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China’s Submarine Fleet, Evolution & news

The JL-3 is also under the trial, so the Type 096 won't need to wait for its SLBM at the moment of the deployment like the previous Type 094.

Xi Jinping’s ‘China Dream’ gave boost to its Blue Water navy ambitions and funds were made available for the expansion of the nuclear submarine programme.

Every country with Blue Water navy ambitions needs nuclear submarines to carry ballistic missiles quietly closer to its adversary’s shores. And that includes China’s People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN).

From ThePrint, an India’s news media:

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This article is pure trash, not even worthy to be posted here.
Good news: Permanent Magnet propulsion motors successfully going through all testing 20 days 24/7 nonstop in Sanya (无桨潜艇发动机?) 确实是个不大不小的新闻

Disclaimer: I do not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the information, text, graphics, links or other items contained within these materials.
China's first permanent magnet naval propulsion motors, designed by CSIC 712, were successfully tested on a ship on 18 October.


Allegedly it's carried out on the batch IIIA of the 039B series submarines.
I still remember someone was doubting China had this technology. Remember the Admiral Ma video where we clearly saw that model of propulsion and everyone was going up against us.


China has conducted a trial run on the country's first permanent magnet propulsion motor for naval vessels, with experts saying that it marks a significant breakthrough in the country's naval vessel building industry, especially for the nuclear submarines.

The State-owned China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation (CSIC), which is known for its aircraft carriers and the Jiaolong submersible vessel, made a statement on its official WeChat public account on Monday that the permanent magnet motor with a Chinese patent has been used on naval vessels docked at Sanya, South China's Hainan Province, the base of China's conventional and nuclear submarine fleet.

The statement said the vessel's propeller began to turn at 11 am on October 18, then reached the designated speed, which signified the success of the permanent magnet propulsion.

Although the statement did not disclose the type of vessels the motor was tested on, Chinese military experts say they believe the motor is specially designed for China's submarines and can substantially improve their performance in many aspects, especially by significantly reducing their running sound to the lowest possible level.

The new high-performance permanent magnet motors made from rare-earth materials avoid the flaws of traditional motors that work under the excitation principle, and can provide much greater power density, and can significantly reduce its working noise," Song Zhongping, a military analyst who previously served with the PLA Rocket Force, told the Global Times on Tuesday.

Back in May, Rear Admiral Ma Weiming, China's top naval engineer, in an interview with China Central Television, said that the navy was supplying its newest nuclear attack submarines with a "shaftless," rim-driven pump-jet, which was considered a revolutionary, low-noise propulsion system.

Ma said that the technology was ahead of the US and more efficient and suitable for high-speed nuclear submarines.
Newspaper headline: Propulsion system boosts submarine capability
Back in May, Rear Admiral Ma Weiming, China's top naval engineer, in an interview with China Central Television, said that the navy was supplying its newest nuclear attack submarines with a "shaftless," rim-driven pump-jet, which was considered a revolutionary, low-noise propulsion system.

He never said that. It is simply a misinterpretation.
EDIT: Just ignore the infamous, bogus "ONI Noise chart", which is quoted everywhere in the most articles about the Chinese subs.
Xi Jinping’s ‘China Dream’ gave boost to its Blue Water navy ambitions and funds were made available for the expansion of the nuclear submarine programme.

Every country with Blue Water navy ambitions needs nuclear submarines to carry ballistic missiles quietly closer to its adversary’s shores. And that includes China’s People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN).

From ThePrint, an India’s news media:

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The advantages of permanent magnet propulsion motor vs induction motor



The Switch argument is that PM drive train solutions are compact, with less weight and volume than conventional drive trains


A typical permanent magnet drive train from the Switch


The Switch PMM 1000 M shaft generator

25 Mar 2015

According to Finland- based propulsion specialist, The Switch, permanent magnet (PM) drive train technology for electric propulsion brings a powerful solution to the big diesel dilemma, which combines tougher environmental considerations with a long-term perspective of increasing fuel costs.

PM machines could offer special seafaring vessels the opportunity to lower operational costs by optimising the fuel consumption of the diesel engine. Using permanent magnet (PM) motors and generators as key elements in advanced drive trains allows ship owners to take advantage of a more flexible, modular, efficient and lightweight propulsion system.

According to The Switch, PM drive trains are ideal for the electric propulsion of tugboats, OSVs, ferries, cruise lines, research vessels, icebreakers and more. The technology enables ships to lower their operational costs by optimising fuel consumption of the diesel engine. It is also known for its unmatched design flexibility. Thanks to their higher power density, PM machines can pack more power in a package that is far more compact, lighter in weight and smaller in size compared with induction machines.

PM machines have proven their high reliability and durability under extremely harsh operating conditions in many industrial applications. For example, they are used in wind turbines, which operate in a much harsher environment than the challenging marine market. In direct propulsion systems, no gearbox or accompanying slip rings and brushes are needed, as with other synchronous machines. Therefore, the PM propulsion machine experiences fewer failures and requires significantly less maintenance.

The company also claims that a PM machine gives high-efficiency performance over the entire operating range, significantly cutting back on fuel consumption. The Switch’s figures claim that a PM machine is typically 2–4% more efficient at full load and 10% more efficient at part load when compared with induction machines. These efficiencies result from a lack of current losses in the rotor, the absence of an exciter, and reduced winding losses.

PM propulsion motors and their inverters efficiently turn available energy into thrust. Although standard induction motors can reach high efficiency in a narrow band around their nominal working area, PM motors are designed to deliver even higher efficiency in a much wider speed and torque range.

A synchronous PM machine contains Neodymium-Iron-Boron (NdFeB) magnets, which are materials with a very high flux density. This makes them ideal for variable-speed motors and generators throughout the entire speed range. The magnet field is created with almost zero rotor losses.

The electric propulsion of PM drive trains allows for extra maneuverability for dynamic positioning, which makes it a ideal technology for support and service ships like supply vessels, cruise ships or ice breakers. During dynamic positioning, a low speed with constant acceleration and deceleration is needed to keep the ship in place when adapting to weather and sea conditions. PM machines have the ability to function efficiently at low speeds and throughout the entire load range. In vessels where all energy is produced by fuel, a lower consumption leads to an improved operational range and lower operational costs.

Constantly varying speeds and loads can benefit from the active motor cooling, which keeps operating temperatures low. This results in small, but significant, efficiency improvements over time.

Optimised for best efficiency, the frequency converter is based on insulated gate bipolar transistors (IGBT) with advanced vector control technology. It is optimized to work with PM machines for the best overall system efficiency. The Switch frequency converters offer a modular, lightweight design, which enables efficient use of space within the vessel.

A frequency converter offers the accurate and adjustable speed control needed for dynamic positioning and demanding load cycles in offshore and special vessels. The high-energy density of PM technology and the resulting decrease in rotor inertia are both beneficial when the ship needs high maneuverability and a DP-class propulsion system. This results in optimum fuel efficiency and lower levels of exhaust.

To handle highly fluctuating load cycles, guarantee longer engine life, cut back on fuel consumption and reach lower exhaust values, adjustable speed control is ideal. This avoids the low or no-load running of generators, which minimises engine heat stress, reduces fuel consumption and eliminates undesired start/stop engine cycles.

Although new to marine applications, The Switch adds that PM technology has in fact been a game changer for many years in other industries, such as wind power, where it ensures the highest energy efficiency and lowest cost of operation. As a bonus, this technology helps future-proof ships when it comes to even the strictest environmental legislation.

PM machines have a proven track record of efficiency and environmental friendliness in many demanding industrial applications, including marine, and according to The Switch they far outperform induction machines. Not only have PM drive trains shown that they lower fuel consumption and provide more power, but they are also proven to last longer and require less maintenance. Additionally, the compactness of PM drive trains leads to significant weight and space savings.

As cost pressures mount and environmental regulations become more stringent, multipurpose service vessels that operate primarily at partial load conditions need a novel approach to save on operational costs. The Switch argument is that PM drive train solutions are compact, with less weight and volume than conventional drive trains. They offer unsurpassed flexibility and a smaller footprint for all types of configurations, a huge advantage in the shipping environment where space is always a critical factor.

By Jake Frith

Xi Jinping’s ‘China Dream’ gave boost to its Blue Water navy ambitions and funds were made available for the expansion of the nuclear submarine programme.

Every country with Blue Water navy ambitions needs nuclear submarines to carry ballistic missiles quietly closer to its adversary’s shores. And that includes China’s People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN).

China’s submarine force, especially the nuclear submarine force, has been derided by most Western analysts as the noisiest and therefore easily detectable. The chart below by the US Office of Naval Intelligence or ONI has been reproduced by many websites.


China has pursued construction of its nuclear submarines with a single-minded determination and speed. China’s nuclear submarines or SSN count varies from 11 to 13 with four Type 91 Han-class (one not active) and 8 to 10 Type 93 Shang-class variants.

The nuclear ballistic missiles carrying submarines or SSBN count is at least 7, with one Type 92 Xia-class and rest Type 94 Jin-class. The nuclear submarines of PLAN have all been constructed at Bohai Shipbuilding Heavy Industry Company Limited (BSHIC) at Huludao. The BSHIC is probably a subsidiary of China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation or CSIC.

Expansion of production facility
The Huludao facility felt the need for additional space when it started construction of Type 94 Jin-class submarines some time in 2005.Although the need for expansion was felt a while back, the project was constrained by the availability of funds. The expansion work was thus limited to land reclamation only, which continued from 2007 to 2013.

Xi Jinping’s ‘China Dream’ gave boost to the Blue Water navy ambitions and possibly funds were made available for the expansion of BSHIC’s nuclear submarine programme. The new facility on the Eastern side of Bohai shipyard started construction in mid-2015. The construction became visible and clear by mid-2016.

Gigantic new facility
The gigantic nature of this facility was revealed when the assembly hall could be compared with Hall No. 42 of Russian Severodvinsk submarine construction facility.
The size of BSHIC Huludao hall is 285 m x 130 m with more than 40,000 sq m area.

The height is almost double the previous halls in that location. It has three bays with large overhead double girder magnet gantry cranes fitted it, which could easily shift/move submarine modules to and fro. The width of girders at the top of gantries is 9 m, suggesting they could lift very heavy loads.

There is another hall of 200 m x 170 m being constructed to the north of this assembly hall. This probably will produce modules for submarines. It has five bays, two of which are smaller than others. Both the halls have traverser rails in front for transfer of modules from one hall to the other.

Thus this new assembly hall could possibly construct six nuclear submarines at any given time. The hall not only provides the workers and equipment from harsh weather conditions of Huludao but also provides cover from the prying eyes of satellites that could learn about PLAN submarine progress.


Huludao Nuclear Submarine Assembly Hall | Source: Vinayak Bhat
New submarine revealed
A closer look while assessing this facility revealed some parts, possibly of a new submarine. The width of these parts is almost 16.5 m, suggesting the probable beam of the new submarine is more than 16.5 m. It is assessed that this new submarine which possibly is the new nuclear submarine of China’s PLAN Type 96 which is rumoured to have 24x Julang 3 or JL 3 ballistic missiles with an estimated range between 8,000 km to 12,000 km.

A 16.5 m beam with approximately 4 m of hump would easily accommodate every Dong Feng or DF missile in China’s nuclear ballistic missiles inventory.

It is assessed that the new submarine production facility constructed at Huludao will enhance the speed of the Chinese PLAN nuclear submarine production by at least six times. Any increase in China’s equipment profile would have an effect on India’s security scenario. This particular capability would increase China’s abilities to snoop on Indian naval activities in the Indian Ocean Region and the Arabian Sea.

China’s nuclear submarines have been visiting Karachi and Colombo. China has also been a supplier of submarines to Pakistan and Bangladesh. It will be interesting to watch if China would proliferate the new nuclear submarines to its favourite, Pakistan. The Julang 2 and 3 with 8,000 km or more range can cover the entire IOR with ease. The looming threat of Julang missiles will be omnipresent.


Neither of them owns a circular cross section.

Their inner rings are circular. This simply suggests that, if these 16.5 meter rings are indeed for a new SSBN, then the boat would likely rival the Typhoon in size.
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