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China's one-child policy among worst crimes against humanity

So are you a Dalit? If so, do you encounter discrimination from other none Dalit Indians?

Yes we do face lot of discrimination. Only Brahmins and upper caste people have reservation quotas in colleges, schools and government jobs, we dalits don't have any. Brahmins and other upper castes are killing us every day. Its their ritual. No discrimination in executing dalits.

If China has One Child Policy, we have No Dalit Policy!

Narendra Modi is Dalit, that's why everyone is against him. Specially upper caste Congress.
Yes we do face lot of discrimination. Only Brahmins and upper caste people have reservation quotas in colleges, schools and government jobs, we dalits don't have any. Brahmins and other upper castes are killing us every day. Its their ritual. No discrimination in executing dalits.

If China has One Child Policy, we have No Dalit Policy!

Narendra Modi is Dalit, that's why everyone is against him. Specially upper caste Congress.

How come his caste is not widely known? And I don't think they are against him because of his caste, but he is not from the ruling family.
Let them adopt whatever policy for their population . It is none of our concern .

China adopting one child or ten child policy has no impact on us .
a delicacy in China

How come his caste is not widely known? And I don't think they are against him because of his caste, but he is not from the ruling family.
If he declarea his caste, upper caste brahmins will kill him, that's why his caste is not known.
Manmohan Singh is also not from the "ruling family"... but congress support him. See? they are against Dalits. I told ya, No Dalit Policy like One Child Policy of China.
a delicacy in China


Really? From the URL, I'm sure you jolly well knew it was a conceptual art performance, don't you?

Zhu Yu is a Chinese conceptual artist. His pieces investigate an area of tension between morals and established law and often attract controversy. Zhu is most famous for his provocative performance piece, Eating People, which involves the artist eating what appears to be a human fetus.
[url=http://www.artspeakchina.org/mediawiki/Zhu_Yu_%E6%9C%B1%E6%98%B1]Zhu Yu[/URL]
If he declarea his caste, upper caste brahmins will kill him, that's why his caste is not known.
Manmohan Singh is also not from the "ruling family"... but congress support him. See? they are against Dalits. I told ya, No Dalit Policy like One Child Policy of China.
Mate stop being sarcastic, a lot of people here are getting confused. :lol:
If he declarea his caste, upper caste brahmins will kill him, that's why his caste is not known.
Manmohan Singh is also not from the "ruling family"... but congress support him. See? they are against Dalits. I told ya, No Dalit Policy like One Child Policy of China.

Its sad that caste still is a big issue in India. No wonder there are a lot of strife. What India need is to break up the caste system and treat everyone the same. If I'm not wrong, a sub caste caste is almost like a tribe, isn't it? People of the same caste socialize and marry one another?
One child policy is a cruel and irresponsible social experiment. The government can encourage people to have less kids but not force abortions. It is as cruel as it could get.
Nobody likes the one child policy, not even the CCP.

But Chinese as a people understand the necessities of these measure.

I once read an article from an Indian lady living in Beijing about her surprise that one of her Chinese friend feels or received no social stigma because her mother work as a house maid.

You want to know why?

Because every Chinese deep down knows, what China had today, come from the sacrifices of all Chinese, right from the president down to the cleaning ladies that sweep the street.

Maybe in the process of implementing the one child policy, individual were forced to do what they do not want to.

But in Chinese culture, the many comes before the one.

In order to be fair to everyone, not only at present but also for millions that had given, for CHINA.

I think the people born in 80s and early 90s are the sacrificed generation. In 70s, this policy was just introduced. Those single children are allowed to have 2 kids if they choose to.

What I hate about one child policy is it is strictly enforced on urbanites, the elites, the educated, the government officials, the Han majority, but rural dwellers, minorities, unemployed can have at least 2 kids. The policy that restricts higher echelon of society detriments more than benefits China.

Even though lots of scholars are now very concerned about this policy, too many people now live off the fines collected from people that violate this policy. So you have some short-sighted selfish government officials that refuse to lax the policy even more. Whenever there are people expressing concerns, they always throw fear mongering to remind people how crowded spring festival is, even though it's a holiday, lol.
One child policy is a cruel and irresponsible social experiment. The government can encourage people to have less kids but not force abortions. It is as cruel as it could get.

You can have more kids if you are willing to pay hefty fines, unless you are government employees, then you will be sacked. Forced abortion only happens in some really backward rural areas where zealous government officials have no clue what law is.

So much misinformation circling around. Oh well, too much for me to explain, back to playing my video games. lol
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