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China's next president may skip India before his election

hahahaha a slap on indias face, looks like hes gov aint gonna be sooo friendly with india.
its not obligatory for a next political leader to visit all the 192 UN registered nations to say them that he is your friend of foe. After all he is a political leader with too many agenda so we understand his bussy schedule.
if this is what your understanding of diplomacy and politics, its just pathetic. you kind of people are good to political bad mouths for inteligent political leaders.
Tractor is not considered a loyal Chinese by other Chinese members. He is considered a traitor to Chinese interests by most Chinese PDF members. You can ask around.

U mean Tractor is the one real chinese on this forum who is not on CCP payroll i mean 50 cent Brigade ...

Guys we found him at last....... a chinese who speaks freely ..who says whatever is in his heart and mind....

God bless you Tractor..i wish more Ppl take inspiration from you and speak out:cheers:
I don't get why the Indian media is so concernced about Xi Jinping's scheduling conflicts.

If he has time he will visit, if he doesn't have time then he won't.
I don't get why the Indian media is so concernced about Xi Jinping's scheduling conflicts.

If he has time he will visit, if he doesn't have time then he won't.
come on mate, the article in no where says that its an insult to the INDIANS because he did not visit. Its just a news telling the INDIANS that he is busy and he might not have time to visit us, and he might visit us when he takes the top job in CHINA.
So give us a break. you are being to much paranoid about what is written in our media.
Tibet be stolen from who,India?Tibet is worthless,we just maintain garbage,do you want it?

We want it to be free for the people of Tibet. And you don't maintain it - unless in China maintenance equates to raping nuns and sodomizing Buddhist monks.

---------- Post added at 03:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:30 PM ----------

have Xi janping visited pakistan ?

That's like visiting Obama visiting Puerto Rico - it doesn't count as a foreign visit.
We want it to be free for the people of Tibet. And you don't maintain it - unless in China maintenance equates to raping nuns and sodomizing Buddhist monks.

what ever happens in present day CHINA(including Tibet) is non of our concern. if they do not feel right under the rule of CHINA they can become citizens of INDIA by seeking assylam.
I in my honest opinion do not see fit for us(INDIANS) to say what CHINA should do in Tibet. because when CHINA occupied TIBET we just kept mum now its too old and we are not stake holders in the matters of CHINA.
what ever happens in present day CHINA(including Tibet) is non of our concern. if they do not feel right under the rule of CHINA they can become citizens of INDIA by seeking assylam.
I in my honest opinion do not see fit for us(INDIANS) to say what CHINA should do in Tibet. because when CHINA occupied TIBET we just kept mum now its too old and we are not stake holders in the matters of CHINA.

That is your opinion and the beauty of growing up in a democracy is that we are each entitled to our opinion and are entitled to airing it. It is something the Chinese are unable to do. What is wrong - is wrong - irrespective of the time spent. If slavery was legal in 1776 - that does not mean it was legal in 1861 when the American Civil War broke out over the issue. And asylum seekers are not given citizenship. Besides, why should they become citizens of India? They would much rather be citizens of a Tibet from the yoke of Chinese Communists. Even mainland China needs to be liberated - it will take some time.
Would Indian next prime minister visit China? Probably not.
Once again China shows how immature they can be, just because India refuses to tow your line. When he does come to India the Dali Lama should be there to greet him on the tarmac personally.
Once again China shows how immature they can be, just because India refuses to tow your line. When he does come to India the Dali Lama should be there to greet him on the tarmac personally.

you didnt read the article..who knows the reason?
Media like TOI are like toilet papers to us..but since some guys don't even have a free media, they roam around in Indian space to look for the their related topics in our papers and cry river here..

They use our media to show negativity in our society..they use our media to show issues in our society..they use everything against us by showing our free media but alas they never realize how pity thier lives are...they don't even have media to show their plight :cry: how pity :agree:

all that they have is propaganda :tdown:
That is your opinion and the beauty of growing up in a democracy is that we are each entitled to our opinion and are entitled to airing it. It is something the Chinese are unable to do. What is wrong - is wrong - irrespective of the time spent. If slavery was legal in 1776 - that does not mean it was legal in 1861 when the American Civil War broke out over the issue. And asylum seekers are not given citizenship. Besides, why should they become citizens of India? They would much rather be citizens of a Tibet from the yoke of Chinese Communists. Even mainland China needs to be liberated - it will take some time.
Liberating CHINA are you for real mate. Its their government their way of life. Kindly do not lecture the CHINESE about democracy which they don't think is the only right solution neither do some INDIANS like me. A combination of all good traits from all the known form of Governance is the way for good governance.
When you are talking about liberating some one elses nation, you just reflect the imperialitic mindset of the US, who think that they are the saviours and noble race of the world.
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