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China's one-child policy, population aging

Having more children is not simply a matter of the state allowing it. It requires a psychological change in the populace. First, one must ask why birth rates have been declining across the industrialized world. Three primary reasons:

-Fewer children are needed because chance of survival and life expectancy are much greater than previously
-Parents emphasize quality (education) over quantity to ensure the greatest success for their children, and it's expensive
-Parents are focused on their own self-actualization rather than sacrificing for the chance of their children's self-actualization

China is rapidly developing, and the more developed parts of China aren't even getting to the one child, let alone two:

China's one-child policy: Ladies from Shanghai | The Economist

"Under the current policy, adults who were only children themselves are permitted to have two children. According to research by Stuart Basten of Oxford University*, that provision applies to 70% of the city’s couples. In other words, the weight of the one-child policy bears down relatively lightly on Shanghai. Even so, Shanghainese couples have extremely low fertility. The city’s total fertility rate—the number of children a woman can expect to have during her lifetime—was a mere 0.64 in 2002-03 (one of the lowest rates ever recorded in peacetime) before rising slightly to a still-low 0.89 in 2007. The Shanghainese are not having larger families even though they are allowed to."

This may marginally improve China's fertility rate, but I would be curious to see Citi's reasoning for their likely and aggressive projections. Most developed countries have failed to turn the tide of declining fertility rates, so it remains an open question as to why China will be so much more successful. If it is, we will be able to study the methods and apply them elsewhere, but so far, the strategy to increase fertility rates for developed countries is a mystery.
Good.... good for the world.

Overpopulation is a curse to humanity.

I wished we had this "problem" as well.
天皇陛下 wouldn't mind, he know himself that he don't have pure Japanese blood. And China was also ruled by Manchurian once, so who care only the competent and talented one should be the chosen one as suprem leader.

Japan guards the emperors' secrets - World - News - The Independent

It is no secrete that the Imperial Family has some Korean influence and Korean ancestry. His Most Imperial Majesty, The Emperor Akihito, even voiced out that an Imperial Ancestor, Kammu (who lived int he 8th century AD) was from Bekjae Kingdom of Korea.

No doubt that there were marriages between Korean royals and Imperial princes. The histories between both Korea and Japan are deeply linked.
A very healthy birth rate. Its estimated that by 2050, India's population will be at 1.6 Billion. :woot:
i think you must not seriously observed. From this figure, the proportion of men and women in India more unbalanced, even more than China。In addition, according to this rate, India's population will be explosive growth, had worrisome


We r da country of Kiddos. :D
India also faces serious demographic problems
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They are afraid that once they unearth this emperor's tomb, they may have to rewrite japanese history lol. They may find that he is Chinese


You can't discard this possibility that the Emperor was Chinese or had Chinese blood neither but I understand that Japan don't want such controversy in the media, I think it's better this way otherwise the royal family with have trouble to face the audience if it's truth....

We r da country of Kiddos. :D

Vow.. This is beutiful......... except only one thing, sexual imbalance. Selective abortion also happening in India? or (I'm really feel sorry to ask) Murder of baby girls?
How abt this

Vietnam has entered a golden period of population, which is a prominent positive for the economic development of vietnam,
But the aging society also quietly, put forward severe challenge for vietnam,
The Vietnamese population gender composition has been highlighted in men than women trend,
So that the Vietnamese sex change fundamentally,
Therefore, an important issue facing population gender balance is the Vietnamese government future population problems
How abt this

VN young population age 0-14 has almost 1 million boys more than girls. What happened? Girl infants abortion?


Thailand starts to get old East Asia.
Thai girl getting married quite late. as I know.
Girls always less than boys at young age, and more than boys at older age.
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