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China's poorest province: Guizhou is on the rapid rise

Incredible transformation. A secular political culture is leading the most dramatic human development the world has witnessed to date.

No wonder China generates hostility and jealousy in some circles. According to the Western playbook that assigned to developing countries, this transformation should not have happened.

I will definitely visit this province and contribute the local economy.
Guiyang in 2017

When dealing with poverty, you don't distribute food coupons.
You give people skills, knowledge and opportunities!

Guiyang's higher-education precinct
12 universities
University headmasters from Eastern China are reappointed here
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Guizhou Medical University
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Guizhou Normal University
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Geology is the not the perfect excuse of inaction and backwardness in 21st century
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I can tell from the pictures that it's karst landscape - which although difficult makes for dramatic scenery. I cannot think of a greater quest and nobler thing than raising entire populations from poverty to development. I gives me hope for my country of orgin. It hurts me deeply when I see my people living in poverty and chaos. I don't give a rats a*ss about religion, ism, this ism, other ism. The greatest service you can do to human being is to address his wants. And China has done this spectacularly. I don't we have seen so much done in such less time than any other time in history. In this sense CCP has presided over the greatest human good done in human history.

Now I only can hope that this can be brought to Pakistan via CPEC. Seeing the change in China makes me believe anything is possible.
You are right, there is immense hope!
If such bridge can be built then everything can be done!
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Incredible transformation. A secular political culture is leading the most dramatic human development the world has witnessed to date.

No wonder China generates hostility and jealousy in some circles. According to the Western playbook that assigned to developing countries, this transformation should not have happened.

I will definitely visit this province and contribute the local economy.
Visited twice so far, really amazing development which I have to attest on my own.
Now got so many high-speed railways to the province, more reasons to visit!

荷塘月色, a tourist site in a village in Jinsha County
even such village in the middle of nowhere can be easily accessed via expressway (in the background)
No wonder agriculture-related tourism is thriving
There goes the argument again, chicken and eggs which come first.
Let's say, build the road!
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Year-end updates
Countryside of Guizhou Province in 2017

For the following comments,
I will share some latest photos of villages, towns and counties in rural Guizhou.

Urban districts of prefecture-level cities will be excluded.

Modern traditionally designed buildings in Jianhe County's main town
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Land is precious
But there is a way out.
Of course, must build an expressway to link to the outside

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Jobs can be created in the village
City dwellers are dying to travel to the countryside

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Rural education in Guizhou countryside: schools and kindergartens

They called it a county.
Finally in 2017, this county is renamed to a county-level city

@Jlaw @terranMarine @Godman @anant_s @Bussard Ramjet @Kai Liu @Han Patriot @rott @seesonic @Zarvan @DESERT FIGHTER @Spring Onion @Beast et al
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Year-end updates
Countryside of Guizhou Province in 2017

Countryside with economic competitiveness needs strong agriculture and well-maintained infra.

Countryside community targeting education-related tourism
Andi Town


Tourists won't come if the road is terrible and the river polluted

屏幕快照 2017-11-20 20.06.13.jpg

Money and opportunities can be generated from the nature.

Two expressways intersect

Movement brings change
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Build that damn dam!
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County-level development zone

You can become rich by selling flowers
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@Gibbs @AViet @Bussard Ramjet @anant_s @TaiShang @terranMarine @Han Patriot @ashok321 @Daniel808 @war&peace @shadows888 @Kyle Sun @Iqbal Ali @Kaptaan @Dalit @Zaki et al

Year-end updates
Countryside of Guizhou Province in 2017

Tea and tourism
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Tea expo and related industry

Precisely targeted poverty alleviation project in Kaiyang County
Goal: 20k goats per year


Transport moves in investment and moves out products.

Guizhou institute for MUSHROOM in the deep countryside

A simple road can bring in tourists and tourist money in the middle of nowhere.
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Simple tourist infra like staircases on top of mountains makes a difference.
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Huishui County
The once filthy rivers return to their glory.
As the name of this county suggests, Hui=good, Shui=water


@powastick @Chinese-Dragon @Bussard Ramjet @ashok321 @xyxmt @ChineseTiger1986 @Jlaw @Keel @Adam WANG SHANGHAI MEGA @JSCh @Iqbal Ali @Maxpane et al

Year-end updates
Countryside of Guizhou Province in 2017

Countryside with economic competitiveness needs strong agriculture and well-maintained infra.
View attachment 438120

Countryside community targeting education-related tourism
Andi Town

View attachment 438122

Tourists won't come if the road is terrible and the river polluted
View attachment 438126

View attachment 438123

Money and opportunities can be generated from the nature.
View attachment 438124

Two expressways intersect
View attachment 438125

Movement brings change
View attachment 438128

Build that damn dam!
View attachment 438130

County-level development zone
View attachment 438129

You can become rich by selling flowers
View attachment 438127

@Gibbs @AViet @Bussard Ramjet @anant_s @TaiShang @terranMarine @Han Patriot @ashok321 @Daniel808 @war&peace @shadows888 @Kyle Sun @Iqbal Ali @Kaptaan @Dalit @Zaki et al
Fascinating landscape.
We should do whatever we need to protect such amazing natural scenery.

Year-end updates
Countryside of Guizhou Province in 2017

The prerequisite to a healthy agricultural industry is transport and irrigation projects.
China has countless dams and reservoirs even in deepest countryside

屏幕快照 2017-11-20 22.28.40.jpg

Plan to build resorts by the lake in some unknown village
屏幕快照 2017-11-20 23.26.18.jpg

Make countryside great again!
屏幕快照 2017-11-20 22.09.34.jpg

The entire new town is for tourism in Huangguoshu Waterfall
Every local farmer can have a job

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And a brand new expressway is just hundred metre away

Massive scale of greenhouses
and.....double breast mountains.......
屏幕快照 2017-11-20 21.10.42.jpg

@TaiShang @powastick @Kaptaan @Gibbs @Götterdämmerung @Godman @terranMarine et al

Year-end updates
Countryside of Guizhou Province in 2017

The prerequisite to a healthy agricultural industry is transport and irrigation projects.
China has countless dams and reservoirs even in deepest countryside

View attachment 438331

Plan to build resorts by the lake in some unknown village
View attachment 438332

Make countryside great again!
View attachment 438333

The entire new town is for tourism in Huangguoshu Waterfall
Every local farmer can have a job
View attachment 438334

View attachment 438335

And a brand new expressway is just hundred metre away
View attachment 438336

Massive scale of greenhouses
and.....double breast mountains.......
View attachment 438337

@TaiShang @powastick @Kaptaan @Gibbs @Götterdämmerung @Godman @terranMarine et al

Countryside Mainland appears more and more attractive, often times more attractive than traditional coastline heavyweights.

These cities/towns need a region-wide promotion from Japan to Cambodia and Indonesia to capture the upcoming travel boom that will repeat China's current outbound travel boom.

SEA will generate huge outbound tourism and these Mainland inland cities better get prepared for it and lay the groundwork. There is no reason why Vietnam or Indonesia would not repeat a China so long as they stick to secular governance.

Mainland needs to get prepared for it and capture as many outbound regional tourism as possible.

@sinait , @Daniel808 , @Han Patriot
Countryside Mainland appears more and more attractive, often times more attractive than traditional coastline heavyweights.

These cities/towns need a region-wide promotion from Japan to Cambodia and Indonesia to capture the upcoming travel boom that will repeat China's current outbound travel boom.

SEA will generate huge outbound tourism and these Mainland inland cities better get prepared for it and lay the groundwork. There is no reason why Vietnam or Indonesia would not repeat a China so long as they stick to secular governance.

Mainland needs to get prepared for it and capture as many outbound regional tourism as possible.

@sinait , @Daniel808 , @Han Patriot
Tourism in Guizhou Province cannot be crazier!

531 million tourists in Guizhou Province in 2016 (all purposes) (41.2% increase)
Tourists from outside Guizhou: 249 million (50.2% increase)
Foreign tourists: 1.1 million
Total tourist revenue 503 billion yuan (43.1% increase)


China's Guizhou province promotes tourism in Indonesia

JAKARTA, June 20 (Xinhua) -- China's Guizhou province conducted a tourism promotion event here on Tuesday, seeking to grab more visitors from Indonesia to visit the southwestern mountainous province.

Taking a venue in a lavish hotel here, the event was featured with Guizhou traditional dance performances and video display on best destinations in the province.

Besides promoting destinations in the Chinese province to potential Indonesian visitors, the event was also aimed at further promoting China-Indonesia cooperation in tourism sector, Secretary General of the Government of Guizhou province Ren Xiangsheng said.

"The number of visitors from Indonesia to Guizhou province has grown 21.1 percent to around 12,800 last year. We received around 1 million foreign visitors last year," Ren said in his remarks in the event entitled 2017 China Guizhou Global Promotion.

As part of efforts to expand arrivals of visitors from Indonesia to Guizhou, he said that direct flights serving the province's capital of Guiyang to Indonesia's Bali and Bintan have been planned.

He added that the promotion event were held at the right moment as 2017 has been set as year of China-ASEAN tourism cooperation.

"China and ASEAN have different tour destination resources that we can complement to each other," he said.

Ren said Guizhou offers enormously beautiful natural sceneries featured with mountains, pristine landmark forest, lakes, canyons, waterfalls, caves and hot springs.

Efforts to expand hot spring attraction were now carried out by the provincial government with new hot spring sites increasingly found in the province's counties, he added.

The province hosts large numbers of China's diverse ethnic groups with each of them having their own culture and traditions, potential sources for the nation's tourism sector.

Director for Asia Pacific Tourism at Indonesian tourism ministry Vincentius Jemadu greatly welcomed the event, saying that it would further expand people-to-people contact between Indonesia and China and expand tourism sector of both nations.

"We hope travel agents from Guizhou and Indonesia would team up together to further promote and boost arrivals of visitors in the respective areas," he said.
"The number of visitors from Indonesia to Guizhou province has grown 21.1 percent to around 12,800 last year. We received around 1 million foreign visitors last year," Ren said in his remarks in the event entitled 2017 China Guizhou Global Promotion.

Really great news. I value regional tourism more than international tourism because the greater regional tourism is, the greater socio-cultural connections are. This solidifies the region against potential external interference and influence.
Countryside Mainland appears more and more attractive, often times more attractive than traditional coastline heavyweights.

These cities/towns need a region-wide promotion from Japan to Cambodia and Indonesia to capture the upcoming travel boom that will repeat China's current outbound travel boom.

SEA will generate huge outbound tourism and these Mainland inland cities better get prepared for it and lay the groundwork. There is no reason why Vietnam or Indonesia would not repeat a China so long as they stick to secular governance.

Mainland needs to get prepared for it and capture as many outbound regional tourism as possible.
Poor envious me.
Singapore is a tiny all of 719 km².
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