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China’s new top priority: spinning coronavirus — and blaming the US

Hamartia Antidote

Nov 17, 2013
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United States
United States


Having bungled the start of the coronavirus outbreak, then apparently muscling its own epidemic into control, China is now mounting a full-on misinformation campaign to present itself as a model of effective government — and the United States as the real villain.

The COVID-19 bug originated in Wuhan, China, possibly at an open-air market where wild animals were sold. Chinese labs ID’d the new virus in December, but the regime ordered them to stop testing and quietly destroy their samples. Officials even squelched health care workers, like the late Dr. Li Wenliang, who tried to warn colleagues of the coming epidemic.

Li and others knew in December the virus was spreading through human contact. But the government publicly denied it until Jan. 20. The World Health Organization tweeted Jan. 14, “Preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission.” Such lies helped the virus spread more quickly than it should’ve, as Wuhan authorities OK’d a potluck banquet involving tens of thousands of people.

Now Beijing is rewriting history, even claiming its “swift” action bought the rest of the world time. And it’s insisting America might be the outbreak’s true source.

Twitter is banned in China, but Foreign Ministry propagandist Zhao Lijian is using it to lie to the world: “It might be US army who brought the epidemic to Wuhan,” he tweeted. “US owe us an explanation!”

Now Beijing is ejecting American reporters from the country, including Wall Street Journal writers who revealed the cover-up.

Every arm of the US government — and the US media — needs to be blaring the truth to the world.
Domain experts have Illumina and Thermo Fisher genome sequencer. They will feedback to their national leaders.

Not difficult to reach conclusion at high confidence level whether or not this is bioweapon.

USA will get burn.
Thread by: F-22Raptor

Trump blames China for coronavirus pandemic: 'The world is paying a very big price for what they did

It seems like USA is the one trying to spin and shift the blame to China for their much delayed response to the virus. Quick responding countries/area like Singapore, Macau, Hong Kong, Taiwan is doing well. Ignoring the problem till shit hits the fan country like Italy, France, UK and USA isn't/won't be doing well.
Only one country is ultimately responsible for this entire mess: China, the country where it started. No amount of deflection or blame shifting is going to change this. The harder the CCP tries to spin this, the more push-back it is going to get-from within and without.
This crisis has shown the total failure of the Western governance model. The slow and bureaucracy of corrupt politicians who blame others rather than find a solution to a crisis. The hyper capitalist system puts profit motive above everything else. They will allow people to die until they can make a profit from a cure. Their private media tells lies after lies. Western superiority in governance is being shattered.
Only one country is ultimately responsible for this entire mess: China, the country where it started. No amount of deflection or blame shifting is going to change this. The harder the CCP tries to spin this, the more push-back it is going to get-from within and without.
The one trying to blame is you. Epidemic can be controlled as many countries demonstrated. By your theory, MERS, H1N1 , countries like middle East shall be blamed and so as US for starting the 2009 epidemic? Care to answer me?

Btw, the origin of the virus is not from region of China. Someone bring in the virus from other region and start the epidemic against China.


Back by scientific research and study. I put it blindly, China is victim itself and someone plant it.
American pot calling the kettle black.

Guess someone asked them the right question to get so furious.
China is now in damage control mode and blaming others. So pathetic ! They never listened to the doctor who first warned of this Pandemic instead they jailed him and he later died. Here is Canada, many people are now staying inside their homes, roads are empty and people blame China.
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