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China's moon rover, Jade Rabbit, has 'abnormality': state media

Now can some body tell if any one has landed on the permanently Dark side of moon?

From Wikipedia:

The far side of the Moon, sometimes called the dark side of the Moon,[1] is the hemisphere of the Moon that is permanently turned away, and not visible from the surface of the Earth. The far side was first photographed by the Soviet Luna 3 probe in 1959, and was first directly observed by human eyes when the Apollo 8 mission orbited the Moon in 1968. The rugged terrain is distinguished by a multitude of crater impacts, as well as relatively few lunar maria. It includes the second largest known impact feature in the Solar System, the South Pole-Aitken basin. The far side has been suggested as a potential location for a large radio telescope, as it would be shielded from possible radio interference from Earth. To date, there has been no ground exploration of the far side of the Moon.

Far side of the Moon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/quote]
Now can some body tell if any one has landed on the permanently Dark side of moon?

Just because it faces away from us doesn't mean it is permanently dark. For instance during an eclipse the moon is directly between the Earth and Sun. The other side is completely lit up.

The main reason is communication. You'd need a satellite to relay commands since sending radio waves through the moon isn't very reliable (or probably not possible)
Armageddon task need some more trouble ...
YuTu the brave is back on its feet!!! :yahoo::china::cheers:

There was a mention about the news on 天涯net's blog a week ago
But that was about it
Hmm the situation doesnt look too good as it is now day time on the moon, isnt it?
Dear sir, can you read my post on 37
I was saying the same thing but nothing since then (Feb 4)!
Usually there should be an official announcement about the success of having Yutu repaired because they have announced the problems in the main media when it happened

The blog is official, since China doesn't even think it is a big deal having some expected bugs during the experiment.
The blog is official, since China doesn't even think it is a big deal having some expected bugs during the experiment.
YuTu the brave is back on its feet!!! :yahoo::china::cheers:

On 12th February I have read another source that indeed Yutu has been successully revived by our scientists in Control Center

Let us see if there are any photo or confirmation of this from official sources! If there is a confirmation of the good news, that really makes my day!:china::cheers::chilli::victory:
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