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China’s bullet trains facilitate market integration and mitigate the cost of megacity growth

There comes the global giant! :)

Government approves merger of China's top two train makers
Source:Xinhua Published: 2015-3-6 14:56:56

China's state assets watchdog has approved a proposed merger of the country's top two bullet train makers, but obstacles remain to be cleared, both companies said on Thursday evening.

China CNR Corp. Ltd and China CSR Corp. Ltd announced that the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission has approved in principle their merger into a new company named CRRC Corporation Ltd.

But efforts still need to be made to meet the terms and conditions set in their merger deal, said the announcements, adding that both will publish any progress in the merger in a timely manner.

Shares of CNR and CSR surged by 6.9 percent and 7 percent in Thursday's trading, respectively.

Both are currently not available for comments.

The two companies announced the merger plan in late December, aiming to build a new transnational and globally leading solution provider of high-end railway transport equipment.

The new company will inherit all the assets, liabilities, businesses, staff, contracts, certificates as well as all other rights and obligations of CNR and CSR.

The merger will take place in the form of CNR to be merged into CSR through a stock swap agreement between the two companies-- 1 CNR share for 1.1 CSR shares.

The merger comes 15 years after the two were split in 2000. The then Ministry of Railways that became the China Railway Corporation in 2013, delineated the two companies' major sales domains with the Yellow River as the boundary. It also tried to set a boundary for the two in overseas markets to reduce competition.

The upcoming merger is expected to avoid "in-fighting" during exploration of the global market.
yes, for global market they will be one but for domestic market, they still have to compete. But yellow river? I am doubted, just the location of factories and institutes, not the sales, especially for CRH trains

来源: 新华网 2015年03月06日 15:38:32

Beijing-Tianjin, Beijing-Shanghai, Shanghai-Nanjing, Shanghai-Hangzhou, Hangzhou-Shenzhen, Guangzhou-Shenzhen achieve profitability and their capacity is on the verge of full use. In the future, a second or third HSR line between key cities is under consideration.

In 2014, the total HSR volume each 0.908 billion, with year-on-year growth of 35.1%. Among them, Tianjin-Beijing Line grows at 12%, Beijing-Shanghai 26%, Shanghai-Nanjing 12%, Hangzhou-Shanghai 32%, Hangzhou-Shenzhen 69%, Guangzhou-Shenzhen 48%.

“京津、长三角、珠三角这三个区域的高铁线路能力已接近饱和。大家可能有这个感受,日常高铁的运能还说得过去,但一到节假日,这些高铁线路‘一票难求’的现象又出现了。”胡亚东说. During holidays, shortage of tickets of these lines comes back again.

他说,一般来说,一条高铁线路日均运行100对就基本饱和。但现在京津城际高铁最高每天运行108对,京沪113对,京广某些区段126对,沪杭某些区段108对,都已经超出。因此,要提早规划这三个地区未来的高铁建设,某些重点区段可能再建第二条、甚至第三条高铁,以满足日益增长的出行需求。108 pairs of HSR trains on Beijing-Tianjin, 113 on Beijing-Shanghai, 126 on Beijing-Guangzhou, 108 on Shanghai-Hangzhou, all exceed an HSR line's limit of 100 pairs.

政府工作报告提出,今年铁路投资要保持在8000亿元以上,新投产里程8000公里以上。对此,胡亚东表示完全认同。他建议,铁路投资,尤其是东部沿海这些高铁未来的投资,要大力吸收民间资本,在建设、运营的模式上要有创新,争取要地方“自建自养”,提高运营的透明度。In 2015, at least 8000 kilometres will be launched and more than 80 billion yuan on railway investment is guaranteed.

事实上,一些社会资本,包括外资已经盯上了中国东部地区高铁的盈利能力。目前在建的济(南)青(岛)高铁就是我国首条以地方投资为主的高速铁路,该条高铁不仅吸引了包括中国南车、中信等国内企业,也吸收了新加坡淡马锡等国际企业或财团的投资。Private and international investment has been attracted to Chinese HSR's probability.

来源: 新华网 2015年03月06日 15:38:32

This is indeed very good news for high speed rail in China. To a certain extent, this is also good news for the rail industry worldwide.

When I look back when some naysayers were predicting the failure of HSR some years back, I have a chuckle.

China certainly has a very capable government whether we like it or not.

来源: 新华网 2015年03月06日 15:38:32

Beijing-Tianjin, Beijing-Shanghai, Shanghai-Nanjing, Shanghai-Hangzhou, Hangzhou-Shenzhen, Guangzhou-Shenzhen achieve profitability and their capacity is on the verge of full use. In the future, a second or third HSR line between key cities is under consideration.

In 2014, the total HSR volume each 0.908 billion, with year-on-year growth of 35.1%. Among them, Tianjin-Beijing Line grows at 12%, Beijing-Shanghai 26%, Shanghai-Nanjing 12%, Hangzhou-Shanghai 32%, Hangzhou-Shenzhen 69%, Guangzhou-Shenzhen 48%.

“京津、长三角、珠三角这三个区域的高铁线路能力已接近饱和。大家可能有这个感受,日常高铁的运能还说得过去,但一到节假日,这些高铁线路‘一票难求’的现象又出现了。”胡亚东说. During holidays, shortage of tickets of these lines comes back again.

他说,一般来说,一条高铁线路日均运行100对就基本饱和。但现在京津城际高铁最高每天运行108对,京沪113对,京广某些区段126对,沪杭某些区段108对,都已经超出。因此,要提早规划这三个地区未来的高铁建设,某些重点区段可能再建第二条、甚至第三条高铁,以满足日益增长的出行需求。108 pairs of HSR trains on Beijing-Tianjin, 113 on Beijing-Shanghai, 126 on Beijing-Guangzhou, 108 on Shanghai-Hangzhou, all exceed an HSR line's limit of 100 pairs.

政府工作报告提出,今年铁路投资要保持在8000亿元以上,新投产里程8000公里以上。对此,胡亚东表示完全认同。他建议,铁路投资,尤其是东部沿海这些高铁未来的投资,要大力吸收民间资本,在建设、运营的模式上要有创新,争取要地方“自建自养”,提高运营的透明度。In 2015, at least 8000 kilometres will be launched and more than 80 billion yuan on railway investment is guaranteed.

事实上,一些社会资本,包括外资已经盯上了中国东部地区高铁的盈利能力。目前在建的济(南)青(岛)高铁就是我国首条以地方投资为主的高速铁路,该条高铁不仅吸引了包括中国南车、中信等国内企业,也吸收了新加坡淡马锡等国际企业或财团的投资。Private and international investment has been attracted to Chinese HSR's probability.


Chinese HSRs deliver。China delivers:enjoy:
u know, lobbies from jet manufactures, airlines and bus companies are the main obstacle, worldwide.
Share with us your own CRH experiences!
This is indeed very good news for high speed rail in China. To a certain extent, this is also good news for the rail industry worldwide.

When I look back when some naysayers were predicting the failure of HSR some years back, I have a chuckle.

China certainly has a very capable government whether we like it or not.
This is indeed very good news for high speed rail in China. To a certain extent, this is also good news for the rail industry worldwide.

When I look back when some naysayers were predicting the failure of HSR some years back, I have a chuckle.

China certainly has a very capable government whether we like it or not.

In fact, a public investment in such scale is expected to run in red for quite some time. That's normal. Positive externalities of public investments are not limited to/cannot be gauged by mere profit.

But it is great to know that most lines that have been running for just a few years have turned profitable.

This is thanks to the planners and strategists of the Government of China. No doubt, China has the world's most strategic-thinking and efficient government. By far the most successful.

We are proud but not complacent. This is just the beginning. Still a lot more to achieve until China becomes a truly developed nation.

Thank you @AndrewJin for sharing the amazing news.
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In fact, for a public investment in such scale is expected to run in red for quite some time. Positive externalities of public spending/construction are not limited to mere profit.

But it is great to know that most lines that have been running for just a few years have turned profitable.

This is thanks to the planners and strategists of the Government of China. No doubt, China has the world's most strategic-thinking and efficient government ever.

We are proud but not complacent. This is just the beginning. Still a lot more to achieve until China becomes a truly developed nation.

Thank you @AndrewJin for sharing the amazing news.
i traveled by HSR at least 15 times last year. Who would think 10 years ago of having one-day trip to a nearby city by HSR just to have some local food? A major stimulus of domestic market.
i traveled by HSR at least 15 times last year. Who would think 10 years ago of having one-day trip to a nearby city by HSR just to have some local food? A major stimulus of domestic market.

Plus, as the title of this wonderful thread suggests, a major boost to bring people together and change people's view of their own nation. The more internally-mobile people gets, the greater the harmony, exchange of ideas and innovation.
Plus, as the title of this wonderful thread suggests, a major boost to bring people together and change people's view of their own nation. The more internally-mobile people gets, the greater the harmony, exchange of ideas and innovation.
Indeed. Without HSR, I wouldn't have so many trips around China. Otherwise, China would be a static country where it was easier to travel abroad than travel domestically.
Btw, why have i always failed to buy discounted air tickets? Do they exist for the most time of a year?:cry:
China to Invest $128 Billion in Rail, Push for Global Share - Bloomberg Business

China to Invest $128 Billion in Rail, Push for Global Share

A passenger walks near a China Railways high speed train parked at Hongqiao Railway Station in Shanghai. Photographer: Tomohiro Ohsumi/Bloomberg

by Clement Tan
5:35 PM AEDT March 5, 2015

(Bloomberg) -- China is investing more than 800 billion yuan ($128 billion) in domestic railway construction in 2015, the same as last year’s final target, while pledging to increase its railway makers’ overseas market share.

In his annual state-of-the-nation report Thursday, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang included rail equipment makers as one of seven sectors the government will prioritize for export. In addition to pushing for high-profile overseas contracts, some 8,000 kilometers (about 5,000 miles) of railway lines will be opened to domestic traffic this year, Li said.

“We will encourage Chinese companies to participate in overseas infrastructure development projects and engage in cooperation with their foreign counterparts in building up production capacity,” Li said.

China is competing aggressively for overseas rail projects, targeting emerging markets in Africa, Eastern Europe, Latin America and Southeast Asia while also pitching for high-profile contracts in the developed world, including the U.S. China’s two largest locomotive equipment makers, China CNR Corp. and CSR Corp., have announced a merger plan intended to boost exports of high-speed rail technology.

Rail-transit equipment was also cited in a separate report Thursday from the National Development and Reform Commission, the country’s top economic planning agency, as a key area of its “Made in China 2025” strategy to transform manufacturing industries and help China move up the technological value chain.

With Li touting the country’s rail engineering and construction companies on trips abroad, Chinese companies signed a combined $24.7 billion worth of contracts for overseas rail projects in 2014, Commerce Ministry official Zhi Luxun said at a Feb. 5 briefing in Beijing. China CNR Corp. and CSR Corp. together signed more than $6 billion of overseas contracts last year, up 60 percent from 2013, Zhi said.

One Belt, One Road

Shares of the two companies reversed early losses Thursday to rise by as much as 10 percent in Shanghai trading. CSR ended up 7 percent at 12.68 yuan, while CNR closed 6.9 percent higher at 13.35 yuan.

“Premier Li’s comments were definitely a trigger today,” said Cao Xuefeng, a Chengdu-based analyst with Huaxi Securities. “Details on the ’one belt, one road’ policy were particularly interesting for the sector.”

In its report, the NDRC said it will speed up “infrastructure connectivity” with neighboring countries, building “economic corridors” with Pakistan, Bangladesh, India and Myanmar as part of China’s Silk Road Economic Belt and 21st Century Maritime Silk Road initiatives.

China’s “one belt, one road” strategy is an attempt to build a new framework for regional development, National People’s Congress spokeswoman Fu Ying said at a press briefing Wednesday. China set up a $16.3 billion Silk Road Fund last November to finance infrastructure construction linking its markets to three continents.

China’s outbound direct investment reached $102.9 billion in 2014, a figure the government hopes to raise this year to $113 billion, the National Development and Reform Commission said today.

Li also pledged to deepen reform of railway investment and financing through “good use” of railway development funds. Major domestic railway, highway and waterway transport projects will be weighted toward central and western parts of the country, he said.

In China, 8,427 kilometers of railway tracks became operational in 2014, Li said. The length of high-speed railway lines in operation in China reached 16,000 kilometers last year, more than 60 percent of the world’s total, he said.

China to Invest $128 Billion in Rail, Push for Global Share - Bloomberg Business

China to Invest $128 Billion in Rail, Push for Global Share

View attachment 200150A passenger walks near a China Railways high speed train parked at Hongqiao Railway Station in Shanghai. Photographer: Tomohiro Ohsumi/Bloomberg

by Clement Tan
5:35 PM AEDT March 5, 2015

(Bloomberg) -- China is investing more than 800 billion yuan ($128 billion) in domestic railway construction in 2015, the same as last year’s final target, while pledging to increase its railway makers’ overseas market share.

In his annual state-of-the-nation report Thursday, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang included rail equipment makers as one of seven sectors the government will prioritize for export. In addition to pushing for high-profile overseas contracts, some 8,000 kilometers (about 5,000 miles) of railway lines will be opened to domestic traffic this year, Li said.

“We will encourage Chinese companies to participate in overseas infrastructure development projects and engage in cooperation with their foreign counterparts in building up production capacity,” Li said.

China is competing aggressively for overseas rail projects, targeting emerging markets in Africa, Eastern Europe, Latin America and Southeast Asia while also pitching for high-profile contracts in the developed world, including the U.S. China’s two largest locomotive equipment makers, China CNR Corp. and CSR Corp., have announced a merger plan intended to boost exports of high-speed rail technology.

Rail-transit equipment was also cited in a separate report Thursday from the National Development and Reform Commission, the country’s top economic planning agency, as a key area of its “Made in China 2025” strategy to transform manufacturing industries and help China move up the technological value chain.

With Li touting the country’s rail engineering and construction companies on trips abroad, Chinese companies signed a combined $24.7 billion worth of contracts for overseas rail projects in 2014, Commerce Ministry official Zhi Luxun said at a Feb. 5 briefing in Beijing. China CNR Corp. and CSR Corp. together signed more than $6 billion of overseas contracts last year, up 60 percent from 2013, Zhi said.

One Belt, One Road

Shares of the two companies reversed early losses Thursday to rise by as much as 10 percent in Shanghai trading. CSR ended up 7 percent at 12.68 yuan, while CNR closed 6.9 percent higher at 13.35 yuan.

“Premier Li’s comments were definitely a trigger today,” said Cao Xuefeng, a Chengdu-based analyst with Huaxi Securities. “Details on the ’one belt, one road’ policy were particularly interesting for the sector.”

In its report, the NDRC said it will speed up “infrastructure connectivity” with neighboring countries, building “economic corridors” with Pakistan, Bangladesh, India and Myanmar as part of China’s Silk Road Economic Belt and 21st Century Maritime Silk Road initiatives.

China’s “one belt, one road” strategy is an attempt to build a new framework for regional development, National People’s Congress spokeswoman Fu Ying said at a press briefing Wednesday. China set up a $16.3 billion Silk Road Fund last November to finance infrastructure construction linking its markets to three continents.

China’s outbound direct investment reached $102.9 billion in 2014, a figure the government hopes to raise this year to $113 billion, the National Development and Reform Commission said today.

Li also pledged to deepen reform of railway investment and financing through “good use” of railway development funds. Major domestic railway, highway and waterway transport projects will be weighted toward central and western parts of the country, he said.

In China, 8,427 kilometers of railway tracks became operational in 2014, Li said. The length of high-speed railway lines in operation in China reached 16,000 kilometers last year, more than 60 percent of the world’s total, he said.

You post Shanghai, ok, let me post mine.:-) are u a railway fan?
Shanghai Hongqiao, on 30 Jan 2015.

屏幕快照 2015-03-07 18.56.57.png
屏幕快照 2015-03-07 18.57.22.png

Shanghai Hongqiao, on 25 Jan 2015.
屏幕快照 2015-03-07 18.59.04.png

屏幕快照 2015-03-07 19.00.00.png

Shanghai Hongqiao, on 20 Jan 2015.
屏幕快照 2015-03-07 19.05.53.png
Xi'an-Hefei HSR


商洛市发展和改革委员会 2015-2-13













In fact, a public investment in such scale is expected to run in red for quite some time. That's normal. Positive externalities of public investments are not limited to/cannot be gauged by mere profit.

But it is great to know that most lines that have been running for just a few years have turned profitable.

This is thanks to the planners and strategists of the Government of China. No doubt, China has the world's most strategic-thinking and efficient government. By far the most successful.

We are proud but not complacent. This is just the beginning. Still a lot more to achieve until China becomes a truly developed nation.

Thank you @AndrewJin for sharing the amazing news.
Don't you find it funny foreigners and some Chinese with no knowledge of economics always find ways to say China is running a deficit and will collapse, lol. Building infrastructure is money well spent because of the potential ROI in the future and initial job generation.
It's like borrowing money to finance a house, instead of buying an expensive car. It's a very simple concept that most western China haters don't seem to grasp.
Shareholders approve China train makers' merger plan

BEIJING, March 9 (Xinhua) -- A plan to merge two of China's top bullet train makers has been passed by general meetings of both sets of shareholders, the companies said on Monday.

China CNR Corp. Ltd and China CSR Corp. Ltd announced that their shareholders have approved the plan, including a new company name, stock swap agreement and personnel settlement.

The merger is still subject to review by authorities including the China Securities Regulatory Commission and the Ministry of Commerce. The State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission was the first regulator to green light the merger, according to statements from the companies on March 5.

Shares of the two will become eligible for trade on Tuesday and are expected to surge.

The companies announced the plan in late December, aiming to build a new provider of high-end railway equipment. The deal will help China's high-speed rail go global and avoid cutthroat competition between the two.
Nation’s HSR 60% of world’s total length

By Liu Xin Source:Global Times Published: 2015-3-6 0:08:22

China is home to more than 60 percent of the world's high-speed railways, or 16,000 kilometers, Premier Li Keqiang said in this year's government work report on Thursday.

"The rapid expansion of high-speed railway meets the needs of China's economic development and helps promote urbanization," Wang Mengshu, an academician at the China Academy of Engineering and railway tunnel expert, told the Global Times.

By the end of 2015, 18,000 kilometers of high-speed railways will be used as part of efforts to build a network of more than 45,000 kilometers, covering all cities with a population of at least 500,000, according to China's 12th Five-Year Plan in 2011.

"High-speed railways can drive economic development in west China and facilitate the flow of resources in different regions. It plays an important role in narrowing the gap between eastern and western China," Cheng Zhongxing, deputy director of the high-speed railway development study center at Southwest Jiaotong University, told the Global Times.

Cheng added that compared with other modes of transportation, high-speed trains are more environmentally friendly.

In September 2014, Li said that the construction of railways would favor the central and western regions during the 13th Five-Year Plan.

In October alone, the National Development and Reform Commission approved three high-speed railway projects worth more than 10 billion yuan ($1.61 billion) in the central and western regions, the 21st Century Business Herald reported.

"The development of high-speed railway in the western regions remains a problem because of the terrain and the limited resources of some local governments," Cheng said.

High-speed railway is a long-term investment with uncertain economic returns, which makes it less attractive for some private companies to invest in western regions, Cheng said.

Zhao Jian, a professor at Beijing Jiaotong University, said that less dense populations in some remote areas may result in limited economic benefits from the railway, and could lead to local government debt.

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