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China’s T-15 Tanks ‘Steal The Show’ In High-Altitude Battle Drills Near Ladakh Border


Sep 26, 2018
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China’s highly maneuverable and lightweight T-15 tanks are once again in the limelight. The People’s Liberation Army’s (PLA) western command, also known as Xinjiang Military Command, is undertaking drills to show combat readiness of the T-15 tanks on snowy terrains near the Ladakh border.

The development comes at a time when Indian and Chinese troops are locked in a border standoff in the freezing and inhospitable terrains of the Western Himalayas. Despite several rounds of military and diplomatic-level talks, there is no end in sight for the deadlock that began over seven months ago.

China has maintained a very aggressive posture along the Line of Actual (LAC) in Ladakh. The PLA regularly conducts drills involving its personnel and military hardware in the area. Now a military website shared images of T-15 tanks taking part in a “realistic training exercise in the severe cold weather”.


A Chinese T-15 battle tank searching for targets during a training exercise in snow-covered terrain.

India has stationed the Russian-designed T-72 and heavyweight T-90 ‘Bhishma’ tanks while China has deployed the Type 15 tanks at the Ladakh border, which receives up to 40 feet of snow around this time of the year.

The Type 15 lightweight tank is highly agile even on plateaus, a type of terrain in which heavy tanks would have to struggle due to the lack of oxygen to support the engine. Any lesser armored vehicle that can operate on plateaus is no threat to the Type 15.

While the 45-ton Russian origin T-90s are one of the deadliest tanks in the world, experts believe the Chinese T-15s give an added advantage for operating in the high plateau. The T-15 tanks were inducted into service in 2018.

A battle tank showcasing combat capabilities on a snowy road.

Two battle tanks are in a tactical formation on slippery roads during the training exercise.

The armor of the T-15 is thinner and it carries a 105-millimeter gun rather than the 120- or 125-millimeter cannons that many heavier tanks carry. This light build makes it more suitable for high-altitude operations like Ladakh.

The Type 15 tank is the envy of the world. Western nations have struggled to deploy lightweight tanks. The US Army in the 1990s attempted and failed to develop a lighter tank for its airborne forces.

another useless chest thumb by chinease cheer leaders from.pakistan .

your chinease super power turned out to be toothless and weak ..

and you know it now so pictures of old junk chinease tanks ten years old will make no impact on reality
another useless chest thumb by chinease cheer leaders from.pakistan .

your chinease super power turned out to be toothless and weak ..

and you know it now so pictures of old junk chinease tanks ten years old will make no impact on reality
you are on a defence forum, at least update your knowledge on defence equipments before spilling from your rear.
China’s highly maneuverable and lightweight T-15 tanks are once again in the limelight. The People’s Liberation Army’s (PLA) western command, also known as Xinjiang Military Command, is undertaking drills to show combat readiness of the T-15 tanks on snowy terrains near the Ladakh border.

The development comes at a time when Indian and Chinese troops are locked in a border standoff in the freezing and inhospitable terrains of the Western Himalayas. Despite several rounds of military and diplomatic-level talks, there is no end in sight for the deadlock that began over seven months ago.

China has maintained a very aggressive posture along the Line of Actual (LAC) in Ladakh. The PLA regularly conducts drills involving its personnel and military hardware in the area. Now a military website shared images of T-15 tanks taking part in a “realistic training exercise in the severe cold weather”.

View attachment 699018
A Chinese T-15 battle tank searching for targets during a training exercise in snow-covered terrain.

India has stationed the Russian-designed T-72 and heavyweight T-90 ‘Bhishma’ tanks while China has deployed the Type 15 tanks at the Ladakh border, which receives up to 40 feet of snow around this time of the year.

The Type 15 lightweight tank is highly agile even on plateaus, a type of terrain in which heavy tanks would have to struggle due to the lack of oxygen to support the engine. Any lesser armored vehicle that can operate on plateaus is no threat to the Type 15.

While the 45-ton Russian origin T-90s are one of the deadliest tanks in the world, experts believe the Chinese T-15s give an added advantage for operating in the high plateau. The T-15 tanks were inducted into service in 2018.
View attachment 699020
A battle tank showcasing combat capabilities on a snowy road.
View attachment 699021
Two battle tanks are in a tactical formation on slippery roads during the training exercise.

The armor of the T-15 is thinner and it carries a 105-millimeter gun rather than the 120- or 125-millimeter cannons that many heavier tanks carry. This light build makes it more suitable for high-altitude operations like Ladakh.

The Type 15 tank is the envy of the world. Western nations have struggled to deploy lightweight tanks. The US Army in the 1990s attempted and failed to develop a lighter tank for its airborne forces.

Type 15 Light Tank.
and you know it now so pictures of old junk chinease tanks ten years old will make no impact on reality
it's funny how you reacted to the above post, the article just posted the wrong pics which isn't Type 15 but looked like you actually believe the tanks in the pics are Type 15 and thus calling them old junk?
dude, stop talking to prevent from exposing your limited knowledge.
Type 15 Light Tank.
and you know it now so pictures of old junk chinease tanks ten years old will make no impact on reality
An Indian media posting some wrong pictures of the Chinese tanks, and you make bark on China? What is the logic behind?

This is an article presented by EurAsian Times, an INDIAN media. I'm not sure why they use the wrong pictures, could be lack of basic military knowledge; or they have the knowledge, but just intentionally use some wrong pictures to make its Indian readers feel safe and happy? You choose one.

Type-15 tanks in a recent military drill on the Tibet Plateau; pictures released from the China media.
An Indian media posting some wrong pictures of the Chinese tanks, and you make bark on China? What is the logic behind?

This is an article presented by EurAsian Times, an INDIAN media. I'm not sure why they use the wrong pictures, could be lack of basic military knowledge; or they have the knowledge, but just intentionally use some wrong pictures to make its Indian readers feel safe and happy? You choose one.

Type-15 tanks in a recent military drill on the Tibet Plateau; pictures released from the China media.
View attachment 699138View attachment 699139View attachment 699140
Simple. EurAsian Times did it on purpose.
I have ignored this particular News media.
IMO they are very unprofessional.
:sarcastic: :sarcastic: :sarcastic:

Indian media is a joke when it comes to defence Technical stuff.
They many times used JF pics instead of Indian jets lol.
They are only good at creating click bate headlines.

By the way do you know the range of this light weight tank. Cause I'm very skeptical it could make much difference.
If the gun range is good than it might make some difference. Otherwise a jeep truck mounted gun serves the same purpose.

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