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China's political system is more flexible than US democracy

Nonsense. Where does it say that the US, Canada, and Europe are not developed regions? All I said was that we are not yet 'real' capitalists. We have different degrees of capitalism. But I am just going by your 'not real' argument. Nothing is perfect and no one is saying we are.

hehe,Ok you can denie you're are not yet 'real' capitalists, but you Wall st guys rob people's money, people's house every day , so they will be punished by people . No bad guys funding for your hawkish party to kill innocence any more :).

Uncle Sam will go to next stage with better and fairer society , and VN will be one of his best friend , just like USSR and VietNam :lol:
Me poor? I probably eat better than you at dinner than you do all day.
hehe, but they can deport you anytime they want if Hitlle or Stalin reborn in USA, let eat all kind of Western foods before too late :lol:
This is what I really do not understand: This world is large enough to have just about all major variations of ideological/political/economic systems we can create to live under. Why is it so difficult for these critics of 'the West' to leave the US, UK, Canada, and Europe for China or Africa? They can still criticize 'the West' from over there.

Funny logic again from a high school drop-out!

Why can't democracy people of USA leave America and build democracy in Europe, and leave America to Native Indians?

Use your brain!
Famine killed 7 million people in USA - English pravda.ru

Rampant capitalism democracy caused disastrous great depression in USA where about 7 million people were starved to death » Researcher: Famine Killed 7 Million in U.S. During “Great Depression” Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind! Even there are people saying 10% of US population were starved to death.

If it was 7 million, and US population around 1932 was 124 million. It was worse than China’s Great Leap forward per capita death.

China’s one party system has a lot of problems, so does US two party system, be those problems starvation or McCarthyism - Cultural Revolution. If people see problems get solved, that is a good system. If people see rats are caught, that is a good cat.
And yet everybody, including Chinese, want to be capitalists. Go figure.

Scheduled regime changes in functional Chinese One Party system produces incremental course changes that may rock the boat but keeps it steadily upright, such that the most powerful democracy country of the world has to bow to China to borrow money…
More like China depends on the West to lift herself out of the economic sh!thole communism create everywhere it was imposed. So who really had to bow to whom?
Funny logic again from a high school drop-out!

Why can't democracy people of USA leave America and build democracy in Europe, and leave America to Native Indians?

Use your brain!
There were no 'Americans' back then. May be it is YOU who is the drop-out?
Personally I agree with what Tom Friedman's view in his book "That Used To Be US". China is getting 90% out of its political system and US is currently only getting 30-40% out of its own. If implemented properly a free and open democracy should be a better system for the country as well as for its citizen. But like what gpit already described US today lacks some of the fundamental criteria for a true and self correcting democracy. Just look at the Republican GOP debate last night on CNN. The media essentially turned the debate into a TV reality show, is this what we need in democracy? A free press does not automatically equal a fair and good press. So yes in this case I totally agree the currently Chinese system is out performing US' system by a large margin.

One more advantage I believe China has, not necessarily an advantage of the political system but rather from its citizen and bureaucrats, is that ever since the white-cat-black-cat reform everyone in China from top to bottom agree and understand their system is not perfect. And they are constantly scouting the world trying to absorb whatever is working into their system. Political reform is constantly being discussed and heatedly debated. In this day and age I believe all political system need to change and adapt to the new reality - globalization, new economy, global warming, social media etc. Survival the fittest, this is the true strength in Chinese system, nothing is off the table everything is possible. Compare that to the team party member reciting constitution in its entirety in congress, US' blind belief in its exceptionlism and the surge of radical conservatism are going to introduce unnecessary rigidity in its supposedly more flexible system and lose out to China in a long run if it does not change soon.

Today's US actually reminds me of the old China who blindly believed in its exceptionalism, superiority, moral high-ground and God given right to govern plus a lethal dose of ancestor worship (the wisdom of our forefathers).
I know your acquired slavery mentality dealt a big damage on your brain.

Don’t tell us before USA human civilization did not exist.

You are the slaves of the Apple Ipods ,now and forever.
Thats why more Pakistanis go to west and USA and get citizenship there than compared to China.
Personally I agree with what Tom Friedman's view in his book "That Used To Be US". China is getting 90% out of its political system and US is currently only getting 30-40% out of its own. If implemented properly a free and open democracy should be a better system for the country as well as for its citizen. But like what gpit already described US today lacks some of the fundamental criteria for a true and self correcting democracy. Just look at the Republican GOP debate last night on CNN. The media essentially turned the debate into a TV reality show, is this what we need in democracy? A free press does not automatically equal a fair and good press. So yes in this case I totally agree the currently Chinese system is out performing US' system by a large margin.
I have always hated that argument because it essentially does not present any real solutions. It is nothing more than an empty complain, like b!tching for its own sake. A 'free press' is supposed to be unencumbered by governmental controls and we are not talking about restrictions of pornography here. A 'free press' means anyone is allowed to be as biased or as fair minded as he want. The freedom to be as good or as low as you want is desired by every media in every country.
---------- Post added at 10:26 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:25 AM ----------

Yeah...I guess all those Chinese state own enterprises (SOE) run by party and military elites are squeaky clean.

No. As always, you guess is wrong. You really have to study more, kiddo, perhaps attempt to acquire another East Asia language such as Chinese. Or maybe you have to see a doctor for your bipolar disorder: not white doesn't mean black. BWT, more age doesn’t mean more knowledge. Knowledge wise, you are still “kiddo”.

There are a lot worms in Chinese system/corporate. The good part is once a bad guy is exposed, he/she is punished. And often the punishment is severe.

But not many got/get punished either in US 1932 depression or in 2008 crisis. Bankers in jail: Did we punish anyone for causing the 1929 stock market crash? - Slate Magazine

Instead, after 2008 crisis, bankers are fattened great deal because of the crisis. That is where the problem is.
China does not allow anyone with darker skin to be a Chinese citizen.
really ? why some chinese have dark skin?
you mean black?

anyway i am curious : how is it possible to become chinese? mariage?

i worked a time with a country that is very very friendly with your country: emirates.
you can not become emirati . and i am sure they are much more racist than chinese. but they are your friend so nothing to criticize right?
If cutting down forests in chengdu,bulldozing villages,throwing the opposing villagers in jail ,building

a ipod making factory in days,polishing the Ipod smooth as silk ,is a flexible political system.Then

the Award for flexible political system goes to:china:
And yet everybody, including Chinese, want to be capitalists. Go figure.

More like China depends on the West to lift herself out of the economic sh!thole communism create everywhere it was imposed. So who really had to bow to whom?

Whereas your slavery mentality conveniently leads you into an amnesia that West used democracy forces to plunge and ruin India and China to lift West out of their economic sh1thole, and to dominate the world, including wipe off clean Native Indians in America.
Of course you get what you deserve whether its free or not, I put that sentence there just to remind readers that don't simply assume the free press in US is automatically better than press in China. That was actually talking about CNN, and don't even get me started with Foxnews (as bad if not worse than CCTV). At least, in my opinion, the media in US today is not serving up to its standard as one of the three pillars for a healthy democracy.
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