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China's moon rover, Jade Rabbit, has 'abnormality': state media


Jan 14, 2014
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China's first moon rover has experienced a "mechanical control abnormality" according to the country's state media, in what appears to be a setback for a landmark mission in its ambitious space programme.

The abnormality occurred due to "the complicated lunar surface environment," the official Xinhua news agency said on Saturday, citing the State Administration of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defence (SASTIND).

Scientists were "organising an overhaul", Xinhua's report added, without giving further details.

There were no reports of the abnormality on SASTIND's website.

The Jade Rabbit, or 'Yutu' in Chinese, was deployed on the moon's surface on December 15, several hours after the Chang'e-3 probe landed.

The mission makes China the third country to successfully send a lunar rover to the moon, after the United States and the former Soviet Union.

The rover's landing was the first of its kind since the former Soviet Union's mission nearly four decades ago.

China aims to create a permanent space station by 2020 and eventually send someone to the Moon.

It has previously sent two probes to orbit the moon, with controllers sending the first of them crashing into the lunar surface at the end of its mission.

China's moon rover, Jade Rabbit, has 'abnormality': state media - Australia Network News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
It's a minor mechanic problem. the rover had already finished most part of its assignment and if the government didn't report that, no one will know this glitch. it showed how honest Chinese media is,very contrary to what the western media portrays China is.
It's a minor mechanic problem. the rover had already finished most part of its assignment and if the government didn't report that, no one will know this glitch. it showed how honest Chinese media is,very contrary to what the western media portrays China is.
What are the objectives that were achieved by this rabbit?
We know how honest chinese media is...:lol:
glad you know it. main objectives are to land on the moon and send pictures back to the earth. in 2017 ,the second mission is to get soil samples and bring it back.

The missions are numerous, but taking pictures is just something that every rover does, what this particular one's main mission will be to test moon soil, and explore the moon, conducting various surveys. It also does plenty of other things. Keep in mind this is the most technological advanced machinery ever to set foot on the moon.

The findings will be all new, and won't be a rehash of the US or Soviet mission. Very interesting stuff.

As to these hiccups, it happens from time to time, be it China or the US. It's cutting edge technology, to date, only the Russians have ever done it on the moon, while the US is the other to have experience in rovers. Sounds like a lot if viewed from who's first, but from a bigger picture, too little experience is available for anyone.
Why such a hue and cry? Mechanical stuff can fail anytime. Like if a spark plug costing $10 fails to fire, your Bugatti costing $200,000 can stall and become museum piece! It takes just one small component to malfunction for the whole system to fail.
It's a minor mechanic problem. the rover had already finished most part of its assignment and if the government didn't report that, no one will know this glitch. it showed how honest Chinese media is,very contrary to what the western media portrays China is.
Also why you guys feel that having a failed mission is something bad...
Its not good philosophy. No development happens without failure!!!
If something fails, we will know something new and next missions will be stronger...
Stop defending that mission is a success...
We know that the moment Jade rabbit landed on moon, its a Success...
Toughest part of the mission was to land succesfully Rabit on the moon,China suceeded in that so nothing much to worry...
Toughest part of the mission was to land succesfully Rabit on the moon,China suceeded in that so nothing much to worry...
They are worried about the negative publicity from British media...
And they are justified in feeling scared about them...
Jade rabbit is an excellent mission. Minor hiccups are just part of the process. Remember...this is actually rocket science.
I watched the launch video too... it was awesome!
Toughest part of the mission was to land succesfully Rabit on the moon,China suceeded in that so nothing much to worry...

Well the rover isn't free, and there are a few things we like to know about the moon, that would give us an edge in future missions over other countries.

Also, you know how the reputation of China is, American fail, accident, Chinese fail, made in China.

So we have to be extra careful, hence we don't announce plans as the US does, in case something goes wrong.
Well the rover isn't free, and there are a few things we like to know about the moon, that would give us an edge in future missions over other countries.

Also, you know how the reputation of China is, American fail, accident, Chinese fail, made in China.

So we have to be extra careful, hence we don't announce plans as the US does, in case something goes wrong.
Never work to please western media because you cannot...
I feel china is doing everything right except pleasing western media...
on Chinese media it says



Generally the panoramic camera, the particle induced X-ray and the infrared imaging spectrometer detection have received a lot of scientific data are working well and then the problem appears as reported above

They are worried about the negative publicity from British media...
And they are justified in feeling scared about them...

it is exactly telling yourown psche towards the western media
We are experienced and well used to them when often times the west and india see a mild cold of us as cancer!
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Never work to please western media because you cannot...
I feel china is doing everything right except pleasing western media...

These space missions are also our message to the world, Made in China is quality. Man landing on the moon will do that for Chinese products. Space station will do that for Chinese products.

Failure is counter productive. In order to advance our economy we must be able to get greater returns on products, and the only way to do that is quality products that charge a fair price.

These missions are literally carrying the dreams and hopes of a nation.
Happens all the time!! No one expect a text book victory on the first attempt itself!! Good luck!!
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