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China’s T-15 Tanks ‘Steal The Show’ In High-Altitude Battle Drills Near Ladakh Border

Indian media is a joke when it comes to defence Technical stuff.
They many times used JF pics instead of Indian jets lol.
They are only good at creating click bate headlines.

By the way do you know the range of this light weight tank. Cause I'm very skeptical it could make much difference.
If the gun range is good than it might make some difference. Otherwise a jeep truck mounted gun serves the same purpose.

The 3 crew Norinco ZTQ-15 aka T-15 is described as a new generation of light tank with automation features e.g. autoloading 105mm gun and it replaces the outdated PLA T-62 light tank.

It is describe as highly suitable for mountain warfare.

Anyway its specification are still guess work with its range that is probably between 450~800km. :coffee:
I meant the shelling range . 4km or 7km etc.

The reason light tanks are considered dud is that during a battle Tank is always the prime target so enemy always uses its most lethal weapons on it.

So if the tank can't survive that it becomes useless and resource hog. Cause no matter how much light it is its still heavier and slower than a truck mounted Gun. Only way its useful is if it can blow the enemy before it comes into the range of Anti tank guns etc.
those t15 will be obliterated by our apache gun ships it will be a turkey shoot
those t15 will be obliterated by our apache gun ships it will be a turkey shoot
it's,reality gun ships will.annihlate your tanks .

without air supremacy your doing jack.
Too bad Indian airforce sucks and is only good at getting shot down
I meant the shelling range . 4km or 7km etc.

The reason light tanks are considered dud is that during a battle Tank is always the prime target so enemy always uses its most lethal weapons on it.

So if the tank can't survive that it becomes useless and resource hog. Cause no matter how much light it is its still heavier and slower than a truck mounted Gun. Only way its useful is if it can blow the enemy before it comes into the range of Anti tank guns etc.
Dude, light tank is used in area where 45-65tons tank can't cross to or reached. Your Arjun can be powerful but it's useless if it can't go to places it need to fight.
those t15 will be obliterated by our apache gun ships it will be a turkey shoot
As if those tank will goes unprotected by air defence.


This thing can hit target 17km away. How far can your hellfire from apache hit? I heard max is only 10km.
So Indian propaganda "accidentally" uses pictures of a completely different old model while writing about the ZTQ-15?
Seems more like they are just trying to spread comforting disinformation.
Never put India and China military in the same sentence. India is generations behind, they are like Kenya or Somalia military compared to Western standard + Chinese military. Chinese would be in Mumbai in a week if a war broke out. Vietnam would put up 10x the fight compared to India. Indians are only good at sh1tting in their streets and eating vomit.
those t15 will be obliterated by our apache gun ships it will be a turkey shoot
And what would you do if your Apache is eliminated in the air by says a portable SAM?
:coffee: it would be another Turkey shot as well, am I right?
another useless chest thumb by chinease cheer leaders from.pakistan .

your chinease super power turned out to be toothless and weak ..

and you know it now so pictures of old junk chinease tanks ten years old will make no impact on reality
Seriously, go away. Your kind are so pathetic and weak that it shames China to be associated with you as your enemy. You are beneath contempt.
So Indian propaganda "accidentally" uses pictures of a completely different old model while writing about the ZTQ-15?
Seems more like they are just trying to spread comforting disinformation.
Then we have clown Indian coming in here and comment about the wrong photo and propaganda of PLA? R they humiliating their own kind?

@The Maverick
So Indian propaganda "accidentally" uses pictures of a completely different old model while writing about the ZTQ-15?
Seems more like they are just trying to spread comforting disinformation.
Exactly, that's the freedom of speech that the Indian are bragging about.
Never put India and China military in the same sentence. India is generations behind, they are like Kenya or Somalia military compared to Western standard + Chinese military. Chinese would be in Mumbai in a week if a war broke out. Vietnam would put up 10x the fight compared to India. Indians are only good at sh1tting in their streets and eating vomit.
What's so disgusting about them is that they are incapable of feeling any kind of shame. That's the defining characteristic of the Indian psyche: a total inability to feel the slightest shame. Shame is the beginning of betterment - an individual or country rises up out of the gutter when it looks at the wreckage it has become and feels ashamed. India will never rise up because in its utter degradation, it has become inured to shame.

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