-3.

I don't reply to trolls. Not worth wasting my time teaching people who don't bother to learn facts.
Top 10 most influential weapons (2000-2010)

My personal list (based on impact and jump in technology):

- these weapons may not be China's most "high tech" ones
- weapons in development are not included

- J-20

- Type 039B "Qing" class submarine

- Digital soldier program (there are multiple different systems and variants)

- Type 052C DDG


- Satellite blinding laser and direct energy weapons

- DH-10 LACM

- Type 99A2 MBT

- Anti-satellite and anti-ballistic missile (multiple variants and systems) (SC and KT series)


Again, weapons in development are not included.
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